Why I don't Like the Moderators

Basically, I can’t think of one reason to dislike any of them, yet I do.
They always seem pleasant enough, even when they ban people and lock threads, they are always stern but fair. SO now I’m left with this feeling of total dislike, and I don’t know why. I think I just hate being told what to do, and have issues with authority.

Uncle Beer, Coldfire or Cajun man, would you care to pay for my therapy so I can stop hating you for no good reason?


manhattan eats babies.

Coldfire wears clogs.

HEY! I used to mod a board…it ain’t easy especially when you’re trying to protect others and also make sure rules are followed.

(I did hear that about manhattan tho…)


C.K. DexterHaven’s user name is too long.

Ukulele Ike looks like a hippie.

Hey, I never said that there was anything wrong with the moderators, I’m just saying I’m all effed up and I don’t like them just becasue they are in charge. I also don’t like any boss I’ver ever had, my motehr, cops, teachers, deans and evertibe else that tells me what to do

everybody, not everttibe, which isn’t a word

I hate all those authority figures, too, except for my motehr. That’s just weird.:smiley:

The moderators forced me to put sandwiches in my toilet. Sure, they didn’t come right out and say I’d be banned if I didn’t, but it was implied.

Giraffe, they were doing you a favour!
Saving you time, cutting out the middleman so to speak.


Moderators taste great on Ritz crackers.

Yeah, it would be so much better here if the trolls were allowed to roam free, half the threads were product and service solicitations, everyone cussed each other a blue streak and Mod humor was nonexistant.


Actually, it really added a step to the process…several actually. He still had to eat the sandwiches.

It’s just another sign of The Man keeping us down.

Once again, you are missing the entire point lieu, its not that I don’t think the mods are needed, casue I do. But I just hate them casue they tell me what to do.

Yeah, lieu, try to keep up! :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, if you’ll set up a registered charity for the purposes of paying for your therapy, I’ll mail you a nickel, so long as I get a receipt for income tax purposes. :smiley:

But who made you eat those sandwiches? Huh? Huh?

Okay Giraffe, but first you better once again tell me what’s the point. :smiley: