Why I posted about smoking with my husband.

He was happy. I was happy because he was happy. I have derived a lot of pleasure, over the years, from smoking, and I was overjoyed that he was finally able to fully share the experience with me. When he said, “I finally understand,” it was a glorious moment. We connected, if you’ll pardon the pun.

He has been so tense lately. He’s felt bogged down and unfulfilled. That night, he let go of a lot of negativity and opened up. He’s not going to use this as a crutch, but it was just the boost he needed. I was glad that Friend and I were finally able to reach him in a way that pep talks couldn’t, and it was a bonding experience for all of us.

I’ve noticed people describing experiences from the '60s and '70s when they smoked this and dropped that and saw alligator lizards in the air. I haven’t noticed responses to those posts like the ones I got. But then, I was talking about something that happened two nights ago. Guess it’s not the same thing.

I’m guessing they posted that in the other thread because as you said it was recent. Your obviously an adult with responsibilites etc (from your writing I’d guess mid twenties maybe? I’m bad at guessing though) and that sort of thing is supposed to be relegated to your teens and early twenties when you have no care in the world other than whatever comes along in the next moment. Also smoking up is still illegal in quite a few places last I checked… though not here -grins-

It’s cool your connecting with your husband and it helped him get things off his mind but drug use is still frowned upon in general society, even more tame stuff such as weed.

Also the other threads were about when they were young and stupid and memories about the times. Everyone looks back on those times as interesting… even if they look down on them now.

Just an observation: this is not the first time I’ve seen you post a defense of another thread of yours, or offered further explanation, or somehow revisited something you said before.

Methinks you’d feel better if you just let it go. You’re not the most outspoken person on the boards (by far!) but I think if you are going to be as open as you are, you’ve got to have a firmer attitude about “I said it, I stand by it, it’s done, I’m not going to explain.”

The alternative, of course, is to self-edit more. If you find that it stings to have people make remarks about you or your husband, then think carefully about what you want to put out on a public forum that is read by opinionated people.

The only reason anyone on this board can stand me is that I am careful not to let them know at I am really like. Heh.

Rilchiam, I think what people may have found off-putting was the discussion and endorsement of illegal drug use (in the USA, that is) on a public message board. Don’t get me wrong, I have nothing against people who choose to use marijuana; it’s not a choice I would make personally, but I don’t have any problem with those that do.

I think there was a definite sense of discomfort, though, since you were, after all, discussing something that’s illegal where many Dopers live. So yeah, we’re happy for you and all, but the forum really isn’t the appropriate place to share your story. If, for example, I was having a conversation by IM and the topic came up, I would be ok with it. The fact that it was here was a little bit… uncomfortable.

Er, that’s it. The above is entirely my opinion, and I am not claiming to represent the views of any but myself. As always, YMMV.

Also, what Cranky said; I don’t believe that any of the decent, intelligent posters here are going to judge you by this, and there’s no need (from my point of view) to get defensive. Your posts (even the one you refer to) show you to be an intelligent, responsible person, and I I believe that that’s how the vast majority of Dopers see you. I like your posts - keep it up. Just, um… well, I’ve said enough ;).

Are you talking about the “Mr. Rilch got on Art Bell” thread? Because that’s the only time I remember starting another thread to take a defensive position.


I started this thread only because I didn’t get back to the first one before it was locked. I did say it, I do stand by it, and it is done. But it appeared from the responses that people simply overlooked the cautionary speech I gave to Mr. Rilch, and reacted as if I’d been saying, “Everybody fire up a bowl!” At least one person asked, “Why did you feel the need to share this?” I can let the matter rest now that I’ve answered that question.

Obsidian Flutterby, I’m 32. And I’m not the only person I know IRL and in my age group who smokes. We do have other cares in the world besides whatever comes along in the next moment. We don’t wake-and-bake; we smoke during leisure time. We still manage to be productive and responsible, and we’re not selling or whoring to support a habit. There are a lot of midnight tokers out there.

I’ll concede the point about illegality. But I won’t admit to immorality. Look at all the “I’m drunk/I was so drunk” threads.

Grelby: Thank you!

Wow, I guess I’m the only one who had absolutely no problem with this (well, the other) thread. In fact, I enjoyed reading it, thought it was funny, and can even relate. I’d love to get my girlfriend…oops, sorry, don’t want to have this thread closed, too. Anyway, Rilch, you rock.

Reading crap like this reaffirms my hatred for the general population…

Is it okay if I say I don’t care what you suck into your lungs as long as I don’t have to re-breathe it? And is it also okay if I say that if you do it too much, you might see me or one of my colleagues at some point?

Not being judgmental at all: just pointing out the possibilities, okay, Rilch? I love reading your well-thought out posts, and I’m a fan. (Not literally, of course!) :smiley:


Yeah, I guess I was thinking of that one, and then one time where you were defending some other negative thing about Mr. Rilch. The details escape me, but in that case you may have simply stayed in the same thread.


I for one don’t have a problem with what you posted. Many of my friends have(and still do) smoke and most people would probably be amazed the the number of people around them that also partake socially. I think that the censorship you’re receiving has more to do with the public forum than the act itself. It’s been a weird board lately and we all just have to roll with the punches.


Which part? The part where the thread was locked, or this part of the discussion?

Incredibly lame, locking that thread. The mods is acting like a bunch of church ladies.

Millions of Americans smoke dope! There have probably been a dozen or more articles in the Reader about smoking dope, fer crissake! What is the damage here?



By all means. What is it that you do?


Well, thank you, Quasi and also peasea!

Cranky: Yeah, when I saw your message, I thought, “She must have me confused with someone else.” I don’t believe I have a history of getting bent out of shape. Also, I conducted this in MPSIMS, home of the original thread; I wasn’t going to throw down in the Pit.

On preview, I see that Kaotic Newtral sez:

Too true. Bearing in mind that there’s a lot of static, and the mods must be jumpy, I cleared my OP with four mods before posting. Unfortunately for me, Eutychus wasn’t one of them.

I guess I was way off in the age thing then… and I’m not saying anything bad about it. I myself have been known to have a hoot or two. In my experience though not many older people smoke, at least none that I have met or known of beyond my roomie who is 27. I don’t think it immoral, even before I smoked I didn’t think that. It’s merely a choice.

I was just stating how other people probably feel about it, where I am we are on our way to legalizing it… we recently decriminalized it and you only get fines (About that of a parking ticket) if your carrying a LOT of it… plus a possible dealing charge. I think it’s cool that you live a good life and can still appreciate stuff like weed.

That seems a bit different. Did you clear the original OP with four mods? I’m not a high-count poster…but I have been here a while.
Maybe this would best be taken to email or ATMB?

I’m not sure of the new rules, but I was a bit apprehensive about my ‘I walked thru two farts today’ post. It’s wasn’t written to be rude, but meant to be a bit funny.


I had no problem with the thread. In fact I thought it was pretty damn cool to see that a couple people on this board like getting high. I’m half Rilchiam’s age, and I don’t deny that I smoke pot. Alot of people smoke pot, and not all of them are teenagers.:eek:

I thought it was lame that the thread was closed, but I suppose the SDMB doesn’t want to be seen as condoning illegal acts. I’ve lurked here long enough to see that it looks like the rules are getting a bit more strict.

Oh and Pink Floyd’s Meddle is a great choice whether stoned or not.:cool:

Sheesh, I know a lot of people in their 30s and 40s that smoke the dopage.

I had no problem with it but then again I am not real judgemental about what people do on their own time provided what they do doesn’t harm others and smoking dopage just isn’t one of those.

I’ve been waiting for years to respond to one of your posts! :smiley:

You and I are in total agreement, what you do…or what anyone else does, is none of my business. I understand that here in the U.S.(most parts anyways) that dope is illegal. We have hundreds of millions(lol) of non-US people posting to this board and it’s encouraged. It seems sometimes that sometimes we forget that.

There are a few countries out there that don’t see cannabis as illegal. I’m not one of those overthrow the government folks, but I am one of those who feel like you do. Rule #1: Don’t harm others is the cardinal rule. The next is, I have absolutely no right to condone anything you do as long as you don’t violate rule #1. I have no other rules. Things get out of hand fast and furious…and I’ve seen much more upsetting threads here.

BTW, I dig the techchick thing…I’m a bit of a techie myself. :slight_smile:

Heh… not saying people older don’t smoke either… just not in my experience to meet people older who do. I’m only just getting into who I am now and don’t have much experience with life at 19

Well, I’m glad to hear I’m not condemned by all!