Why I would vote for Trump

Do you happen to have a cite for that out of curiosity?

Heh, I always think how bad is for the Republicans nowadays that are just realizing that Schwarzenegger is one of the few remaining smart Republican politicians.

And when he was governor climate change was one of his issues. But nowadays among Republican politicians:


So yeah, I have seen everything now, who knew that Arnold was going to become the smartest of the Republicans?

When I weigh the “evidence” against the man’s recent speech and behavior… I find the “evidence” sorely lacking. Not to mention his gross ignorance of politics, policy, and government.


Being a populist does not exclude one from being a racist or a fascist.

You have to remember that Trump is also on the record of telling us that his positions have “evolved” (Yeah I think he missed a “d” at the beginning.).

Lets check the bible, that Trump claims to know a huge deal about it:

Proverbs 13:20 NIV
“Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm.”

IOW: “tell me who your friends are and I will tell you who you are”

One big clue of what we can expect from the devolved Trump is from one who he with owe a lot of favors if he gets elected, his current campaign manager Sam Clovis:


And then whoever are Trump’s sources when he Tweets.


Trump reminds me a lot of George W Bush, but without the sense of restraint. Both fancied themselves as big picture guys who could leave the details to others. So in W’s case, his underlings discovered they could get their ideas adopted if they kept saying, “Game changer”, during their presentationd. And we got an incompetently executed Iraq War as well as poorly led Emergency Management leading to the Katrina disaster.

The difference is that Trump is an ignoramous: he hasn’t a clue about his limitations. He made a habit of buying properties during the late 1980s and early 1990s, then losing interest after the deal was closed. So his management of the Plaza hotel, Eastern Air Shuttle, Atlantic City casinos and Trump Steaks was a disaster which is to say basically nonexistent. Switching to branding was the best thing he ever did: he’s a salesman, not a manager.

Bloomberg became a billionaire providing financial service terminals. Trump comments, “I don’t even know why other companies haven’t come up with a better machine. I mean why? It’s so simple.

There you have it folks. It’s easy to come up with a better product: you just do it. Only total ignoramouses think this way. Given his business failures and inability to recognize the vast gaps in his skill set, you would want to keep Trump as far away from the Oval Office as possible. Trump thinks everything is easy because he has absolutely no idea of how the nuts and bolts of any business is run, including gambling and air transport. At least W recognized his weaknesses and tried to compensate for them. Kevin Drum:

[INDENT]Every time he tries to do something that’s even slightly out of his wheelhouse (namely property development and bluster) he fails miserably, but he still thinks everything is easy. And his fans believe him.[/INDENT]

Indeed, there is evidence that Trump is a populist. Also evidence that he is a conservative, a liberal, a reactionary, and a deep and humane thinker. What? Shit, fuckin’ ottercorrect.

To add to this nice post, it seems to me that this points to one reason (out of desperation mostly) the establishment Republicans are willing to sell their souls, they expect to be able to put people in powerful positions, just like in “the good old times”.

That those times of Bush the lesser where not good for most Americans is not a problem for them. But the twist is that I expect that those misguided Republicans will find that it will be the troll partiers the ones with more access to powerful positions.

Just think about the supreme court candidates that we will get.

Any Democrat is more preferable than Trump.

I don’t mean to interrupt, but I feel that some people are grasping to say that Trump is an enormous unserious turgid goddamn dickbucket who can go fuck himself in his own personal butthole. I don’t have big personal feelings about this, I just thought I would throw that out there.

You know, that’s exactly what his campaign is missing. A little more WWF style production. Maybe he can replace “Make America Great Again” with “Trump 3:16”.

I believe I read it on CNN, but I’m having a hard time tracking it down. The polls I’ve been able to find thus far only indicate “high school and below,” though those numbers are indeed telling. I’ll keep looking.

What America needs is a reactionary, insecure, narcissistic, unstable, petty ego-maniac with poor impulse control as Commander-in-Chief.

Congratulations to the GOP for making freaking Hillary Clinton look like Winston Churchill.

I don’t think he believes in anything but himself. He would no more govern according to any beliefs or ideology than he campaigns. He would do whatever the hell he feels like at the moment, just because he could.

And this time, one that won’t up and resign when the heat is on!

Well, that’s how I saw Romney. But there are lots of near-billionaires in New York who want a money-making machine. I think Trump is different; he wants fame, and is willing to lose out on some money to get it.

Maria Shriver?

If it was Trump vs Cruz, I’d vote for Trump. Can’t think of any other scenario at the moment.

I’m wondering if trump can pull this off. I’m hoping then rest of the country will not fall under his sway the way then most conservative 15% of the electorate has, but who knows. Trump has been underestimated since the beginning and he keeps coming back.

We will see. I like the fact that the gop hates him so much though.

Sadly, Flyin’ Brian Pillman is no longer with us. But Ventura’s probably available to be his running mate.

There’s no reason to obfuscate.

I’ll admit that I’ve warmed to Trump, but that’s like saying 100 below freezing is warmer than Absolute Zero.

Cruz and Rubio scare me because they seem to be true believers. Most of the rest come off like that (except Christie) but have no shot at getting elected. Trump, yes, might be a pragmatic guy hiding beneath all the bluster. I’m still not going to vote for him and would still vote Democratic 100 times out of 100, but he strikes me as the least bad of the GOP bunch likely to get nominated.