Wildest Bill: The Contest!

Given the ongoing speculation over whether Wildest Bill is actually a Christian in any meaningful sense, I’ve decided to hold a contest. The object? To find threads in which Wildest Bill commits each of the Seven Deadly Sins. For those of you who missed Cecil’s recent column, they are:

  1. Pride
  2. Envy
  3. Anger
  4. Sloth
  5. Avarice
  6. Gluttony
  7. Lust

Bear in mind that I don’t mean any dinky sins here. After all, we all get angry sometimes. And avarice? I know I could deal with some extra cash. When I say deadly sins, I mean things like Anger-with-a-capital-A, anger so intense that it truly deserves the other name so often given to that sin: Wrath.

This thread is almost too easy as an example of Wrath. Admittedly, WB apologized for demanding the indiscriminate slaughter of all Muslims in response to a terrorist attack by enemies who were at the time completely unknown. But then again, his apology turned out to be worth so much less than any of us thought, what with him continuing to spout his anti-Muslim conspiracy theories.

Nonetheless, I’ll give bonus points for threads containing Sins of which WB has never repented. (Also, I should mention that bonus points are awarded for threads which WB started, even though a thread can be submitted even if WB only posted to it.) Take this thread, for example. Avarice? Envy? Sloth? Where to begin? Unfortunately, this isn’t Scrabble, and I won’t be awarding triple-sin points. List the Sins that you think are relevant to your submission, and indicate which category is, IYO, most relevant.

Let the contest begin!


Hmm, just did a search of the last 2 years in the Pit with Wildest Bill as the username…

There sure are some pretty fine examples of wrath in this little mess, such as these gems:

“Some country NEEDS TO get NUKED!”

“Sheesh Docs You Went to School for 9+ yrs Can’t You Make a Bill People Can READ?”

“Virus Starters Should Get the Death Penalty!”

“Newspapers SUCK!”

But, hey, it’s the pit. What can you expect? Looking in GD, I can find these gems…

“Find a cure for cancer… Why would they?”

To me, this looks like an example of perhaps Avarice(he doesn’t want money to be used to fund cancer research).

And from IMHO, we can find…

“Your favorite animal pranks”

(Note: This does not fall into a specific category… But it still stikes me as not quite orthodox behavior)

“Hey Girls How Big Do You Like Your Guys?”

I consider this lust… Or at least trying to get people to feel lust…

“Who Thinks Dark Roots Looks Good on a Blonde?”

Another lust one.


“Do You Get Annoyed When People Come into Your Office When You’re Posting on the SDMB?”

Sloth here- Why is he posting on the SDMB if he should be working?

“Has Anybody Here Ever Thrown a Grenade?”

Envy- Of people who have thrown grenades. (It’s a bit of a stretch, but you can see it in the OP)

So, that leaves Gluttony and Pride. And a look in the GQ finds…

“Why Does It Hurt to Pee After Sex/Orgasm?”

Pride- Come on, you think he’s posting just to tell us it hurts when he pees? :slight_smile:

“Ok Is What I’m Taking Considered a Mexican Fat Burner?”

Gluttony. Pure and simple.

Please don’t forget this one in IMHO, “Some thoughts on dove hunting from a vehicle”. If that’s not pure laziness I don’t know what is.


Indeed :rolleyes:

I’d love to respond to this brilliant contest but to do so would require that I actually read through a substantial torrent of WB’s bull pizzle. This is a prize that is most certainly not worth the suffering to win.

Would the use of Mexican fat-burners be an example of Sloth (not willing to put effort into losing weight in a healthy manner) or Pride (using drugs to improve his appearance)?

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I count Mexican Fat-Burners as Gluttony, since he prefers illegal drugs (which force his family to suffer his irritability) to dieting. If you want Sloth, think of all his threads on steroids.

Pride was a good observation on your part- I didn’t think of the fact that pursuing appearance to a dangerous degree is Pride (as opposed to mere pride,) but you’re entirely correct.

Mexican Fat-Burners may get a double-charge on the Deadly Sin count but I think it leans heavily (heh) towards Pride.

The way in which any of the named sins goes from a misdemenour to a felony charge is the extent to which it (the sin) pulls a Christian’s mind away from the contemplation of God and focuses instead on the her/his self. Thus, it is perfectly acceptable to enjoy food but not to the point where you think only of food. No problem with keeping yourself healthy but obsessing over looks is not exactly in the realm of the spiritual; which is where, presumably, the thoughts of a Christian should remain.

The Fat-Burners are used whether the person in question actually has a problem with obesity or not. Here, Bill is thinking only about how he looks, not about food. So I’d say it was a Pride issue.