Will There Be Protests When Trump Is Indicted?

Trump is calling for protests. Oddly enough, MTG is calling for supporters not to protest (albeit for the wrong reasons, but hey, a broken clock is right twice per day).

I don’t really see much happening. With certain exceptions (January 6 chief among them), the right doesn’t really protest much in the U.S. Not in terms of large-scale protests like the George Floyd protests, the Women’s March, etc. The reasons for this are best debated in another thread. But I predict a whole lot of nothing, save for maybe a small crowd (less than a few dozen) at the SDNY headquarters.

I agree. The protest will be 6 people with misspelled signs.

I think there will be small scattered protests all across the country, but owing to the complete lack of organization, they’ll amount to nothing.

I think the crowds will be yuge.

That’s the thing. The Right likes to complain about people “bussing in protestors”, but as usual, that’s something they themselves do. Look at any large-scale Right-wing protest in the last few years, like January 6th, the Charlottesville “Unite the Right” demonstrations, or the “Freedom Convoy” we had in Canada last year, and they all rely on combining people from all over the country to make their numbers look better.

There’s no way they’ll organize something like that before Tuesday, should Trump’s prediction come true. At best there will be a few poorly-attended rallies throughout the country. None will amount to anything significant.

Certainly, ahem, bigger than Obama’s!

Yeah, the crowds protesting Obama’s arrest were pretty anemic.

The GOP is backed by the 1%.
It is a creature of the 1%.
And the 1% fears any national organization of working class people.
The one attempt to create a non-GOP organization was the Tea Party, which went anti-corporate pretty fast.
So, no.
No organization.
GOP Party figureheads (easily controlled), some Media, but no national groups.

I think there will be some protests, on freeway overpasses. Maybe we’ll see a redo of Dumb-kirk, too.

I had in mind the types of people of January 6, armed with all those firearms they like to display, and their reaction when policemen try to take loaded firearms from them.
Where to protest? Perhaps in front of whatever building it is that Trump would be arraigned.

Apparently, there are steel barriers being put in front of the criminal court in downtown Manhattan.

Well, MSNBC’s Garrett Haike (sp?) just reported that there was one lone peaceful sign-carrier parading back and forth in front of the Manhattan criminal justice building.

So there’s that.

Did the sign say “Lock Him Up”?

LOL, I didn’t see the sign-carrier, just heard the reporting. I kinda doubt it said that. Mine would’ve, though.

Wow. I’m legit scared of the Proud Boys, Oath keepers, and similar groups. They can organize, both at local and national levels. I’d love to know what those who monitor those groups are seeing and hearing these days.

Decent sized groups from across the state border here would pour in for multiple “counter protests” on a regular basis. I expect more than tiny feeble protests.

I’ve seen several news agencies report that far-right groups are looking at this as a potential trap, considering how many were arrested after Jan. 6.

… and how little Trump did for them in the aftermath. The calculus has changed tremendously since January 6th.

  • The leadership (Oathkeepers, Proud Boys) has been declawed.

  • Many rank and file have suffered severe consequences.

  • Trump is no longer in charge.

  • Manhattan DA’s Office is now in control of the schedule. Hard for Trump supporters to know when to show up.

  • New York knows how to handle crowds and protesters. And they have help.

I think things will be very different at this point. Which isn’t to say there won’t be pockets of protest and violence. I expect there will. Hopefully not too much.

So called patriots will riot, it’s in their name. Now one could argue that a riot is not a protest. Not a legitimate one, anyway.
Perhaps they will do something incredibly stupid that will discredit them forever even in the eyes of 99% of Americans, like finally hanging Mike Pence. I am afraid it will take something that extreme to finally end this spell the MAGA supporters have fallen under.
I wonder how tanTrump would spin this to keep on saying it was not his fault. This time the sedition and conspiracy charges would have to come fast. If something like what I said happens, of course.

That’s just what they want you to think.