Will war start tonight?

Will war start tonight?

If Congress declares war, yes.

If not, my guess is they are going to play paintball.


War? probably.

Mass bombings, military action? I’m not sure.

Very, likely.
Tonight is a full moon.

I had predicted in the other thread it would start March 18th cause of the full moon.
I see I wasn’t far off.
Though I wish i had been…

The annoying thing is we probably won’t get to see who gets voted off American Idol. Oh, well, I guess it’s Cartoon Network tonight.

I’ll be watching Fox News for fair and balanced reporting…

Funniest post of the day!

A local commentator reminded viewers today that in Gulf War 1.0 (still love that title), the deadline was January 15, 1991, and the war started January 18, 2001. So, nothing is certain, but…

I love the smell of napalm in the morning.

In Gulf War I, there wasn’t any wait. The deadline was on January 15, and the bombing started on January 15.

Bush’s 48 hours runs out at 8pm tonight, which is 4am tomorrow, Baghdad time. I’m not sure if the invasion will start at 4:01 tomorrow morning, Baghdad time, or whether they’ll wait until nightfall tomorrow, but I’d bet on one or the other.

In the thread vanilla mentioned, I picked March 22 at 1900 hours, Baghdad time. There’s no way they’ll wait that long.

My money has always been on tonight. And it’s safe money.

He’s banked too much on this one not to go forward.

I watch American Idol, but I have an excuse, my brain cell count is low…what’s your excuse-seeing as you definitely can’t take mine. :smiley: :wink:

It’ll start as soon as the MSNBC countdown clock is up. And when you see the green screen with white flashes.

war tonite, yes. Bombings tonite, yes. Invasion tonite? Probably not…

Cartoon Network all the way!!!

I think they should go with a tenth-second clock for the last minute. And they should blow a big air-horn when time runs out.

They can drop the ball in NYC too… 10…9…8…7…6…

I heard that a full moon is the WORST time to go to war, and the moon won’t be completely dark until April 1st. But I don’t see how he would wait until then. The only reason I don’t think it will start tonight is that there is no element of surprise. He’ll probably wait a couple more days.

It will start when the Michigan State basketball game Friday gets in the last two minutes.

It’ll start the next time I try watch Hot or Not, or when I wanna watch the practice.

Tonight, tonight,
we’ll bomb Baghdad tonight,
Tonight, it’s au revoir for Saddam.

Tonight, tonight,
Iraq’s a wreck tonight,
and we’ll see it on CNN live!

Today, he says “Go fuck yourself, Bush”
Marines are in the rafters
There’s SEALS in the pool

Oh moon, grow bright
and make this nignt
Saddam’s final night,

Oh, you want poetry?

Old man Saddam
sat on his bottom
blowing the Kurds away
Along came George W
who said for the trouble you
have caused we will make you pay.