Women: how large should men's penises be?

If true penis enlargement existed and it were left up to men, there would doubtless be an “arms” race that would make peacock tails look modest and restrained by comparison. But since women would be the ultimate- um, beneficiaries of such a medical breakthrough, it really ought to be up to them. So what’s your opinion on how such a miracle of science be handled?

The (male) peacock tail is in fact a result of precisely what you are asking, it arose through female preference for the trait.

It is likely an example of Fisherian runaway.

6x longer but only 1/10th as thick.

Wouldn’t it get bitten off?

Where’s the option for six foot long and prehensile? Oh, sorry, you were asking the ladies.

Barnacles mating

But neither he, nor I, is female, so…

For US men, maybe whatever the size of a AR-15.

So she took one look and said, “Ha! Who do you think you’re gonna satisfy with that little thing?” He just grinned and said, “Me.”

There’s a new penis-enlaregement clinic in Bangkok – heh – that is aggressively advertising. Their website is funny. Even though this is a legitimate clinic, I’ll spoiler the URL:

A man and a woman are getting ready for sex. The man takes off his shoes and socks, and the woman sees that his toes are horribly misshapen. ‘What happened?’ she said. The man replies, ‘When I was little, I had tolio.’ ‘Tolio,’ says the woman, ‘You mean polio.’ The man says, ‘Nope, tolio.’

The man takes off his trousers, and his knees are as misshapen as his toes. ‘When I was younger, I had kneesles.’ The woman says, ‘You mean measles.’ ‘No,’ replies the man, ‘Kneesles.’

The man removes his underwear. The woman shouts…

'Don’t tell me. Smallcox!

Long enough to reach the ground.

No, wait… that’s how long a man’s legs should be.

Two funniest things I’ve read in quite some time. :smiley:

On a serious note, to be honest, men would probably be more likely to have penis reduction surgery than enlargement (kind of like women and their breasts) because not a small number of excessively-endowed men have had difficulty with their partners, male or female, because intercourse was uncomfortable, or even downright painful or impossible.


Do you have any names and addresses of these poor women?

Uh, I’m asking for a friend.

I don’t understand why there’s no option for lumpy… :confused:

If only there were some consumer product, meant to simulate a penis, that could be designed objectively with the best possible size and shape needed to provide maximum pleasure to the user…


Nope. Can’t think of one. Sorry.

No, men are more likely to CLAIM they need penis reduction surgery.:smiley:

Don’t know why I thought of this, but true story:

When I was 7 and living at Schofield Barracks on Oahu, myself and a friend that were waging war with plastic soldiers and dirt clods decided we both had to pee. As we were going behind a tree, I couldn’t help but glance at his penis. It was mangled, lumpy, and bent at a weird angle.

He saw me and looked a little embarrassed, so I asked him what happened. He said that about a year ago he was going in his parents bathroom and the toilet seat on the commode crashed down on his junk. A marble toilet seat.


Is it true that if the tip bumps into the woman’s cervix, it’s painful (to the woman?) Seems like the length of Old Rutherford ought to be somewhat less than the depth of Miss Glory. Reduce one or increase the other…

(Is it true that, in a state of sexual receptivity, the cervix withdraws upward, lengthening the vagina? Gynecological exam photos – not the most enticing form of pr0n – seem to show the cervix a lot closer to the vaginal opening than the five or six inches of an average guy’s Wakizashi.)

You really have a way with words, Trinopus.

In all seriousness, I have been told that women like girth much more than length. Length is basically useless except for odd sexual positions because the vagina only has significant nerve endings near the front. Excessive length is also bad, sad even, because it is harder to stay erect much like birthday clown animal balloons two days later. It doesn’t matter how big it is if you are much more FLOP than BOING!