Women: Would you reject a man solely for being 5'7"? BE HONEST!

Sex with a guy the same height as you lets you have some fun standing up tricks that a significant height difference doesn’t allow for.

Not that I know personally or anything. :wink:

That’s yet another thing that this poster seems to have a bit of a manic focus on, as well. (Check some of his earlier threads.) I thought that insisting that women absolutely want tall men always and are totally deluding themselves was just as helpful of a post as saying that.

Oh I am WELL over that. And have been for over a year. I have no clue what college I am going to and am not expecting a top-tier college at all. I just want to get into a good university, but I hardly think about that now.

Ah, OK, that makes sense. The MIT thing just seemed like a total non sequitur to me.

Wish I was 5’ 7". (I’m 5’ 6".)

Here’s the cold ugly reality: regardless of what women say, most do not want to date a short guy. It’s a deal breaker most of the time. Sorry, but it’s the truth.

If you’re short, I wouldn’t even bother with online dating.

96% of the guys I have dated have been within an inch or two of my height, and I actively prefer that. When I have dated taller guys, I’ve found it a bit uncomfortable. I don’t want to have to look up to kiss. Maybe I am deluding myself, but I don’t think that’s very likely. For example, when I was online dating I never even bothered to look at the height.

I’m shallow in plenty of other ways, however.

Short guys are awesome. Whiny men who claim to know what women want are a HUGE turn-off. Huge turn-off.

None of the women in this thread are lying about not having a problem with a man’s height. If we don’t like you, it’s because of you, not your height.

I’m 5’8", having shrunk an inch due to age and a back injury. The shortest guy I’ve dated for more than one or two meetups was 5’4". I’ve dated at least two others who were shorter than I am, and my husband is maybe a half inch taller than me. Short is fine. Bald/balding is fine. Gray is fine. Fat or skinny? Okay. Older? Younger? All good. I’ve gone out with all of the above, and mostly had a grand time.

The biggest turnoff, however, is lack of confidence. My ex wears an entirely ridiculous toupee, and lies about his age to an absurd degree. That was painfully bad - knowing that he looked like an idiot, that he was so delusional and insecure that he believed that thing on his head made people think he really was 35 versus 50. Not attractive. Same with any guy who focused so pathologically on their own perceived flaws. I dated a GQ model when I was younger. That wasn’t great, because he was so neurotic about gaining a pound, or getting a zit, etc. I realize that he had to focus on his appearance, but he seemed afraid of life in general. Kinda like owning the world’s greatest sports car, and keeping it in the garage always, because you don’t want it to get scratched. Why bother?

I really go for guys who don’t think about their height much.

Sure I have a preference for tall men, but I have dated and done the nasty with short guys, too. Also have to mention the 6’4" guy I met through internet dating - couldn’t finish that coffee date fast enough. He may have been tall, lean and blonde, but even that wasn’t enough to get past a complete lack of chemistry between us.

On the other hand, the fling I had with the short guy - unforgettable.

Right now the poll’s at 42-1 favoring shorter guys. That’s pretty convincing. Where are you getting your “reality” information? Most women I know (myself included) reject guys because they’re jerks, not because of their height, or lack of it.

5’7 isn’t that short, anyway. Isn’t that fairly average?

Average US height is 5’10", so 5’7" is slightly shorter than average.

Another thing I am noticing. I always hear stories like, “I am married to a short guy right now, but my ex was 5’4!” Exactly, your ex.

Anyway, yeah I suck at confidence. My biggest problem is that I can’t hold conversations with girls because I never know what to fucking say. Naturally, I am a little shy and introverted and my mind just goes blank trying to think of what to say that doesn’t sound stupid. And even then, I still “derp” and say awkwardly-formed sentences whenever I am talking to a girl that I like.

I know there are a few short guys out there that are successful with women, but it’s because they have something else going for them. Me on the other hand, I mean my looks aren’t bad, but they aren’t good either. Sure I do decently in school, have decent manners and politeness, have really good hygiene and decent clothes, am not fat (actually on the thin side), and have a few hobbies/interests, but I really don’t have anything else going for me. I am just a normal guy, except short. It’s not like I am that funny or witty, or have this great big confidence that can compensate for my short height.

Plus, I have a bad reputation in school from back in elementary when I used to have problems (I don’t have them anymore of course) that caused people to not interact me and as a result, I am a little underdeveloped socially. I have never had more than five close friends at a time. And I still get made fun of a little bit sometimes for practically no reason. I know that reputation will go away when I go to college, but me being underdeveloped socially is still a factor. That’s part of the reason I am bad at conversation. And god forbid if a girl playfully teases me while we’re talking I have no idea how to respond except with a wider smile.

I feel really bad for this guy, and the worse part is…I am going to be in his shoes…if not worse because my looks aren’t even that good…

No one ever got divorced because their husband was too short!! Well, maybe one or two outliers did, but I can tell you that the vast majority got divorced because of other things. They married the guys in the first place, didn’t they?

AU, you’re using your height as an excuse. I want to slap some sense into you after reading all of the other stuff. Work on building your self-confidence in other areas, stop being so hyper-critical of yourself, and things will resolve for you.

Sorry, there’s an extreme typo here.

Correction: “I am married to a tall guy right now, but my ex was 5’4”!"

That’s one whiny guy on Yahoo. I couldn’t even make it through the whole thing. Believe me, if that’s his attitude in real life, his height isn’t the problem.

Have you looked at the responses? Most are telling him he’s wrong. Here’s one:

Another one:

My father was 5’7". Most people I’ve dated seriously, male or female, were 5’7" or under.

But he’s speaking from his own experience. It’s not like he was whiny before. He’s whiny after all those rejections *just *on his height.

Look at it this way - any woman who would reject you just for being short is no-one you would want to date anyway. So you have a superpower - you can filter out a good percentage of the sucky women just by being you. How awesome is that, right?

Anyway, I married a dude who is a good handspan shorter than me. All my exes were taller. So yeah, counter-anecdote for you right there.

Frankly, I think the height thing is has become a defensive freudian excuse for you. You think you’ll be unsuccessful with women, so you cling to height-bias all you can, since that way you can point to some sort of reason beyond your control for your feared lack of success.

Which is fine. A lot of people do that. Some people crush on unavailable people. Some cling to religion. Some “focus on academics”. Some people blame the dreaded Friendzone.
You cling to height-bias.

All of this tells me you’re just not ready to date. Give yourself some time. Being a late bloomer is fine. It’s not a race. Get comfortable at college for a while, then see if you don’t feel better.