WOOKINPANUB, I’ve been reading your posts here for years, and every single time, my brain at first reads your username as WOOKIEE IN A PUB. Every. Time. And I’m not even a drug user (yet).
Anyway, I just want to say that a Wookiee in a pub is a great mental image, and is probably where I would expect to find an actual Wookiee.
(And yes, I’m old enough to understand where your username really comes from, which makes my inevitable brain fart on reading your name even more inexplicable ).
I misread engineer_comp_geek as engineer_comp_jerk for I don’t know how long, and I honestly don’t know why. I don’t dislike the poster. I’ve never disliked the poster. My brain just latched onto something and wouldn’t let go.
I hesitate to imagine what some people have done to Derleth in their minds.
Maybe it all depends on familiarity. No doubt some here know about the Derleth you’ve (apparently) named yourself after. Others, who have never seen the name, might come up with all kinds of imaginative explanations.
I’ve read it usually as Wookiee Panub, kinda like a scene with a bunch of characters heatedly debating and someone says, “let the Wookiee, Panub, speak!”
Well heck, I never thought I’d ever see a thread about little old me (unless it was in the pit, which I would not like). Thanks for thinking of me, Bill-o!
The first time someone told me they read my name as you do I thought it was adorable and *almost wished *that’s what it meant. For anyone who is wondering why / irritated by the fact that it’s in caps, I am not yelling at you or being an attention whore. When I signed up years ago I was at work where the software I used required the use of caps. I really didn’t notice it was all in caps until I was done and was going to ask to change it but thought it kind of mirrored Buckwheat’s sort of loud and hapless delivery. Not everyone has been enamored of my name; someone - I can’t recall who- told me they hated it and it made them borderline sick :eek:
I probably shouldn’t open the Buckwheat sings YouTube right now. I remember the SNL character but can you tell me just what he’s mispronouncing… Look in a pub? I want to give your username all the respect it deserves!!!