Worst. Sequel. EVER!

Return to Salem’s Lot.


You have not seen cheese until you’ve seen this frommage. Special effects courtesy of Spencer’s. Drama coaching courtesy The Charlie McCarthy School of Wooden Acting. Elderly Nazi-Killing-cum-Vampire-Killing Geezer courtesy The Mel Brooks Annoying Jewish Stereotype Casting Agency. Barf Bags courtesy your kitchen.

SUPERMAN IV:The Quest for Peace- Superman fulfilling a child’s wish for world peace by throwing all the nuclear bombs into the sun, Lex Luthor cloning a full-grown-in-space-by-solar-energy anti-Superman from a snip of SM’s hair, and some crappy running joke about lottery balls at The Daily Planet.

Crackers, that was a bad movie!

GGLS- Seriously, TBOF is the BEST sequel ever made!

I take it none of you have seen THE STING II, with Jackie Gleason in the Paul Newman part as Gandorff and the immortal MAC DAVIS in Robert Redford’s role as Hooker.

Now that’s a bad sequel. Ye gads what dreck.

I am sorry you haven’t seen crap until you watch (or actually don’t do it) ** U.S. Navy Seals 2 ** this movie is bad, there is no expression in the world how bad it truly is … i will say this much I rented it on DVD and I walked out on it 3/4 way through it …

Don’t know if it even approaches WORST, but The Flintstones in Viva Rock Vegas certainly deserves a dishonorable mention.

And let’s not let Eisner off the hook:

Pocahontas II
The Hunchback of Notre Dame II
The little Mermaid II
Lady and the Tramp II
The Lion King II

Being direct-to-video is no excuse.

oh, c’mon! How about Conan the Destroyer? From a fine film with character, heart, plot and people in klan robes bowing down to James Earl Jones, the sequel was a cheesy-ass story with more comic sidekicks than Mystery Men

(and there are rumours of another Bill & Ted, and another–yes, another Alien)

IMHO, there are only four series which didn’t become totally pointless after the first two:
Evil Dead (the only trilogy which got progressively better)
Star Wars (the Trilogy. None of this new crap)
Indiana Jones (not counting the second)
and Nightmare on Elm Street

If you thought Robocop 3 was bad, you should definitely avoid watching the show. I love how he goes from being a super human killing machine that can walk into a warehouse full of baddies and shoot them all in the eye, to someone who walks into a building full of villains and resorts to shooting the guns out of their hands!!!

And I have to admit, Superman IV and Highlander 2 were both apsolutely dispicable, but niether of them holds a candle to Home Alone 4.

Which is absolutely ONE THOUSAND AND FIFTY SEVEN TIMES BETTER than the horrific, lactose intollerant, fried mozerrella stick induced liquidized black feces that is…

The first one was shit. The second one DIDN’T EVEN HAVE A TROLL IN IT!!! Some family full of bad actors moves to a town full of creepy folk, where the little boy soon discovers that “Nilbog is ‘Goblin’ spelled backwards!” Then he fights some evil witch to save his family.

Here’s an example of how evil the witch is. Some teenage boy is watching a late night movie, eating corn (huh?) when all of a sudden he notices the hot woman on the t.v. is standing outside his door and calling to him. So he lets her in, she jumps him, they start eating corn together (HUH?) and then, to show how “HOT” it is, the crew starts throwing popcorn into the shot.

And then he dies.

So say what you want about the last two Alien movies, and Robocop 3 and whatever else it is you THINK is the worst movie ever, and be glad you don’t have my affliction that makes me seek out this crap.

I am proud to say that I never even wanted to see any of these sequels so thank God my instincts were right (not that I ever doubted). I can’t understand how anyone could have thought that Speed 2, Predator 2, Troll 2 etc., were going to be good. The origianls were crap. What were you people thinking?

IMHO, only a few of the sequuels mentioned actually had good originals. The Sting, Alien and Blues Brothers (may have missed one or two others) were the only ones good enough by themselves that they could have possibly justifed a sequel. Although they didn’t.

But please don’t include Slap Shot (one) in the bad movie category. That is and always will be a classic sports comedy. Perhaps the best sports comedy ever. It is one of the best sports movies ever as well. Slap Shot 2 on the other hand I could tell was going to be crap so I didn’t waste my time or money.

SPOOFE, not sure if you were serious or not about writing movies scripts but I saw Kevin Spacey on Charlie Rose last night and he (along with others) started a web site where you can submit scripts for review (by KS and partners as well as members of the site). I can’t remember the name of the site but I am sure a goggle search will come up with it. It only started on Sunday but I think KS said there were thousands of memebers already. There is a lengthy application process to weed out the fakers and it is your responsibility to protect your screenplay. I am sure it is all on the site.

Now this grift is from The Sting II, so nobody knows about it.

[/Grandpa Simpson]


I have to agree that Sting II is awful, even though the same guy wrote it!!! (He also gave us King Ralph, among others). I haven’t seen Highlander II, but I’ve heard. After my experience with the Superman movies, I came to believe that sequels get worse in geometrical progression, so I avoided RoboCop III, since II was so damned awful.

The Fly II was much worse than The Fly had been, just as The Son of the Fly had been much worse than the original The Fly.
But one of the worst sequels I’ve heard of was Exorcist II. Check out the lovingly detailed review/dissection at www.jabootu.com

terrible sequals? Red Elvis beat me to Troll 2, but i will add Jack Frost 2, Kickboxer 5, Alien 4, Legend of Boggy Creek 2, Shark Attack 2, and Laserblast 2.

The Land Before Time. Every single one of 'em, I hope the eighth was the last.
Revenge of the Nerds III, IV, and possibly II. TV movies are no excuse either.
Meatballs II, III, and 4. Especially II & 4, even though I never saw any of the fourth.
Police Academy 4, 5, 6, and 7. The second and third were OK.
Highlander III and IV (aka Endgame). II wasn’t really all that bad.
Oh, and Leonard Part 6. :wink:

Just remembered another pair of POS sequesl: Cannonball Run II and III (aka SpeedZone).

I agree completely with Alien: Resurrection and all of the Disney straight-to-video sequels. Travesties! Uck!

The only one I can think of that I haven’t seen added yet is Hellraiser III. First movie was great, the second was OK, but the third… damn. I don’t think I’ll ever forget the sheer idiocy of the image of the Cenobite who threw CD’s at his victims. Even the later installments were better than this piece of crap. Its one good point is that the lovely Terry Farrell was in it, but even she couldn’t save it. Disco mayhem! Yee-haw.

Oh, and all the Children of the Corn sequels of course. Not that the first one was all that great… I just can’t believe they’re still going.

PORKY’S 3 (Porky’s 2 had the Reverend Bubba Flavel, whose recitation of Shakespeare with Coach Baubricker will live forever)
BEASTMASTER 2 (he falls through a portal in spacetime after losing his muscletone, but they all speak English)

To each their own. I didn’t much care for slap shot but thought Speed (original) was thoroughly entertaining.

If the criteria is the drop-off in quality from the first, then there can be no other choice but 2010: Odyssey 2.

ResIspaLoquitor: You are not alone; I, too, liked Predator 2.

The Crow 2. The “acting” highlight was Lemmy out of Motorhead (I’m serious!)I’ve not seen Crow 3, but I’ve heard it’s much, much worse.

Actually it was Iggy Pop, but, like, who cares?