Would this T-shirt be offensive? (Christian Dopers' opinions especially needed)

As with several of my fellow Christians in this thread … the fact that I, personally, wouldn’t be seen dead in it, doesn’t make it offensive. Some people with gigantic chips on their shoulders would find it offensive … I’m afraid there’s nothing much that can be done about that.

I think Jesus would probably appreciate the sentiment.

I’m not a christian but if I saw that shirt I would presume the wearer wasn’t a christian and was taking the piss out of christians.

I think it’s an ugly shirt, but not offensive.

ggurl I haven’t read anyone’s post. I hit the link and took a quick look at the shirt. My gut reaction was NO I wasn’t offended.

Could I contemplate and debate and listen to what someone else might have to say on the matter? Is someone somewhere gonna be offended. Of course, it wouldn’t matter what the shirt had on it. some people just are thjat way. But like I said…w/out influence and just a gut reaction. I’d say no problem. :slight_smile:

I’ll post this now and go read what everybody else thought.

Well I’ve read y’alls responses and I can’t believe some of you think THAT is truly offensive. I mean really something that’d OFFEND YOU to see it on another persons body. It’s not like some artwork that I’ve seen that I WOULD find truly offensive. I’m not even going to link the graphics to which I refer.
This shirt is a simple cute testament on the wearer’s beliefs. There is no derogatory comment or racial slur. It isn’t heresy or anti-christian. It’s not exactly what I’d call attractive but even then it’s not that bad.
It’s better than an “I’m with Stupid” or “Shit Happens” etc. Now those shirts are offensive. Not to mention a long list of really offensive shirts I’ve seen. This one is way way down on the list of shirts NOT to wear, IMHO of course.

ggurl don’t sweat it. Be glad she doesn’t want one with something REALLY offensive. I know you can think of plenty of worse t-shirts she might want. My son wears his BSA (Eagle Scouts) t-shirts…keep 'em straight and clean and headed in the right direction as long as you have any influence. It beats the hell out of smoking crack on the street corner. He’s got full scholarship already, is clean, honors program, varsity sports, etc…
You do what YOU think is right.


This post deserves a standing ovation!!!

[Stands, claps…]

But see… It’s not. Like calm kiwi said, people who wear that shirt are being ironic, and while it may not be anti-Christian sentiment, they sure aren’t wearing it to express their relationship with Christ.

Finally, it sure as heck wouldn’t offend me. I’d just assume that the wearer is an atheist or agnostic.

I’m not offended, but I don’t think I represent the large group who might be.

Why offend a large group of people when you don’t have to? Too many other ways to have fun and show your individuality I think.

But that’s just me :slight_smile:

And it is an ugly shirt :smiley:

{slight hijack} I saw a tee the other day that would describe most people at one time or another:

I’m not confused…no, wait a minute…yes I am!

Now that would make most people grin a little I think :wink:
{slight hijack}

Ironic? I don’t think so. Did the OP sound like she was being insincere?
Anyway the OP didn’t ask if there was any irony or humor or questionable sincerity in regards to the shirt. The OP wasn’t really even concerned with whether or not an atheist would approve or not.
Okay, I don’t say this to be disrespectful of your own beliefs. They are yours and I respect that. If you wore a shirt that said, “God is a myth.” Would you worry much about whether or not it offended her? I doubt it.
She is a Christian. Do you or can you respect that? Of course you don’t agree with the idea expressed on the shirt. You don’t believe that Christ is our Lord and Savior. So why would it offend you at all?
The question is relatively simple.
Is this T-shirt OFFENSIVE to other Christians?

From what I’ve seen in this thread the people who claim to be offended or “don’t approve” of the shirt are for the most part not Christians.
The Christians who have responded have appeared concerned that it may be offensive to some. But few have said THEY were actually offended.

Sounds like a pretty Christian attitude to me. :slight_smile:

I’d buy her the shirt. If it turned out to be a problem…don’t wear it. Damn, wasn’t that hard. You make her happy and it shows that you care. hmm…what’s the downside again? Oh right, the money. Well you know how to measure priorities I’m sure. :slight_smile: good luck ggurl
regards t/k

I almost forgot…SHAKES thankyou :slight_smile:

t-keela, you don’t seem to understand- the shirt is not made to be pro-Christ. It is not. The original poster seems to be missing the point. I am sure there are Christians in the world wearing that shirt. However, they either are missing the point of the shirt or aren’t as reverent of their Lord as I would expect people to be.

citrus x paradisi, I have to say, I disagree … lack of reverence does not necessarily imply lack of respect. You could argue that the casual, informal, irreverent attitude displayed on the shirt indicates a very real, very deep attachment between the wearer and Christ … that the wearer sees Him as a genuine person and a genuine friend … that his relationship with Christ is so strong, it doesn’t need to be formal or respectful. I can’t say that I think that’s a bad thing.

Not offensive, but cheesy as hell. Jessica Simpson wore one, IIRC, on her MTV show.

I would not find the shirt offensive. (I might think that it was an attempt to be too “cool,” but only if I knew the wearer was of that mindset. It might be a bit cheesey, but not offensively so.)

OTOH, some of the responses on this point have left me shaking my head.

ggurl noted in the OP that she is AoG (think tight-assed Ashcroft), yet there are people in here claiming that she is not being sufficiently reverent. What in the world is over to the religious Right of the AoG? That is scary.

At the risk of being blunt, what reason is there for them to be as reverent as you would expect them to be? Conversely, what if you’re being a bit overzealous in your reverence? Who determines proper reverence?

Jesus. And he’s keeping mum.

Ggurl, You know you aren’t going to get the stamp of approval from your Pastor or the other assembly members, that’s a given. I don’t think it’s offfensive or disrespectful in moderate terms. It’s a humorous statement… Jesus and his disciples really should go for more laughs. If it makes you smile and gives you a good feeling about Jesus and your own personal faith, then to Hell with the rest! It’s representative of your own peronal quirkieness, humor, and hipitude (some of the shit that makes you so cool IMHO!! Krackah!). I think it’s a fun way to share that coolness with lil Ggurl, it would relieve some of the seriousness of AoG and give her a lesson in faith at home and how your values differ in some ways from the church. I know your faith and belief in JC as your savior is real and just as devout as the conformists…it’s probably more genuine in its expression because you can see the light in the superficial shit they’d be decrying and condemning. You’re the real deal!
Jesus is relative and relevant- Homeboy, Lord, Savior…Friend.

As you know RX- grain o’ salt!
Coming from the guy who designed this tshirthell banner.
(Personally, I think the tshirt that this is based on is great and clever, not really offensive at all. Others would probably disagree.)

Well I’ll be the first one to tell you that I’m not exactly fashion smart. I wear boots and Wrangler jeans, a handmade belt and carry a pocketwatch. I also wear a vest and a hat. I open doors for women and men too if they’re nearby. I say thankyou, please and howdy. I tip my hat to a lady and never wear it at the table. I respect my elders and try to be honest and sincere at all times.
No, I’m not exactly what you’d call in style.

So, I just spent the last half hour reading cites regarding this popular fashion of which I’d never seen before. Guess what? They are about 50/50 on whether or not this trend is considered respectful or not. However, there are very few that come right out and use the word offensive when describing it.

As a matter of fact there are a LOT of religious cites that praise the trend. They claim it is a good thing to see young people expressing their belief in Jesus. The fact that it is in a more familiar reference doesn’t seem to be a problem.

Sure there are those who wear the “Jesus is my Homeboy” apparel simply in an attempt to be cool. But for many it is a sincere expression of their love for Christ. No offense intended. It is, as I said before, a judgement call.
If anyone has a problem with it, I suggest that you get over it. Live and let live. It’s a “in the eye of the beholder” kind of thing.
The JIMH website claims there was no sarcasm or offense intended.
I actually wrote them a letter addressing this concern. However, since I didn’t explain the situation or ask if I could “quote” them, I’m not going to post their response.
and on that note…I’m done. regards t/k :slight_smile:

How do you know what the designers of the shirt intended? Did YOU design that t-shirt? If not, are YOU God? Do you see into people’s hearts and minds?
And since when do people have to live up to YOUR expectations in their worship of Christ? Are you really that arrogant?

I have the “Mary Is My Homegirl” T-shirt in black with white lettering and I love it, and I get lots of compliments on it. When I see people wearing the “Homeboy” one I assume they’re Christian or Christ-positive.

Well, this is what I get for leaving the Internet for a day!

I didn’t realize my little t-shirt inquiry was going to lead to a trail of controversy. As usual, I am majorly impaired in pop cultural knowledge due to not watching TV. For example, the Jessica Simpson reference: no clue that had happened. In fact, I only recently found out who the person is - for a long time, I thought she was a character on “The Simpsons”. :smiley:

Despite the tempestuous atmosphere of this thread, I must say thank you to all for your input. On first (and admittedly fleeting - I am at a stop on my way home from a long day/evening at a friend’s house) glance at this thread, I feel the need to especially thank t-keela and devilsknew for your sensitivity to where I’m coming from. Not to dis’ anybody else who expressed another opinion, though! I do appreciate everyone’s comments!

Thanks all! Peace. :slight_smile: