Would you like to be my friend (on myspace)?

Thought I would warn you guys . . .

Please don’t log into your MySpace account at work unless you have competent people running your IT department. I just recently got in trouble at work for surfing porn, although I don’t even look at it at home. I figured out it was MySpace when someone I know got in trouble for the same thing, they had her going to the same porn site. Luckily for her, they figured out what it was. I wasn’t so lucky, now I’m having major problems at work and trying to find a new job.


Just a forewarning.

Oh, and my page is here.

analogue skywalker’s myspace

add me please! i can always use more friends.

I sent you an add request specifically because you are wearing a suit. So there. (Bean)

Ooh, ooh, be my friend too! (leave me a message so I know who you are.)

And mine, should you feel the desire: Olivier Lapointe (ladrising) on Myspace

It’s v1.0 right now. I won’t promise any major upgrades until this summer. Besides, I’m too busy filtering through all of the ‘friend requests’ of scantily-clad women posing in front of a camera (strangely, none of them have pictures of their faces :confused: ).

But, drop me a line if you want.

I’ll be busy ‘filtering’. . .

climbs on the bandwagon, bringing pie

The pie will get you through Tripler’s filter I’m sure. Maybe show your face as well?

Well, there are various pictures of my face and completely naked pussies on my myspace page, which I forgot to mention is http://www.myspace.com/kate__space.

Well hey, lookit that! I just got a relatively-scantily-clad girl’s request. “She” happens “to be” from Los Angeles, and is 22. “She” also happens to be “blond”. How do I know she ain’t? Let’s just say the ‘worksafe two-link’ rule may apply here. . . :dubious:

Man, this is the most skin I’ve seen in months! :smiley: