Y'all Best HURRY, Charter Members

Y’all Best HURRY, Charter Members: * Time is running out
for this once-in-a lifetime chance – for me to pay


Then see posts #74 & #78.

- Jack

Heck, I’ll pay for a couple people and they don’t have to be charter members.

Well, yeah, that’s great of you, but it’s not discrimination on my part; it’s economics.

Two charters-paid equals one non-charter. As described in my two posts. (I still have to be careful about dough.)

- "Jack"

NOW GO HERE! and see my latest post!

- Jack

I could pay for myself, but I only ever started paying because the boards went pay-to-post. As far as I can tell, it’s not worth $7.50 a year* for me to have my post count next to my name, so I’m just letting it go.

  • Well, it’s not worth $7.50 of my money. If someone else feels it’s worth theirs for me to maintain my chartership, I won’t stop them.

There is one fellow I have promised to help, through a PM, fairly promptly.

I expect to have more time this afternoon at 4:30 pm, EDT.

If someone has already covered you by then, let me know, by message here, or through a PM. If not, I will be happy to catch you then.

***- Jack

I don’t care about my (embarassing) post count but would like to have my location back if you wouldn’t mind.

I KNEW I’d forget, so I reupped about a month ago. I’ll be around another year woot woot! :wink:

Aesiron, you should be good to go.

I’m that fellow (except I’m a girl) and I can’t thank you enough. You rock!

By coincidence, I hedged on the close of the PM I just made to you, placing “lass or dude” just before my sig. This was based on the other name you gave – real name? – which ended with an i.

Oh, and to reiterate from the PM I just sent, glad I could help. :slight_smile:

- Jack

Thank you, Jodi. I really appreciate it.

I have just done my 1st of 2.

As before, you are next on my list.

See my PM to you, and then we’ll see what happens at about 7:45 EDT tonight.

You can check under User CP… Paid Subscriptions, or ask Tuba Diva to verify for you.

Of course, if someone else has stepped forward for you by then, please let me know. :slight_smile:

- "Jack"

Since I’m in Chat too, what else could I do? :wink:

I don’t see where “Walrus” has messaged or PM’d back to me.

Tuba Diva, can you verify that he still needs help? I will do so by 7:50 pm EDT if he is still on the edge.

- "Jack"

Sorry, was in rehearsal and missed this call earlier.

But yes, you could go ahead if you wished, TrueBlueJack. And thanks.

I put in a request for help in the other thread. I don’t know if I’m going to be too late.

Nah- you are fine.

Good to see so many assisting when they can.


Okay, TubaDiva I have already sent you a PM you to thank you for your huge praising of all who helped, including myself.

To everyone who may still need help:

I’ve just placed my second gift to a “chartie” and am now all gifted out. If there are still any of you out there who still need help, I feel I simply must quote TubaDiva at the top of her ATMB thread about Technical problems in renewing:
If you can’t resubscribe due to technical problems . . .

please come talk to me, send me a PM or an email.

We’re not going to let you expire here, but we need to know if there’s a problem.

(She doesn’t seem to mind my word-spreading. Right, Tuba?)

Again, I don’t know how much extra time one could get extended, but not communicating the need will no doubt make your Charter membership expire at the end of this day. :frowning:

BTW, Tuba, would that be midnight, Central Time Zone?

- Jack

You are all set. Please see my latest PM to you.

- Jack