y'all wypipo need to grow some skin

You seem obsessed with race. If you were the one setting the rules for this board what would you dictate with regards to discussions about different groups of people?

I “seem” that way because of all the racists this board’s moderation is sooo tolerant of. Funnily enough, race never comes up on the craft and geology forums I frequent elsewhere.

I’d make scientific racism an insta-ban offense, for one thing.

Craft and geology boards probably don’t have Great Debates style subforums do they? And honestly, how much stuff that isn’t controversial is left to debate?

What is scientific racism? Would this article from The NY Times be instaban-worthy? https://www.nytimes.com/2018/03/23/opinion/sunday/genetics-race.html

What does that matter? If I was “obsessed with race”, I’d find a way to bring it up there, too. I’d also find ways to bring it up in every GQ and CS thread I participate in.

Funny, I just seem to bring it up in threads about race (or racists). I must be obsessively forcing people to make all of these race threads with my Witchdoctor Mind Control powers.

“Ooogah Boogah!”

Gosh, if there’s nothing to debate, maybe you can just* stay the fuck out of race-related threads, then*? It would be an improvement.

Your typing fingers broken? Don’t look that way.

What, the one that explicitly states that race is a social construct? Why ever would it be?

Witch doctor? I got my chicken bone charm so I’ll be fine.

Not sure why I’d stay out of threads with interesting and enlightening debate.


C’mon MrDibble I know you can read. Try not to skim the article and read for comprehension. And please, let’s keep this civil.

From the linked article:

“Groundbreaking advances in DNA sequencing technology have been made over the last two decades. These advances enable us to measure with exquisite accuracy what fraction of an individual’s genetic ancestry traces back to, say, West Africa 500 years ago — before the mixing in the Americas of the West African and European gene pools that were almost completely isolated for the last 70,000 years. With the help of these tools, we are learning that while race may be a social construct, differences in genetic ancestry that happen to correlate to many of today’s racial constructs are real.

Recent genetic studies have demonstrated differences across populations not just in the genetic determinants of simple traits such as skin color, but also in more complex traits like bodily dimensions and susceptibility to diseases. For example, we now know that genetic factors help explain why northern Europeans are taller on average than southern Europeans, why multiple sclerosis is more common in European-Americans than in African-Americans, and why the reverse is true for end-stage kidney disease.”

Is this relative obvious biological fact which is being confirmed by advances in technology “scientific racism?” And if so, is the assertion of scientific racism no different than that of racist which is most commonly used not to identify racism but to demonize and silence points of view that are not approved by the liberal orthodoxy?

See, if I saw racists in every woodpile, I’d be taking offense at you bringing up chicken in a racism thread…

So there* is *still stuff left to debate…:dubious:

You seem perfectly capable of the physical motions to conduct your own damn search. The jury’s out on your intellectual capability for same, though…

I’ll just leave it for you to work out the irony of that paragraph.You think just because you didn’t use swearwords, you are keeping it civil? Get the fuck out of here with that bullshit.

And I’m not going to play your game - you want a scientific racism debate, open a GD thread. I’m sure it will go well. Not like people hadn’t already covered the Reich article in some detail in that idiotic Sam Harris thread, though. Suffice to say, I’m satisfied he’s not actually on the side of the scientific racists.

If you choose to use a word, with a racial component, as a slur with the intent to denigrate and insult. You have chosen to act in a racist way. You know how you are using a word and what you want it to mean. Having read the definition given it certainly doesn’t apply to me but if you use it towards me in an insulting way then I’ll probably feel insulted. I’m not sure if that’s what you want.

I have no “white” details to offer you but certainly some people defined as “black” are hypocrites and racists and would-be oppressors. As are some “white” people, as are some of every conceivable shade, and get this, around the world the direction of the hypocrisy, racism and oppression is not constant. It is not rational to argue otherwise.

You know what? rather than worrying about silly point-scoring and “gotcha” word games I think I’ll just keep focused on treating people with equality, decency and understanding. I’ll base that treatment on the content of their character rather than the colour of their skin.

Now that last bit really has a ring to it.

Don’t call other posters “motherfuckers.” No warning issued.

That’s a wypipo activity? Space aliens would probably think that was fun, and chimps would find it to be the greatest thing ever.

There is something beautiful, or easy to live with, being a member of the power in power. If you don’t think about it too much. You called me an ethnic slur? No, my BIL is Pigshit Irish (term my in-laws used to describe my BIL). I’m Lace Curtain Irish (but with a German surname), but so what? At least I’m not a Polack, like the all y’all. :wink:

And Doc S., most of those words lost their power long ago. Not all, you’re still of Jewish heritage, but I have no problem being a Mick, Kraut, or Bohunk because the magic is gone. Wypipo? Honky? Like water off a duck’s back.

I stand cheerfully corrected.

See, y’all (where I lived it could be singular or plural by context) need to spend some time down home.

Respect left the building when deplorables started cheering a fat orange cheeto looking shitgibbon.

So did nuance.



Whatever. Honky, cracker, wypipo, really who gives a damn? I sure don’t.

Just call me a wypipo boojie bastid. See if I give a shit. But I tell you what… for a group that hates “PC” and prizes “telling it like it is” when it’s time to insult and offend other people, you sure can NOT take it.

So I call bullshit on the “outrage” over this.
It’s phony bullshit.

Yup, just roll around with the pigs, they’ll love it.

I still think this mixes things up. There’s nothing wrong with being uncivil when the situation calls for it. Refusing to be uncivil is actually crippling, and only useful to try and win over people on the sidelines. Civility isn’t the issue.

It’s principles. If we’re going to say stuff like “don’t use derrogatory terms about people’s race,” then we can’t make an exception for “wypipo.” When we do, we allow our opponents to yell “hypocrite!” which is actually pretty powerful.

The problem with “wypipo” is that it confirms the persecution fantasy by the alt-right (aka neo-Nazis aka white supremacists). It allows them to “back up” their claim that “SJWs” really just hate all white people.

The double standard revolves around the double standard that has cocooned you and I all of our lives. You need to know and understand AND accept its reality to make headway. Not me and my pal Mannie in fourth grade. You need to find how you fit in.

And there are limits. Wife’s peanut butter Swiss Chard is always welcome at work (“White folk eat greens?” “Not only, but she learned the recipe from some Nigerian guys.” Her ancestry tended Cracker)

I’m just dropping the PC crap and tellin’ it like it is.



Like I said,

Whatever. Honky, cracker, wypipo, really who gives a damn? I sure don’t.

Just call me a wypipo boojie bastid. See if I give a shit. But I tell you what… for a group that hates “PC” and prizes “telling it like it is” when it’s time to insult and offend other people, you sure can NOT take it.

So I call bullshit on the “outrage” over this.
It’s phony bullshit.

“You” being all the assholes out there clutching their pearls and handbags because their racist or fascist or NAZI tendencies make “some people” less than polite to them. Fuck politeness in their case.