Good day to you all, gentlemen and ladies alike. I am Sir Jestington Q. Pennywhistle, Esq., founder and proprietor of Ye Olde SDMB Society of Fancy-Pantses and Debutantes. This honorable society, founded in This Year of Our Lord 2003, seeks only the most well-bred and mannered Dopers to aid it in its constant pursuit of idle chatter and vicious gossiping.
As a card-carrying member of the Society you will receive:
-Your very own Society of Fantsy-Pantses an Debutantes monicker, to aid all the lower classes in distinguishing your higher class. You may choose your own name, or I will be more than happy to provide one at your bidding.
-An invitation to the Society’s on-going bottomless tea party, where you can laze about with other society members and talk about the sorry state of affairs of things nowadays, as well as how you would improve things if you could be bothered to step out of your overstuffed chair.
-A monocle, petticoat and cane for the Fantsy-Pantses among us, as well as an evening gown, wig and corset for the Debutantes.
-A Dueling Club Membership Card, which will give you liscence to solve even the pettiest of Board disputes in the fashion of High Society: the duel.
-The ability to shun all those non-society members who attempt to say that they are your…excuse me for laughing…equals. If you find that your nose is inadequate for a satisfying down-looking experience, prosthetic Snoot-o-Matic[sup]tm[/sup] nose enhancers will be provided.
So please, come and sit by the fire as we use our knowledge and dry with to solve the world’s problems, and then hide the solutions out of sheer contempt for those below us. The Society anxiously awaits your RSVP to its invitation.
Warmest Regards and Best Wishes for a Bountiful and Pleasurable Experience in Life Down Which Whatever Road You Choose (But Even Moreso if You Choose to Join),
Sir Jestington Q. Pennywhistle, Esq.
Founder, Ye Olde SDMB Society of Fantsy-Pantses and Debutates