Yes! Red Dwarf The Movie

It’s coming!

I have seen god… and it is Red Dwarf.

Take it with a grain of salt Reeder. Dwarf fans have heard this one before, and pre-production isn’t done.

Just couldn’t let this thread pass without saying hi. So, uh, hi!

BTW, I just started rereading the Dwarf books today.

:: offering prayers to the gods of fantasy/SF ::

“Please, let the Red Dwarf movie be real! Please, please, please …!”

It’s cold out here, there’s no kind of atmosphere…

What I really want to happen is for the series to start coming out on DVD. Or if they already are and I’ve just missed the fact, to have it pointed out posthaste. That’s an even better option.

A dose of sodium chloride is required here.
The last series was tripe, what guarantee is there the movie will be better? I liked it better when it was crap, if you know what I mean.