You are all acting like a bunch of panicky, cowardly fucks! I'm ashamed of the SDMB!

We’ve managed to push Bosda’s anger from a three-angry-smilie level to a four-angry-smilie level. I’m worried about his health. I think if we get him up to ten angry smilies he’s gonna burst a blood vessel or something.

Which is it Bosda? A government scam or we should flee large cities? I’m waiting to find out, because I’ve got a great little place up in Canada I can flee to.

I think that he was just saying that if you take the threat seriously then the logical thing to do is to flee, not merely to buy some extra sticky tape.

This is not inconsistent. If anything, he thinks that you are the inconsistent one. He thinks that the threat is not worth doing anything over but if you disagree then he wants to know what you’re still doing in the middle of the bullseye instead of getting the hell out of there.


I’m sorry, I didn’t realize I was panicking. Is there a reason to? Only 60 miles from DC, you say? 10 from a Nuclear power plant? Three from a military installation? Maybe I should panic, but what’s the point?

It shuuur ….is d ficlt…to typ . . e ….inthis …. Chem. Cial …sui…t - can so …meb …dy pass . . th e wa . te r hose . .

I am not panicking.

It’s just that’s there’s something uniquely reassuring about having a cupboard crammed with 287 cans of sardines. Do not make fun of my sardines.

Little Debbie snack cakes are also good for munching in times of holocaust.

Excuse me, that should have been snack’s cake’s.

You can never have too many apostrophes.

I’m concerned about where I should fit in. Should I be panicking or should I be angry at panickers?

Maybe I should begin a third group: those confused over the issue.

And why does writing “panicking” so many times make me crave pancakes?

Is that it? Should I start stocking up on pancakes? Will that help?

who…w bout .atrophy … ?

You are all a bunch of babies. I live in Washington, DC. Right downtown. I am not worried at all. I am in walking distance of the Capital building (in fact I work very near it), the White house (a long walk), tons of monuments, the State Department, countless embassies, the Executive Office Building (another long walk), and tons of prettier and more dramatic targets than the majority of you. I am also within 3 miles of the Pentagon.

Our president is a scaremonger among the same lines as MacCarthy. He is a very powerful person who shouldn’t have ever been allowed to hold the office.

  1. As someone who has panicked, I am absolutely NOT panicking.

  2. Nor am I leaving the city.

  3. What I believe is that a terrorist attack is certainly more possible here than in many other places, and while I don’t think it will level the entire city, I do believe that it will make communication, transportation and getting to a grocery store a mite inconvenient, so I’m going to stock up on some stuff. I’m not quite sure how that qualifies as panicky or cowardly, but if Bosda wants to think that, he’s free to pelt me with smilies.p

Well, I think a suitable trophy for getting the most people to panic would be a rubber chicken, minus its head.

Well, I work in NYC, and I don’t see anyone panicking. Offices are full, subways are crowded, stores and sidwalks as packed as ever. People are maybe a bit jumpy, with the cop cars and barriers and gun-totin’ soldiers everywhere, but this always has been the city that never sleeps. . . .

So, Let’s consider these scenarios:

– I’m making a list.
– Its has more than two items.
– Hi, Neurotik!
– Is it acceptable to substitute someone else’s name in for Opal’s? :smiley:

Would it be inappropriate in this Panic/Don’t Panic Thread to make a comment about Cranky’s soft targets…? I don’t want to detract from the situation. Or lack of one, whichever the case actually is.

Too bad this didn’t happen three years ago. The people who are freaking would still be stocked from the Y2K panic. :smiley:

Its the economy, stupid.

Though I would have thought Propaganda Czar Tom Ridge would have suggested that the only way to protect yourself from Al Queda was to be sitting in your new Cadillac Escalade. Unless duct tape is a leading economic indicator I missed somehow.:smack:

OH SWEET GOD WE’RE ALL GOING TO DIE well, sooner or later anyway.

Well I said this in another thread, but the only way I am going to panic is if they stop making and selling duct tape.

Because if something untowards happens, I want to have my ducts in a row.

You’re forewarned, aha, but after that groaner, when the time comes for me to loot and pillage, you’re the first one I’m going after.