You are granted three magically bottomless liquor bottles. What are they?

Ground rules:

[li]It has to be liquor. 35% alcohol or greater. No wine or champagne.[/li][li]The bottles will look like actual bottles with labels, etc.[/li][li]They magically never drop below half empty. Even if you upend it over a bucket.[/li][li]If you try to profit from your endless supply, the magic stops. Try to trade so much as a drop for something as inconsequential as a single matchstick, the magic stops. You may give away as much as you like, as long as there is no quid pro quo arrangement.[/li][li]Any or all the bottles may be a liquor no longer in production if you so choose.[/li][/ul]

So, what three liquors do you choose?

No beer? :mad:


  1. 18 year old Dalwhinnie
  2. A really mature Laphroaigh
  3. I don’t know the name, by my landlord recently shared an amazing bourbon with me. I want more of that.

BTW, good username/topic combo.

Stranahans Colorado Whiskey
The Macallen 12 SM Scotch
Milagro Anejo Tequila

Stolichnaya vodka
Jose Cuervo Reserva de la Familia (that will be good enough, it doesn’t have to be the best tequila ever)
Bacardi Rum (also doesn’t have to be the best)

Bourbon, vodka, and rum.

Can I choose pure ethanol and run my car on it?

Plus: Bailey’s and Rumplemintz

  1. I’m still getting into whiskey, but some of the peaty scotches really kick ass, so I’d take one of those. Lagavulin or Laphroaig perhaps.
  2. Tequila–perhaps Herradura
  3. Glenfiddich scotch

I’ve never wanted a long distance relationship before.

Wait, you’re female, right?

Yes. Brilliant!

No go on the Bailey’s at a wimpy 17%.

Vodka, Gin, Tequila…and maybe some Tylenol.

If I had to call them,
Ketel One or Tito’s
Beefeater (there’s other ones I like, but this is a perfectly acceptable goto brand)
Cabo Wabo Blanco (I like my tequilas clean and crisp not smokey and bourbony and Cabo Wabo is pretty good)

Glenlivet, Bombay Sapphire, Knob Creek

D’oh! In that case, Goldschlager. (no, not to filter out the gold and profit. I just like it.)

The Official rum of the British navy; I forget the name.
The scotch I used to steal from my Dad, Doer’s, I think.
That Absolut that tastes like lemon, whatever that is…can’t remember.

Pappy Van Winkle 20
Martell XO Cognac
Haig Dimple 15 year old scotch

I mainly drink vodka but it’s so cheap and available I’d rather have these three.

Tequila: Patron
Gin: Tanqueray
Rum: Bacardi 151

Germain-Robin Anno Domini. I’ve only had the 2001, so let’s go with that.
Lagavulin 16-year before they changed the recipe, whether it was actually due to a warehouse fire or not. At least it tastes different to me now, and I don’t know what changed.
Riesling Eau-de-Vie from the Weinhotel Ayler Kupp in Ayl, Germany.

I’d throw Junipero Gin in there if I could have 4 bottles.

For regular drinking, I require a gin and a bourbon. Though Tanqueray and Maker’s are normally enough for me, I’m upping the ante.

  1. Bourbon: Black Maple Hill 16-Year-Old Small Batch

  2. Gin: **Hendrick’s

  3. I’ve played it too safe with the first two. Even though I can’t turn a profit, I have to go all out. ** Legacy by Angostura** retails for $25,000 a bottle. I could not resist pouring $2,000 rum and Cokes for my friends (lips sealed on the price tag of course).

Wow, 35% or stronger? That pretty much rules me out, since I never drink that kind of thing. However, if I must:

  1. High-end Vodka, whatever the smoothest is.
  2. High-end Rum.
  3. Qingdao Dark Beer. Yes, I cheated and added this. I’ve only had it in China and miss it, so I deserve it. :slight_smile: