You keep using that word. I do not think "abstinence" means what you think it means

Yeah. That sounds more like a funeral announcement. A positive pregnancy test should be a thing of hope and love, not a woman weeping. She and her idiotic ilk don’t get that pro-choice people like me want a pregnancy announcement to be one of the best things that will ever happen in your life. A pregnancy should be an indication of joy, and delight, not something to remind the world of your failures. I feel very sorry for any child born to Ms. Palin.

I try to be sympathetic, and then I read the things she writes, where she attacks “trolls” for her having to make the announcement, and she demands no lectures and no sympathy.

This is not someone still who is taking responsibility for her life. Oh, she’ll take credit for anything good, and then blame others for anything bad.

She is her mother.

However, we’ll still be subject to 9 months of clickbait.

I wish I could be a better person, but every time one of these holier-than-thou hate-mongers gets hoist on their own petard, I laugh. Well, I guess technically, she was hoisted on someone else’s petard, still the schadenfreude is good.

OK, back to jovial mocking.

“How’s that abstinency-faithy thing workin’ out for ya?”

Hey, even deities get coffee breaks.

That must be what she is abstaining from.

Too bad she didn’t take Garfunkel and Oates’ song The Loophole to, er, heart.

“It’s okay, Bristol. It’s not in the Bible.”

Oh, well, look at it this way, I mean, technically our marriage is saved.

Palin was engaged to Dakota Meyer and their engagement has been broken off at the same time Palin announced she is pregnant. Reading between the lines, we can speculate the Meyer is not the father of the child and broke off their engagement when he found out she was having sex with somebody else. So Palin may be upset about the end of the relationship rather than the pregnancy itself.

I wonder if she’ll carry the baby to term or quit halfway through.

Some HuffPo comments were saying he’s already married? I wasn’t interested enough to pursue that fact/rumor.

I’ve been looking at some pictures over on Bing and I am not sure that would work.

Okay, I’ll gladly comply with part of Bristol’s request. No sympathy from me, m’kay?

Well I mean, theoretically in her world view, the options are:

  1. Abstinence
  2. Unwanted pregnancy
  3. Murder

If you believe that birth control is murder, then the argument for birth control somehow makes everything better for everyone doesn’t work as well.

He’d been previously married. They married in 2008, divorced in 2010. Interestingly he lied in his book about it (said that only one member of his team was married, when at the time he was as well), but who knows what happened between the two of them. Certainly it wasn’t a horribly painful divorce- allegedly he was in touch with his former wife as late as October of 2014.

Abstinence: Ur doing it wrong, Bristol Palin.

Yeah, but she just screwed herself out of a return engagement next year.


Now now, all birth control methods have a failure rate. The failure rate of condoms is about .002%. I’m not sure exactly what the failure rate of abstinence is, but Bristol Palin as gotten pregnant twice in seven years. If she’s getting it at about the same rate I was when I was her age, her failure rate is about .0013%. So with a sample of one, abstinence actually compares pretty favorably with condoms.

Now, maybe she’s using a little rhythm method on the side, along with a few other things, like the only non-hormonal, oral contraceptive, the first of which has a notoriously high failure rate, but still compares favorably to “nothing,” and the second of which is actually highly compatible with “abstinence,” depending on whom you ask (and Palin herself is supposed to be an expert).

So, she could be just unlucky. Some people’s condoms break, some people’s IUDs dislodge, and some people’s abstinence fails. She may not want any sympathy, but, heck, it could have happened to me. I used the diaphragm for years, and doubled up with condoms during my most fertile days (or tripled up, if you count that as also using the rhythm method), and never had an accident, but as soon as my husband and I decided to try to conceive, it took us two weeks, so it would appear that we are pretty fertile. One tiny latex rip, or bad batch of spermicide, and we could have been a statistic as well.

Nononono, in her case it must have been blessed by her pastor. Damned birth control produces un-Christian cooties!

Does abstinence preclude pearl diving? Seems like that would solve the problem.