You keep using that word. I do not think "abstinence" means what you think it means

In fact they are pitching a new reality series on how difficult it is for them to get the privacy they crave.

This graphic suggests that you should “use another method for the first three months.” So, I would guess that less than perfect use would be not using another method for the first three months.

And, of course, you should avoid three-ways with non-sterile male partners. And your female partner should avoid intercourse with other men who have not had vasectomies.

She planned this pregnancy with the guy she was supposed to get married to a few months ago until somebody broke it off? Sounds to me like she was trying to get knocked up to keep her man. She wouldn’t be the first to poke a hole in the condom.

As a man this thread gives me hope of promoting my own “abstinence works” lecture circuit. Anybody close to me complaining that the system doesn’t work would probably be quite do to a vested self interest in remaining quite.

The new post reminds me of 1984. All that’s missing is “We’ve always been at war with Eastasia.” (Which you can see from Alaska.)

See, that’s some of why I’m uncomfortable. She and her entire family are not too bright, making their own bulge on the left-hand side of the bell curve, and I was raised to not make fun of the afflicted.

Amen to that. Perhaps at another time and another place a discussion could arise in which parents and kids could use this as a way to discuss how to not be an idjit moe-ron like Bristol Palin.

Oops! Used up all my nice for the day!

I dunno. She was punching above her weight with Levi, though. Maybe they are attracted to power, whatever power Sarah has. But it’s Alaska, so there’s no telling what they’re thinking. :wink:

That’s including improper use.

Suuuuuuuure it was. The same way my relative’s “planned” pregnancy occurred quite suddenly AFTER she’d had her wedding dress fitted, I guess…

If you’re going to be a spokesperson for a product, be it abstinence, laundry detergent, or whatever, you should make sure you’re using the product correctly and that the product isn’t failing for you in a public way. If you can’t or won’t do that, you should probably step down as spokesperson for that product.