You know who you are

All I have to say is:

Dum de dum de dum de… smash OW! ::stunned look, little tweeting birdies circling head::

…must… go… outside… slip crash ::sound of elbow and head bashing against wood::

What a way to make snow angels, babe. :wink:

Sure. Go ahead. Pick on the concussed guy. Yeah, that’s the last time I ever enter that death trap you call home. Next time, why don’t you walk over and kick me in the teeth while you’re at it, instead of just pointing and laughing from a distance.

I can’t believe you’d post such a thing after you overpowered me and slammed my head into the wall, repeatedly.

Pfft. Snow angels…mutant, invalid snow angels…


Obviously someone is not the ideal height.

Paging Mr. Zeno, paging Mr. Zeno… paradox for you. Do you care to accept?

Ok, the mutant invalid snow angel on my deck is making me laugh every time I walk by. Not at your misfortune, but at the… sheer artistry. Or something.

Heeheehee… oy. Fucking dork. :wink:

Now THAT’S a sig

I was thinking of adding something ilke ‘Nenkiller’ to my sig, but A.) he’s not dead, thankfully, and B.) techincally, it wasn’t me, it was my ceiling and my backyard…

Well, the story he told me was that you ruthless beat him with an anvil… And I dunno, he seems pretty trustworthy.

oldscratch, I am the ideal height; moreover, I have the ideal plug size. Pfft.

Rasa, a paradox? For me? Such a paradox is best shared. Any takers?

It was not an anvil. He gave my ceiling head. Twice.

And have I ever been known to turn down a paradox? Tell you what. We’ll split it halfway. And then halfway.

Don’t believe her oldie. She beat my head against an anvil…repeatedly.

Rasa, halvsies sounds good, so the the halvsies, and the halvsies for that matter, but will be ever get the full paradox that way?

…but will we, not “be”…

Aah, scratchie knows me better than that. Or, he’d better! :wink:

That’s the nature of the paradox, you dork. You never get there, right?

Starting to catch on, eh?

Are you as great as you sound?

You make getting concussed sound like fun.

Or are you a paramedic trying to drum up business with a new fad?


That’s all I have to say about that.

Zeno, Xeno, Schmeeno. My bad on the spelling.

My mutant invalid snow angel has disappeared with the melting snow… :frowning:

So . . . You beat the guy ‘til he’s concussed, knock ‘im down in the snow, keep him awake all night, make him drive his own sorry, invalid ass home, and then open a thread to publicly mock him?

Yep. I like you, Rasa. You’re goin’ on the list.

[sub]p. s. Next time, poke him in the eye. He loves that![/sub]

Woo! Score! I’m on Tymp’s list!

Hey, it’s not my fault he’s too tall for my own, um I mean, his own good. If I was going to beat him senseless, I’d find a much more creative way to do it. We’ll have to compare notes, Tymp.

Again, for the record. I did not knock him down. He fell of his own free will. Or scotch. Or something.

[sub]I’m cursing the fact that I had no film in the camera to take pictures of the invalid snow angel he left on the deck! And on a more serious note, he scared the holy living fuck outta me when he smashed his head. It sounded really, really nasty. I only make fun of him now cuz I know he’s ok. And, it’s fun. ;)**

Oh and Tymp? Welcome to my sig. If you don’t mind, of course.

::Rasa wanders off to kick puppies and steal candy from little children::