You know you need to get layed when...

You know you need to get laid, when you go into a chat room and hope that there is someone in there that lives close enough ,so you can get together.:smiley:

…when you fantasize having intercourse with a VW Beetle.

It comes from all that one-handed typing.

… when you buy a plane ticket to Sweden.

When you start posting here:
Who wants to have sex with SanibelMan?

Or when you buy one to the US again.

…when you don’t remember how to do it anymore…

When you start considering married men as ‘hmmm, possibly’ instead of "don’t EVEN go there!’.

… when you run up your long distance phone bill just for phone sex with a friend every night. :o

I’m confused… was there a time in my life when I didn’t need to get laid? It’s been so long, I can’t make any meaningful comparison…

When you email Scylla asking if you can borrow his goat.

…when you wake up, you find that you’re holding certain parts of your own body.

When you know exactly how long it is until you see your significant other again. Down to the minute.

…When instead of thinking of an ex-boyfriend as pond scum you wonder if he’d be interested in just the sex, that’s all he wanted out of the “relationship” anyway


… When you decide to set up a “Lay-Team” reminiscent of the A-Team for the sole purpose of getting you laid.

But not me. My friend. I swear. I might be thinking of copying the idea in the near future, but not at the moment. Truly. Awwww, who am I kidding.

<final scene: Phaeton is in bed, smoking a huge cigar>

Phaeton: I love it when a plan comes together…