Your best thread.

Time for some navel gazing… :wink:

What is the one thread where you think your participation was spot on, where you contributed the most/best posting of your life? Perhaps you answered a question that likely saved somebody tens of thousands of dollars, perhaps you were just dead-on accurate with your arguments, leaving the rest of us trailing in your glory.

Me, I like going back and reading Fessie’s The SDMB Mommies Group (Daddies welcome) every so often. Of all the threads on all the message boards I have ever posted, that one has my favorite writing.

I liked the way my giant vertical ruler thread worked out. Initially I thought the answer would be simple and I would feel stupid for not realizing it. Then, the SDMB was stumped. Then, I got a chance to meet the ruler’s owner who, it turns out, is a very interesting guy. Finally, some very funny posters added mirth. It was a cool thread all around.

I’ve only started 2 and they ended horribly. Both in the pit . Maybe I should try elsewhere. You think ? :smiley:

One of the most awesome threads I ever participated in was the Korean Grocery Poetry Jam, but soon after it was started it got sent to Guantanamo and hasn’t been seen since.

My recent Ask the Stripper thread went pretty well, and lasted for five pages. I think that’s kinda cool. And only one person insulted me and it did not end in the Pit, well, yet. :smiley:

My finest moment would have to be the time I repeatedly proved that the Great Seal of the United States was designed by Satan.

Somebody insulted you ? I’m apalled to hear that . I’ll bet if they walked even 10 feet in your shoes they would have some respect.

This thread had a bit of a false start, but once people realized what I was trying to do, we were off to the races.

I hardly ever start threads, so I don’t have much to choose from. My personal favorite is no longer on the board; it’s the thread wherein I describe, step by step, what LASIK surgery is like from the patient perspective.

But the thread I thought was most fun, and had the most interesting replies (and which I’d really like to start again these many years later, because I bet it’d get some awesome stories), was What’s the seediest hotel you’ve ever stayed in?. I won’t link to the original, because it’s way too old.

Thanks for sharing that --your a card !

Define “best”? Is is merely the longest? Most notable in SDMB history? (those two would be one in the same, actually.) If that’s the case, then my sigh plane on a treadmill thread wins.

However, I assume you mean best in a “I look back on that thread favorably” kind of way, in which case I’ll have to say my video game phrase thread.

Hmmm… My pit thread about my sushi chef experiences, and my fish-slapping silly-fest thread are both fond memories of mine.

Ok, maybe not the best in the grand scheme of things, or capable of fighting ignorance, but my two favorites are:

This one where I (drunkenly) post song lyrics as a thread title and heard some good stories.

And this one where I learned a lot of people definitions of sex, intimacy and some of the values of the Dopers.

Just fun threads for me.

Sgt Schwartz

Or at least a blister or two. :wink:

Mine would have to be Absence/Emptiness as a theme in art.

That’s pretty much it. It doesn’t have to be a thread that you started, just one in which you think you did a damned good job representing yourself.

I didn’t start either of them, but I was always quite fond of my contributions to Toy Story: No Gun For Woody? in Cafe Society, and Art Installation Cleaned Up: Thought To Be Garbage in MPSIMS. And I like my sig.

I was always fond of my reincarnation as an alternate life form in Ask the 50s Mom although it didn’t have the legs to become a classic.

My current, mundane pointless contribution in CS is already the most replied-to thread I ever started, and if 76 of you click on the link, it will be ther most viewed, as well.

The most gratifying response I ever had was to my desperate call to the Teeming Millions about where to get business clothes for my petite-size daughter.

As for threads I didn’t start, I’ve killed so many that all I can figure is that once I posted, my wit and brilliance were so dazzling that other Dopers just gave up.

One of the first I started when I joined for real:

Unwritten rules of the SDMB

I also had one which someone was going to nominate for Threadspotting, but I’ll be durned if I can remember the title of that one…

Some of the posts I was most proud of at the time are now rather embarrassing.

The best thread I’ve done, I feel, was Ask The Freemason. Only one to make 3 pages. I’ve a thread with only two responses, one of which was myownself.