Your Easter Dinner

I know not everyone here celebrates Easter, but it is still a good excuse to eat well.

I’m kind of a last minute kind of guy so I don’t have any firm plans but will probably grill some ham steaks and pineapple. Probably some Au Gratin potatoes and some other veggie. I feel obliged to make some deviled eggs as well.

I know lamb is also big, but I really don’t have much experience making it.

What is on your plate tonight?

We are having a roast with potatoes and other veggies. Already cooking so i don’t have much to do!

Spiral-cut ham with brown sugar-and-mustard glaze, potatoes au gratin (out of a box), and steamed broccoli.

We haven’t had ham in almost a year, so it will be a good change. Someone once wrote that Eternity is two people and a ham. I got the smallest one I could find, but we’ll be eating ham for a while.

Roast beef and gravy, mashed potatoes, fresh green beans and snap peas.

this is a tough one, the Guestling was born on Easter Day some years ago, and this year Easter happens to fall on Gma Guest’s birthday to this afternoon will likely be very busy. tradition in the Guesthouse is that if you are born on a holiday, your birthday is celebrated on that holiday regardless of actual birth date, so I have Guestling The Easter Bunny (part of the long dumb story of where I came up with my ever changing signature quote from 'Darth Desserticola")

:smack:all that to say “I dunno yet” probably ham, assorted veggies and (sigh) eggs

We’re going to my in-laws’ for a late lunch (~1420). I know lamb is on the menu, as requested by my daughter, but I don’t know what will be accompanying it.

Haphazard. My husband, despite growing up in a Fundamentalist household, has never heard of this “Easter dinner” of which you speak. I really hadn’t, either, until I was an adult, but I love to cook a nice big meal that makes leftovers for the rest of the week, sooo …

Deviled eggs
A ham
Thirty Dollar Mac 'n Cheese
Green salad with radishes, carrots, green onions, vinaigrette
French bread
Homemade carrot cake

Marinated roasted lamb chops, broiled asparagus and red potatoes. Desert is lemon tarts topped with sliced strawberries.

Scalloped potatoes
Tomato casserole
Mac and cheese
Green bean casserole (from scratch - no Campbell’s involved)
Pound cake with strawberries and whipped cream
Maybe deviled eggs, if I get to it

Sautéed Dover sole with a mustard-yoghurt sauce. Roasted asparagus with olive oil and lemon.

I might steam a handful of new potatoes.

When Greek Easter rolls around (May 1, I think) I may braise some lamb shanks with artichokes and serve 'em up with white beans.

In my family we eat in the afternoon, around 4:00 PM. It’s potluck, but you know how it is, the same things are brought, usually, by the same people. My sister and brother in law are hosting, they’ll have the ham and the potatos. There will be layered lettuce salad, cauliflower/potato/cheese casserole, green beans, and other stuff. I bring the bread, this time it’s dinner rolls I made at work but didn’t bake until today. I also did an apple pie and made a traditional family candy. There will be a birthday cake for my older nephew.

I wish Mrs. L.A. liked lamb. :frowning:

We did brunch. Challah bread French toast, bacon, sausage, regular and Southwest style hash browns, omelettes, fruit salad, and some hot cross buns from a local bakery.

We are going against the trend this year and having a huge antipasto platter for Easter. 8 different cheeses (we have a friend in cheeses), 7 different meats, a couple of different beers, marinated mushrooms, roasted and pickled peppers, crustini, cornishons, olives, oils, the works.

We ate Chinese. All the Easter Buffet places were packed, with long waits. :frowning:

Lots of ham & fresh eggs in the fridge, though :smiley:

Lamb chops
Tin foil potatoes
Key lime cheesecake


We ate Chinese food. It was delicious.

We were going to go to a steakhouse, but we thought about the crowds, the noise, and the hassle, and decided at the last minute to change.

We had dinner in the big house with my landlady’s family. Her, her husband, their daughter, their grandson, their son, a roommate, Mom, and myself. We had turkey (which was given to Mom and myself by the church), ham, stuffing, dressing (which wasn’t cooked inside the turkey), gravy, mashed potatoes, salad, deviled eggs, olives. For dessert, carrot cake (provided by us), and brownies. A great time was had by all.

This is one of the best parentheticals I’ve ever read on this board, and it needed to be pointed out.