Your preferred mayonnaise brand?

Pick one.

Personally I buy Duke’s when possible. Otherwise, I’ll just buy the small jar of whichever one of the others is cheapest.

I hate to say it but I think plain old Kraft mayo is the best for general purpose mayonnaise. I have had some custom flavored specialty mayonnaise that are better for certain purposes but they aren’t anything you could use as a general purpose mayo.

I never have liked mayonnaise. It’s something about raw eggs and their flavor. Miracle Whip at best.

Hellman’s. Not that it’s so special but I don’t have time to make my own very often, and it’s consistent. Some brands are a little salty, I haven’t tried that many, never had what I’d call a bad store bought mayo.

Hellman’s is my favorite, but it’s $4 a jar. I generally buy Sauer’s; it’s the best of the non-Hellman’s mayo.

First choice is always Duke’s. Hellmann’s is a strong second, and Sauer’s is fine when I can find it. I’d just as soon save my pennies and buy the store brand versus Kraft. And I don’t often make my own - maybe once every year or two. Homemade is good, but for most applications, I’m perfectly happy with the jarred stuff.

ETA: Blue Plate. That’s my other third tier choice. Not many groceries around here stock Sauer’s or Blue Plate in home use size. I usually only see those in the gallon jugs.

Kraft Mayo with Olive Oil

I tried the store brand once. It was grim. Best Food’s from then on.

I hate the taste of the soy oil in the other brands. I buy Hains Safflower Mayonnaise.

What, no Miracle Whip love?

Of course not. That stuff isn’t mayonnaise. Also, ‘mayonnaise’ is the word I use the most often that I have to look up the spelling to every time.

Mayo is Satan’s splooge. (And I’m including Miracle Whip there)

The only mayo better than Best Foods is the stuff made at the fry stands in Belgium.

I must not have a very discriminating palate. To me, mayo is mayo. I buy whatever is cheap, so generally the store brand.

I like Kraft with olive oil, but around our house I guess Sysco would be the favorite, since I’m always hearing about how home mayo is never is good as restaurant mayo, and we have tried them all.

Hellman’s, nice and eggy. Though I find the cheaper Selection store brand to be equally as good.

I bought Kraft mayo made with olive oil in a pretty container, and we put it on our sandwiches, and it was so foul, scraped it off the food and threw the container in the trash. We are cheap, and don’t throw stuff away lightly! But it was disgusting. Worse than Miracle Whip, that’s how bad.

Hellmans it is! Love Hellmans! (here is a dirty little secret, though. As vile as Miracle Whip is, I find a mere tablespoon mixed in with potato salad or tuna salad, not enough to actually taste, improves it some. Gives it a little sweet tang, but just a small spoonful, so you don’t actually taste Miracle Whip. This is a shameful confession, I know. It’s like admitting ‘fresh squeezed’ orange juice is enhanced with a can of some no-name frozen juice from Aldi.)

The Dollar Tree has quite a condiment/pickle section, and sometimes there are little jars of Dukes Mayonnaise. It’s pretty good, a little tangier and saltier than Hellmans. That’s the only place I’ve ever seen it, Dukes is a regional dressing.

Some store brands of mayo are good, some are poor, there’s no predicting.

I love homemade, but only make it a couple of times a year. IMO, Duke’s has a much better consistency than any other brand.

Miracle Whip. It’s not gourmet, but I like it.

Hellmann’s is eggy wonderfulness. I’d make my own if I weren’t bone lazy and accepting that it would probably kill me. Their mayo with (a tiny bit of) olive oil is even better.