"'Your son has killed two kafirs. I slit their throats with a dagger'"

In that case, who are you arguing against in this thread?

Being that he’s still alive, probably not. But since the incidents are otherwise so similar, I am curious to see the transcript of his mother telling him how brave he is, and to hear the details of the feast they plan to hold in his honor.

Only in the same sense as child rape is part of core Hinduism.

Serial rapist killed over 30 children: Delhi police

Richard M. Nixon.

I wasn’t arguing against anyone in my posts, just as you are not in the one quoted above.

Argument, comment and questions are all valid are they not?

Ignore or respond, your free choice either way.

I know Nixon was a bit of a scamp but I’m pretty sure he didn’t run a terrorist organisation on behalf of, and for the benefit of, and according to an interpretation of the principles of, the Quakers.

You may know different, in which case I will have to add them to the roll-call of ideological shame.

No, I don’t think it’s particularly useful to sarcastically describe a point of view without accusing anyone of adhering to it. At best it’s empty words, and at worst it is passively aggressively Just Asking Questions.

Most of the people in this thread who are accusing Truthseeker2 of being close-minded and wrong to group people based on a religion that preaches violence do their own sorts of grouping as well. For some reason, his hate is illogical while theirs is justified.

For some reason I doubt they would rush to defend Mormonism as they defend Islam time and again.

If only Muslims were more like Christians. I mean, they could use the christian leaders of the greatest country in the world! God’s country. The US.

Then they would have true christian values. You know, let’s carpet bomb them until we find out if the sand glows like Ted Cruz suggested. Ore we could kill all the relatives of the people that try to harm us down to the last woman and child like Trump wants to do. Or we could just be blase about it and bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb bomb Iran like McCain is. Or we could bomb their holy cities like Tom Tancredo suggested. You know, Christian things.

Let’s see, US actions have resulted in the deaths of 500,000 Muslims in Iraq. Over 300,000 in Afghanistan. Numerous more thousand in Yemen, Sudan, Libya, Syria, etc… It is clear to me that Christian values are much better than Muslim values. :rolleyes: It is clear to me that they want to kill us because their religion is bad and not because they hate us for slaughtering their people and bombing their homes. Very clear.

Would have been much cooler if you had done something like this…

*Uncle: Wa-alaikum salam. Where are you? Are you safe?
Nasir: I am in paradise. They had those fucking drones.
Uncle: You have phones in paradise?
Nasir: Yes, but the lines are long, those Christians talk forever.
Uncle: Tell me about the virgins, did you get them yet?
Nasir: Yes, but they were MRKH. I traded them for goats.

More believable.

You’d be wrong.

“And no son of mine is going to blow himself up unless he’s wearing clean underwear at the time!”

*It’s only water
In a stranger’s tear
Looks are deceptive
But distinctions are clear
A foreign body
And a foreign mind
Never welcome
In the land of the blind
You may look like we do
Talk like we do
But you know how it is

You’re not one of us
Not one of us
No you’re not one of us
Not one of us
Not one of us
No you’re not one of us*

Peter Gabriel - Not One Of Us

Can we just have one thread where someone overgeneralizes and blames Islam as a whole for someone else’s specific actions without you guys pointing out that bad people of all stripes, everywhere, do bad things to innocent people?
Jeez, you guys are impossible!

Criticizing bigotry is not the same thing as bigotry. And I’m pretty sure the same folks who are criticizing the OP here would criticize someone else who said something equivalent to “the true face of Mormonism is murder and death”.

Consider it a useless post then. There’s no shortage of those on this site.

BTW, I’m curious. Why the capitalisation of “Just Asking Questions”?

A line occurred to me recently and I don’t even know if it’s original but here it is.

It is easier to discriminate against than to discriminate amongst.


A well known tactic of asking leading and misleading questions designed to smear the other party. And of course, claiming to be completely innocent because, after all, one is “just asking questions”.

See also: JAQing off.

This is why I am skeptical that this story ever happened. After the son suicided himself and the authorities found his underwear was all brown streaked up wouldn’t that bring shame on the entire family and indeed possibly exclude them from Heaven and their Virgins?