Poll - Do women like it when men "finish" in their mouth?

Subj, self-explan.:o

Yup. In every instance I’ve ever heard of, he’d prefer it that way, and, from a pratical standpoint, it’s certainly a good way to dispose of the stuff (providing you swallow). Plus…just yes.

I love it, but I believe I am in the minority.

My wife hates it when I do. Everytime she tries to 'splain something to me, she takes so long to get to the point that I end up finishing it for her. It really pisses her off.


Lauralittlepony - How YOU doin’?

Omnipresent: It would be uncouth of me to describe my mood on this board. Hormones! :wink:

Wow, my girlfriend is going through the same thing right now!!! Now THAT’S freaky!!!

When I fall in love and get married, I will want him to finish in my mouth. I think it is part of acceptance and love.

I don’t do anything that would cause him to want to finish in my mouth because I don’t believe that stuff should be done outside of marriage (or at least a long term commited relationship)

Omnipresent: Be a man and keep your hormones under control!

If my hormones were meant to be controlled, they wouldn’t run so rampant. Eh, Omnipresent? :slight_smile:

It’s all dependent upon the person. With my current BF, it’s sort of something I prefer, and something I enjoy.

[gloat]My boyfriend and I both love it when I “finish” in his mouth, regardless of how many times I “finish” before we both fall asleep.[/gloat]

I love it, but only within a long term loving committed relationship. Come to think of it, I don’t have any kind of sex unless that’s the case.

You know it Pony;)

You are a model for all! I hope others will learn from your example:D

I can’t finish there… well, maybe, but it’s very, very difficult.

I try to set a good standard!

Dan. . . never mind. I don’t want to cross over into Penthouse material. :slight_smile:

I don’t mind it…but get this. One boyfriend I had REFUSED to finish in my mouth. Said it was rude.

For what its worth, my last SO began refusing to allow said finishing to happen when I took up smoking again. Apparently nicotine significantly alters the, uh, quality of the… finishing agent.

LauraLittlePony… I wouldn’t DREAM of controlling your hormones… :wink:

I wouldn’t know.

Yes - mouth and…other places. :wink: