Is it me, or is Sara Sidner just plain hot?

Due to the awful attacks in Mumbai, Sara Sidner of CNN is getting a lot of airtime in this country at least.

My god that woman is hot. She’s intelligent, articulate, gutsy and hot hot hotty hot hot.

Right? I mean, please.




Moving thread from IMHO to Cafe Society.

Is hot.

She’s no Soledad O’brien, but I’d go for her over Katie Couric.

It’s so subjective. I’d say she is on par with Soledad.

Or, above par.

Hot. Hot !!

She is hot. IMO hotter than Soledad, albeit not by much.

Really? Nah, Sara doesn’t do it for me at all.

They’re both attractive. I’d not call either hot, though.

Your linked pic is the first and only time I’ve seen her and based on that I’d have to agree that she is indeed Hot.

Sounds like a whole passel o’ woman.

Soledad’s smile creeps me out. I’d say that Sara Sidner kicks her ass in hotness.

Yeah, I wouldn’t kick her out of bed.

I would lower my standards and allow her to sleep with me.

Definitely hot, but I have a preference for Robin Meade. :slight_smile:

Well… everyone’s tastes are different.

The pic linked in the OP reveals that Sara Sidner is an attractive woman. At the same time, ISTM that particular photo does not really flatter her.

Soledad O’Brien’s photo up top is nowhere near her best look either. She is breathtaking, IMHO.

We get to see her in CNN International broadcasts. That picture linked in the OP does her no justice. :smiley: However, the CNN International anchor I’m in love with is Anjali Rao. :slight_smile:

Gimme Suzanne Malveaux any day of the week…

poised, intelligent and definitely HOT

I was going to answer yes without even looking, because cable news networks are competing for ratings by drafting the hottest chicks these days, but - just based on that pic - she looks overweight and bland.

I personally find Paula Zahn unbelievably gorgeous (even though she is a bit autumnal for my tastes) - it’s something about the mouth/jaw area. Her beauty is especially notable to me since blondes aren’t really my thing.

Obligatory Mellissa Theuriaux link below, when she was a newsreader. The candidates in this thread are a bit bland and generic by comparison.

Struan, I have to agree with you: this is one VERY pretty woman.