Prediction: Romney landslide win

Romney will take over 300 in the EC. You guys have blindered yourselves. You can’t see the forest for the trees. What you perceive as gaffes are not considered as such by most conservatives.

It is about anybody but Obama. Nothing has changed since the GOP landslide victory in 2010.

538, Nate Silver, Vegas odds, whatever do not matter. You do not understand the level of dissatisfaction with Obama’s policies around the country. In your insular, poll-driven microcosm of liberal elitism, you have lost the bigger picture.

It will be like Reagan/Carter.

Would you be intersted in a wager?

I say that Romney will get fewer than 301 electoral votes.

He probably won’t win a landslide but yeah… I think he’ll win.

Prediction: The OP’s prediction is wrong.

Meh. I live about four hours from the border, I can probably get across before the Canadians close it.

Can you provide a link to the thread you’re parodying?

This isn’t about gaffes. Those are just the icing on the cake. It’s about his refusal to share his tax returns, explain all his offshore accounts, take ownership for Bain, the discrepancy in the dates, his record as governor - he doesn’t want to be honest about anything, and that’s what is holding up all manner of people who might otherwise vote for him.

  • and don’t discount the fact that he’s Mormon.

Yeah, what Patty O’Furniture said. At the risk of taking the OP on face value though, I ask, what do the polls measure if not the relative level of satisfaction/dissatisfaction of the voters with the candidates they have to choose from?

But, but, after 9/11 everything changed, we should expect all to support the president in a moment of crisis…

Oh yeah, I forgot, Republicans are exempted, but Americans do notice unfair or jerk moves like that. What you see there is Romney getting lost in the forest.

This guy is making the McCain campaign look like a masterpiece. Romney and Ryan could fuck up a two car parade. The election was going to be about jobs jobs jobs but they’ve talked about everything but jobs. Abortion, contraception, Romney’s tax returns, Ryan’s marathon time, both men refuse to offer a single detail on their tax plan, and every time they mention anything about foreign policy they look like they’re missing one Stooge. Jesus, if this is what Mittens is like when he’s wide awake what the fuck do we get when the phone rings at 3 am?

I will take some action on the “under” side of 300 Electoral Votes for Romney.

I will give you odds of 2:1. My $100 to your $50.

What say you?

Republicans and conservatives do so little I agree with that I feel it’s only fair to give most of them credit for being patriotic Americans during this crisis.

Now Romney is a sneering douche, no doubt about it, and the pundits and anyone else defending him are terrible.

But I for one appreciate that a lot of top Republicans didn’t try to politicize it.

I’m not sure it’s even about that. People aren’t happy about the state of the economy, but they blame Obama a bit less than the Republicans think and a lot of the public really isn’t crazy about Romney’s economic proposals and his ideas for cutting the government (to the extent he’s willing to tell anyone what he wants to do). Not being Obama isn’t nearly enough.

Reagan beat Carter 489-49.

I’ve got a thousand dollars that says Romney doesn’t get 400 electoral votes. Wanna take me up on it?

Since I love this anecdote…

I’ve had an Obama sticker on my car all Summer and I actually had a guy approach me a few months ago at a gas station and ask if I ever got tired of people hassling me because of the sticker. When I told him this was the first time it ever happened he seemed honestly flabbergasted.

Even if you think Romney’s going to win and the people here can’t see it, there really is not a poll anywhere that suggests he’ll win by a landslide. Particularly if you look at the state level it’s hard to see how a really lopsided win would happen. Romney’s already giving up on some states that he’d been hoping to swing his way, like Pennsylvania and Michigan and Wisconsin. Which doesn’t mean he can’t win or that he’s giving up, but if he’s not winning states like that - nevermind that he’s giving up on them two months before the election - it’s hard to see how he makes his way to an overwhelming blowout.

Precisely. I’m always a bit amused when I hear people wonder why if the economy is doing so poorly, Obama can still be ahead in most polls. Well, perhaps it’s because they don’t blame Obama so much!

Romney’s going to get his ass handed to him in the debates. He can only parrot platitudes, or step on his dick, or both.

Romney isn’t going to do well come election day, because the Illuminati are really giving him some good one-liners to dig his own grave with.

Seiously, if he would just ad-lib instead of reading the script, he might recover a little bit. . .

I for one welcome our always-present and omnipotent overlords.