In Memoriam

There were political posters, and then there was Reeder.

RickQ, husband to Brynda.

BarnOwl, proud father and grandfather, and crossword lover.

Lyanthya, wife of PaulParkhead.

Firefighter, animal lover and DopeFest friend danceswithcats.

trag-o-caster, bluesman and former husband of Persephone.

Straight Dope Science Advisory Board member and column author, and tireless SDMB contributor Q.E.D.

Nic2004, motorcycle lover and friend.

Storyteller and generous Doper LiveOnAPlane.

Maia’s Well, wife of parthenokinesis.

betenoir, wit and iconoclast.

Walloon, brilliant genealogist.

chique, who impressed us all with her toughness.

Charger, fighter and loving husband.

ChiefScott, humorist and decorated Navy veteran.

ChoosyChipsAndCeilingWhacks/KnitWit. Knitter, wife, and welcoming voice in MPSIMS.

norinew, kind, supportive, funny, and loving mother to a family including Dopers EtherealFreakOfPinkness and ThreadPirateRoberts.

Ronald C. Semone, political scientist and dog lover.

Gail, yogi, teacher, mother, and fighter.

International traveler King Bobo.