Is there a SoCal Dopefest in the works?

Wait a minute.

You mean no one taught you guys the secret sign and handshake?

You have to have those to get into a Dopefest.

You were supposed to get those upon registration. Guess somebody’s fallen off the welcome wagon again…



Oh, I know the secret handshake. But when entering a crowded restaurant, you can’t go up to just anybody and give The Handshake. Firstly, it would let the Great Unwashed know of our existance. Secondly, it might disturb the waitstaff, and they would spit in our food. Thirdly, i get tired after doing more than 5 or 6 Secret Handshakes. Those toe-loops and Salkows wear my ass out! :smiley:

I just saw this thread now, but I think me and the spouse could make it :slight_smile:

Mission Viejo. October 9th.

Sounds good to me.

I’m in.

(and I’m gonna be blasphemous and bring my non-doper (so far at least) girlfriend)

Excellent! And all non-Dopers are invited as well.

I don’t know the secret handshake, I thought we’d all just wear T-shirts that sayDoper on the front.

Because walking into a restaurant and asking “Hey, where are all the Dopers?” won’t get you looked at funny. (Well, any more than usual!) :smiley:

Well you could look for Shanna the pretty one. Oh wait she hasn’t signed up. :smack:
Or you could look for me, the short fat one. Oh wait I’ve lost a bunch of weight. :smack:

You you could look for Scout122 the marathoner. Oh wait she can’t make 10/9. * :smack:

Guess you will be walking around giving the secret handshake. :smiley:

  • All of those in favor of getting Scout1222 to show up anyway and then plying her with food and strong drink as prep for her marathon the next day raise their hands. ::: ducks and runs:::

You know, there are some things I miss about SoCal.

Well, I guess I’ll just sit up here and eat crab.

Now just hold on a minute here. Scheduling a dopefest when Scout can’t make it is just wrong.

Not that you will care what I have to say about it now that you’ve made the plans, but I just had to put in my 2 cents.

Shayna & Spiny Norman better come. It just won’t be a real dopefest if we don’t have Scout & them! :rolleyes: :eek: :rolleyes: :eek: I mean. we already have to do without Johnny L.A. What more can you expect from us???

Carry on. As ** Rico** has already committed us, we’ll be there. Can’t miss a fest — even if it’s not a true dopefest. :eek:

No, or at least I hope not! I just want the regular-sized dollars… and lots of 'em! :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, crud.

[sub]But it is nice to see that I have my very own cheering section. ;)[/sub]

I say you come despite your pre-race jitters.
I will find you a comfortable chair to sit in, (rest those feet for the race you know…)
I will also make sure that you have a bottle of water to drink…

I want to come! I would love to meet you guys! Plus, my girlfriend and I of many years are breaking up :frowning: and I feel like a) I could use some entertaining distraction and b) my social skills could use some airing out!

Beckwall, I tried to send you a message but it says in your profile that you don’t accept email. Mine’s not listed, either (work issue) so I’m not sure what to do besides check back.

Count me in as sad not to have a chance to meet Scout and Johnny L.A.. I could whine if that would make a difference. How about pouting?

How do we find each other? (To hostess): “I’m looking for a large group of, uh, smart people…”

Normally we have a sign saying “SDMB” or something like that so others can find us. Or simply ask for the Cecil Adams party…an inside joke that we’ve used in the past.

It’ll be nice to meet you, jellyblue. Scout is running a marathon the next day, and Johnny L.A. now lives 1200 miles away. They have both been Dopefest staples that will be missed.

Besides, you can’t miss me. I’m a 6’ 6" bearded goofy lookin’ dude.

I finally got around to firing up the work 'puter and checked my schedule.
I am back from Toronto on the 8th, so I’m in.
I’m with cadolphin that it would be nice if we could change the date so Scout could be there.

Oh and Scout, if you want to come not only would we give you a bottle of water, we would find you a chair to rest your feet on.

If it turns out this goes through on 10/9, I will consider it. I mean shit, I’m going to be so close (if it’s in Huntington Beach, that is) that I’d kick myself if I didn’t.

You just can’t keep me out too late or force any alcohol on me if I do show up.

If you do pick 10/9, count me in for the time being as a “maybe” - I’ll see how things are going closer to race day.

Then we must move it to Huntington Beach! It just wouldn’t be right to not have scout there. If my hubby hadn’t already committed us, I’d be saying “no scout, no cadolphin”.


“no scout, no cadolphin
Altogether now!
“no scout, no cadolphin

How much further north is Huntington Beach than Laguna Hills?

I went up to San Marino 2 weeks ago (to go to the Huntington library/museum/botanical gardens) and it took so damn long (on a Saturday!) to get there…Maybe someone down here can break out a trebuchet and catapult me to HB :stuck_out_tongue: .

Thanks for the info, Rico :slight_smile: .

According to Mapquest, Huntington Beach is 23.4 miles north of Laguna Hills.

The Huntington Library in San Marino has nothing to do with Huntington Beach. Huntington Beach is a cool little beach community, known worldwide as “Surf City,” and is located between Newport Beach, Fountain Valley, Westminister, and Seal Beach.

Not far at all.