Vibrators are bad! Stop using them!

You mean like this? :smiley:

(Link goes to a offering for condoms packaged with a vibrating “ring”.)

For some things sure.

The day we invent the Orgasmatron however will be sad.

I maintain that done right between two people who match well with their kinks and whatever should blow the doors off anything else. I also think that there is a risk that some women, by using a vibrator, may find it more difficult to impossible to get off with their partner and that is a bad thing. It is not ALL about the orgasm. It is about intimacy.

Of course some women may learn how to orgasm via use of a vibrator which allows them greater pleasure with a partner. Lots of possibilities and I am by no means saying vibrators are bad. Just depends on the woman really. Everyone is different.

Is this before, or after, posting personal ads that are apparently hard to interpret?
PS. how is your recruiting coming along?

It should, but the way to achieve that is by making that better, not trying to ban the competition.

How this got by is beyond me - you folks are slipping.

Vibrators do have their place (actually, places in our experience) and they can be a whole lot of fun. We don’t bring them into play all the time, but every once in a while they hit just the right spot.

And silicone feels much better than latex.

I never suggested banning the competition. At least re-reading my posts I don’t see it. I’ve used them before with my partner and had great fun.

My objection is when they become the only thing your partner really wants for gratification and I do think there is a danger (for lack of a better word) there.

I only recommend a bit of caution in their use is all but I am all for sexual gratification.

Ok…for the ladies let’s turn this around. May not be a perfect analogy but as close as I can imagine.

Suppose you are with a guy (assuming you swing that way) and every time you have sex he does not get off. Once he thinks he has the job done he rolls over and pulls a cock pump out of the drawer and satisfies himself that way.

You’d be cool with that relationship?

It’s aid, not aide.

The former is a gizmo that helps you out. The latter is a person who helps you out.

Not that there’d be anything wrong with having a sexual aide. :stuck_out_tongue:

No, vibrators are good. Keep using them.

If the choice is “use a vibrator” or “don’t have an orgasm,” it seems obvious which one should be chosen. I come easily, from different kinds of stimulation, but a vibrator-induced orgasm feels a lot better than what I could do myself without one, or, frankly, what even my best lover (who was excellent) could do for me.

Luckily I have never had a lover who was bothered by my vibrator use. In fact, their reaction has always been, “Cool! Do you want to use it while we fuck?”

Sorry, it’s the phrase ‘stop using them’ - I can’t help reading it as if it means ‘stop using them’.

I completely get what you mean, but it still amounts to “yes, I know that’s better, but I don’t want you to do it”. It’s like saying someone should never try triple chocolate ice cream, so that they can stay happy with vanilla.

My experience with vibrators is - what’s not to love? The only one I didn’t like was a vibrating cock ring with a magic bullet in it. It was very huge and intrusive. But the little, one use ones are darling.

Before my husband finally got over himself a few years ago and agreed to the introduction of vibrators into our bed, I always orgasmed via manual stimulation - eventually twice per session. Now, when we’re using vibrators it’s been up to 4. Yes, the orgasms are a tad more intense, but not in a bad way. And I still can orgasm without a vibrator so there’s no argument there.

Also, introducing less-vanilla sex into our marriage has been pretty much my domain and the vibrator has been a good way to sneak a little self-stimulation into the mix. “Want me to hold the vibrator?” seems to be less threatening to my husband than when I’ve tried to put my(empty) hand down there.

What I don’t like is when my husband seems to bring it into the action to hurry things along. Sometimes I don’t think he grasps that it can be fun to prolong the action and delay climax. That’s not the vibrator’s fault though.

Just to be clear that was the OP’s phrase and not mine.

Actually I am unsure what to think about a woman who cannot orgasm with a partner but has learned to with a vibrator. On the one hand I’d say do whatever suits you to get off…that’s a good thing.

On the other hand I’d think something was amiss. Whether it be bad partners, some hangup of her own or just desensitized from overstimulation (or something else) who’s to say? Different strokes for different folks (pun intended).

I’d still say it is an issue though.

For those who use them here and there when the mood strikes or with your partner for a change of pace rock on!

(As an aside for some reason most women I know [who I have somehow talked about this with] are not fans of vibrators but prefer dildoes…hardly scientific but it occurred to me while writing this).

Oops, my bad. Sorry.

Right now I have no problems giving my partner an orgasm. If she used a vibrator for some length of time and suddenly, with me not changing anything, she could no longer get off without the use of a vibrator, I too would have issues with my relationship.

Am I the only woman who doesn’t like the sensation of vibrators? I’ve used a few, but have never been able to get off with them. They kind of vibrate me into numbness. Maybe I’m not giving it enough time? I have no problem coming from manual stimulation or vaginal intercourse (god, that sounds clinical).

You might be using one that is too strong, or something like the Fukuoku finger vibe, which isn’t enough for some people and only numbs them. A friend of mine has the same problem (if you want to call it a problem)–vibrators just numb her bits out too, so she doesn’t bother with them.

So let’s say I’m with a woman who has never, by herself or with me or with anyone else, managed to achieve orgasm without a vibrator. That means our relationship is crap?

I have never used one because of the experiences of a friend that I knew about 15 years ago. She told me that she started using a vibrator in her teens and could not orgasm any other way. No man was ever able to get her off-- she had to go finish herself off with the vibrator afterwards. She told me, flat out, that no man could compete with the gizmo for the level of stimulation, which she had gotten used to and could not do without. That scared me enough that I’ve never tried one, because if my partner couldn’t get me off and I was reliant on a machine to do it, that would be very, very sucky IMO. Not worth the extra-great orgasm for the distance I feel it would put between me and my SO.

I am a guy so cannot speak from experience but I posted above that most women I know (that I talked to this about) preferred dildoes to vibrators. Those that liked vibrators seemed to have a thing for a little bullet sized thing (maybe not that small but smallish).

Anyway…clearly a matter of preference. Whatever floats your boat but if it helps you to know that some other women think as you I can say at least a handful do (likely a lot more). :wink:

I am not here to say what you and/or your SO require in a relationship. If that situation works for you and you are head over heels in love with her more power to you.

I am only saying I would have issue with it. If everything else was spectacular would I ditch her for this alone? I’d like to say no…that the other great things about her would trump this for me. But honestly I do not know (for myself). I enjoy sex. I enjoy intimacy. I especially enjoy where those two cross. A relationship that lacks there, to me, is not right in a fundamental way.

One other person posted here that he felt as I do. Doesn’t make our opinions correct but at least I know I am not totally alone in this. I would see it as a serious issue.

But I can certainly allow that others do not think as I do and may find this perfectly acceptable.

To each their own.