100 best ripostes, turns of phrase, insults, bon mots, etc. on the Dope

From Bosda Di’Chi of Tricor:

Page o’ Funnies & Flames submitted by US and taken care of my Opal Cat.


Actually, the quote was As it happens, I am the fucking hall monitor. One of manhattan’s finest moments.

I think something got broken, at least for Firefox. The page you linked to comes up fine, but when I try to go to the quotes pages I get the HTML. In IE it works though.

This is stupid in and of itself. General Mills does not make corn flakes. Cheerios, Wheaties, Lucky Charms, Trix yes. Corn flakes, no.

Don’t blame me, I didn’t write it.

I’m not. Of course, the line loses a bit of rhythm if you say Kellogg’s.

No, it’s caring about whether or not General Mills actually makes corn flakes that’s dumb.

Cecil was called on this, and replied that he wouldn’t let facts get in the way of a good one-liner.

From The rock in the box: I burning your dog:

The lost & lamented Homer started a thread about a minority group member stealing his car radio.

THIS was a dilly of a reply!

I…don’t recall that one.

:confused: :confused: :confused:

In the thread 102 Year Old Italian Woman Plunges 4 Stories & Lives,

ShibbOleth said:

Lieu’s reply:

What an amazing imagery. I still can’t scrape it off my mind’s eye.

Oh, that was a good one. Just the sort of thing I had in mind when I started the thread.

I used to have this one bookmarked, but I can’t find it anymore. I’m pretty sure this (perhaps not the exact quote anymore, as I’m working from memory) is attributed to DoctorJ:

see post #30

Oh, the tangled web we weave… :wink:

Clearly I’ve been whooshed. By whom, about what, I have no idea.

Still. I’d have to give the late Cleverman some major props for apparently coining the nickname “Banhattan” in that same thread.

The topic was Triumph the Insult Comic Dog insulting people in Montreal. Quebec separatism was thrown into the mix by a Quebec native who had moved (temporarily?) to the US.

It’s not much by itself, but in context it’s precisely on target and therefore wonderful.