1000 posts? D'oh!

I just looked at my post count and it’s 1015. I missed my 1000th post! :frowning:

Well, I hope it was a good one. Anybody know if you can tell which post is which #'d post?


Ask the Gay Guy! (or, if you prefer the Jesusfied version, Asketh the damn Priest Guy!)

I think it was the one you posted drunk at two AM, with all the typos and misspellings and half-baked conclusions.

But hey, Happy 1000th!



You rule - you are in my Top 5 Favourite Gay Posters list (which does not include closet cases, mind you!).

And if you think YOU’VE messed up your 1000th post, check the “irony and sarcasm” thread in the Pit and see how I wasted my 2000th post… it’s rather tragic, really.

Congrats matey :smiley:

Defect borg:
“Refutile is sistance. Your ass will be simulated”.

WallyM7 on Coldfire:
"Yeah, he knows a little about everything because they have a good prison library."

FWIW, I think you rock, too.


You say “cheesy” like that’s a BAD thing.

Rock on, Esprix! :smiley:

Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.

Well, Esprix, I have to admit: 1000 posts or not, I still think of you as a new guy. Granted, you’re one of the better new guys I’ve seen on the board.

A hearty congrats!

God is my co-pilot. Blame Him.

Hi, Esprix! Congrats! You’re one of the good guys here, that’s for sure.
<raises her glass of wine in a toast>
Here’s to many more!

You are more than a human being, you are a human becoming.
Og Mandino

That’s my name, not a description. I am neither purple nor a bear. Okay, so I’m purple.<a true Wally original!>

{blink blink} If such a post exists, I must have been drunk! :smiley:



Ask the Gay Guy! (or, if you prefer the Jesusfied version, Asketh the damn Priest Guy!)

Um, aren’t there only like 5 of us anyway? :smiley: But thank you - you rock as well.

Yeah, I caught that right after I posted this. My sincerest condolences… Better luck for your 3000!


Ask the Gay Guy! (or, if you prefer the Jesusfied version, Asketh the damn Priest Guy!)

Sealemon88 wrote:

And SingleDad wrote:

Seems to be a them. “Party on, Garth!” :smiley:

Thanks, guys. You guys have nigh impressed me as well.


Ask the Gay Guy! (or, if you prefer the Jesusfied version, Asketh the damn Priest Guy!)

Oh, but I am - I’ve only been registered since February. My post count is so high because the job I’ve been temping in for the past 6 months is boring as all get out, so I’ve nothing better to do at work (but still need to give the semblance of “working” to my nosy co-workers, so I fiddle on the computer as an illusion). But I like to think I contribute. Goodness knows I’ve gotten a lot out of this place!



Ask the Gay Guy! (or, if you prefer the Jesusfied version, Asketh the damn Priest Guy!)

Thanks babe! You rock! :smiley: {tinks mug of tea}


Ask the Gay Guy! (or, if you prefer the Jesusfied version, Asketh the damn Priest Guy!)

Hey don’t worry! With all the pruning, you’ll probably get another chance.

Not Voted, **Coolest, Dumbest, Happiest, Drunkest, Surliest, Gayest, Most Godly, or anything else! ** Damn you all to HELL!

Where’s my side of FUN!?

Congrats young man!
You will soon be receiving in the mail a young attractive Asian man reading for framing! :wink:

Same story here, Esprix. If it weren’t for this board I would have gone catatonic at this temp job by now :slight_smile:

Congrats on your high-postin’ status!

Ignorant since 1972

Nope, not until they start pruning into February - I’m too new. Maybe after that, tho… :slight_smile:


Ask the Gay Guy! (or, if you prefer the Jesusfied version, Asketh the damn Priest Guy!)

WOO HOO! But don’t tell Dr. Boyfriend - he’s in Atlanta for the next month! :wink:


Ask the Gay Guy! (or, if you prefer the Jesusfied version, Asketh the damn Priest Guy!)

Thanks! They want me to take this job permanently, but I’m afraid I’d slip into a coma! :slight_smile:


Ask the Gay Guy! (or, if you prefer the Jesusfied version, Asketh the damn Priest Guy!)

I’ll join you in a mug of tea, Esprix. I like tea a lot. What’s your favorite flavor?

As to your comment. Thank you, very much. :o

You are more than a human being, you are a human becoming.
Og Mandino

That’s my name, not a description. I am neither purple nor a bear. Okay, so I’m purple.<a true Wally original!>

Hey, Esprix, congrats and let me buy you a festive glass o’ bubbly. Sit yerself down, try to look modest and watch while Da Dopers celebrate your 1K.

(Don’t worry; this is pretty sedate, all things considered. The TM haven’t even gotten to cannibalism and cross-species depredations yet.)

Oh…was that your Manx cat? Ooops.
Somebody pour Esprix s’more Tattinger…

Always enjoy your posts. ::uncouth but heartfelt Bronx taxi whistle::
