2016 State of the Union address tonight 01/12/16

She’s of Indian descent like Jindal. Apparently they all look alike. :rolleyes:

pretty pathetic thread

Full text of Obama’s address.

Full text of Nikki Haley’s response.

Which response provoked . . . what else?! :rolleyes: . . . a RW backlash.

What tickles me about that is that after taking a (minor, weak) shot at Trump, Haley almost immediately gave him a li’l stroke:

I thought her speech was surprisingly good. It hit all the “establishment” Republican talking points, dug in on Obama and Clinton, and fairly deftly threaded the needle between “Damn, we really hate and fear The Donald” and “Damn, he might get the nomination.” Honestly, it was probably the best Republican response I’ve seen during Obama’s tenure.

I still yelled at her a bit, mind. But she did what she was supposed to without looking like an asshole. She certainly didn’t tank her chances at future success in the Party…and they’re definitely going to need her in the next couple of cycles.

That wasn’t a little stroke at all. She was reminding that the GOP was still going to be tough on immigration just not nutjobs about it like Trump.

She sure surprised me (as did Linsey Graham).

That speech had to be vetted and seems to reflect the GOP saying to Trump et al: “Not in our name.” Good for them.

Best commentary of the night came from blogger Awesomely Luvvie. Speaking about Kim Davis:

And a comment from her Facebook page on Davis’ sweater:

The Donald immediately tweeted some deep, trenchant, insightful political analysis.

“It was boring.”

Thanks, Don, or the 4th grader who hacked your twitter account.

That actually seems to be the basis of his appeal.

I hate to sound like an old fart, but if this is how 4th graders sound we have some serious parenting failures in this country.

Well, parenting failures of previous generations are more relevant here; many of Trump’s base apparently have entered into their second childhood.

Her delivery was a bit stiff. The content was okay. I did wish she didn’t have to go over the top with things like this:

So, what’s your plan?
And why are you calling the ACA “disastrous?” It may not be perfect, but I’m not seeing a disaster anywhere, especially in contract to the prior situation.

Apparently,the GOP soft-pedaled their anti-immigration stance when they gave the Spanish language version of their response to the president’s speech, leaving out some of the harsher phrases.

I liked the speech.

I’m gonna miss that guy when he’s gone.

Gonna miss that fat belligerent buffoon too.

Was at a family dinner over the weekend, and at some point the FIL saw fit to go on at some length how much he agreed with Trump, with his second choice was Carson. Not sure how sincere that second choice was, as this guy is an unabashed bigot.

Wife and I managed to keep our mouths shut, and switched the topic as quickly as possible.

Just stunning when you come face-to-face with an ostensibly sentient human being who strongly supports these 2 as potential presidents…

On my “List of Five Things that are Entirely Unlike the State of the Union Address,” Star Wars movies are, like, four of them.

Coming from The Donald, this is high praise.

The Donald only knows about half a dozen adjectives in total. People or things he doesn’t like are “terrible”, “stupid”, “idiotic”, or “incompetent”. So calling the speech “boring” tells us that The Donald didn’t feel obliged to pin any of his standard insult-descriptors on it.

The Donald also learned the words “great” and “terrific” but those are only allowed to be applied to The Donald himself or his best friends.

BTW, I saw a recent interview with Obama in which he was asked if he could see Trump ever giving a State of the Union address. “In a Saturday Night Live skit, I could,” he replied.

Awesomlyluvvie is a born writer, thanks for that! The description of the sweater is priceless!

Of course one would expect Kim Davis to be the epitome of style, considering that she’s married to someone who looks exactly like the old Red Skelton character Klem Kaddiddlehopper.

Yes because the only similarity between Haley and Jindal are that they are of Indian descent. :rolleyes: By that sort of reasoning, I could just as easily have written 'genderbent Ami Bera" since he is also a politician of Indian descent. But obviously, there are lots of other similarities besides their ethnicity-being governors of Southern states, being on the hard-right of the Republican Establishment, being puffed up as token minorities, being low-energy losers etc.

This is a great point to say, “On second thought, you’re right–that was an unnecessary and kind of gross comparison that relied on lazy ethnic grouping rather than on cogent political analysis, and I shouldn’t have made it.”

Or, y’know, you can double down and expect everyone to believe that ethnicity was purely coincidental to your grouping. Up to you.