24 - Season 3, Episode 12, 12:00AM - 1:00AM (SPOILERS)

ALl I want to know is WTF happened the helicopter they had on station for the take down at the transfer? Where did it go so quickly that it wasn’t available to track down Amador?

And yeah, add me to the “The Delta Team guys got taken out by a few guys lurking in the hills? Riiiight.” group.

Crap, I knew I shouldn’t read the spoilers! I resisted at Ain’t It Cool, but I couldn’t hold out here. Oh well. Only one.

The reason the Delta team sucked was because it wasn’t a real Delta team - they’re all in Iraq. CTU dressed a bunch of mall cops up in Delta gear and figured it would be enough to scare them into giving up.

It’s not exactly a catch phrase but he does often do a thing where he will say something quietly and then scream it when someone doesn’t listen.
“Get in the chair.”
Character just stares at him…

I guess I’m totally jaded, but why did they run the “Due to some graphic violence, viewer discretion is advised” warning at the beginning of this one? Sure, there were some gun battles, explosions, and one bloody handprint, but it’s not like there were any actual torture scenes or Jack interrogating Chloe and making her talk by threatening to kill the baby or anything like that.

Chloe: The answer to the question, “Does Gollum have a sister?”

I thought they were running that disclaimer on all episodes now. It is a pretty violent show in general.

If not, then it was probably for the big gun battle at the virus exchange.

Thanksgiving must be mighty tense at the Bauer household.

“Kim, please say grace.”

“Pass the gravy.”

Is it just me or does anyone else wish they’d let them swear more? It just feels like Jacks threats would be a bit more…threatening if he could drop an f-bomb or two in there.

I knew, I KNEW there was something that bugged me about last week’s episode and I just remembered what it is.

When Nina is on her laptop, transferring the money to Amador’s people, she hooks up to a wireless modem. Now, I don’t have a wireless myself and know little about them, but don’t the wireless units need to have a base unit close by to ‘talk to’ or whatever? What is the range on those things? Seemed a bit of a stretch to me.

Probably hooked the modem up through a cell phone. There’s apparently great reception out there in the middle of nowhere since everyone else is using their cell phones. Me, I couldn’t get a signal throughout all of South Dakota, but Jack Bauer can make a call from a black hole.

And “Who are you working for?!”