Hey guys…I’m in the middle of watching Season II of 24 and I’m dying to know what the premise of Season III is. Is it possible to tell me without spoiling the end of II? If so, fill me in please!
No, it isn’t possible to give any substantive information regarding the premiere episode of season 3 without revealing important info from the end of season 2. Which isn’t to say that there is any available to share anyway, except that season 3 starts 2 1/2 years after the end of season 2.
I don’t know - from what I could tell, I didn’t really see any connection between Seasons 2 and 3 from the Season 3 promo I watched. Then again, I only watched the RealVideo promo that was more like a gallery of stills with sound. But it seems like some of the big plot points were kinda just left hanging from what they’ve shown.
BTW, the Season 2 DVD’s whup up on the Season 1 set. Finally, they give us EXTRAS. 44 deleted scenes, commentary, “making of” documentaries … THIS is what should have been there last time.
Will Kim be dead!?! PLEASE LET KIM BE DEAD!!!
Okay that is mean and uncalled for. Could she just be mute and paralyzed? I’m not against looking at her now and again but if they could just leave her out of the plot that would be greeeeeaaat!
Good lord, pezpunk! If Kim were either dead or paralyzed, she wouldn’t be able to run. And bounce. In slow-motion. Oh, sweet Elisha Cuthbert… running… and bouncing…
What? Are you guys still here?
I’m going to have to echo pezpunk’s comments. Jack’s life would just be so much easier without having to drag Kim along with him on his escapades. Who knows, maybe Jack will eventually get fed up and pack her into a container and ship her off to the Sahara? Of course, all the slo-mo, ahem, bounceage will have to be sacrificed.
I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again. What 24 needs is a picture-in-picture Kim-Cam. She doesn’t have to be involved in the plot - she could be off on vacation in Hawaii or somesuch. But whatever she’s doing, she needs to be doing a lot of running. Or jumproping. In fact, I’d like to suggest that she becomes an aerobics instructor, and is participating in a 24 hour aerobics-a-thon.
The preview interface2x refers to (I assume) is found at 24’s official site- http://fox.com/24. I assume the actual series will be more exciting than the preview.
And epraz, don’t worry- no one else really knows what’s going to happen in Season 3, either.
And may I humbly ask that I be the official keeper of the weekly 24 threads, if KTK is still unable? Baseball will be over by Oct 28, and 24 will again be my Reason To Be.
I don’t care if Kim is in the show, I just want her plot to be somehow tied in with what else is going on. Having her go through the worst day of her life in the midst of everything else that is going on is just distracting. When her scenes are on, you just think that there’s GOTTA be something else in this whole mess that’s more worth watching than her staring down a cougar.
Good idea, Munch – in fact, we don’t even need to know er storyline. We already know she will be getting into weird danger after weird danger… So all we need is just 5-10 minutes per episode of her in the extra smaller frame… running.
Hour 1: she’s running from a lion
Hour 2: she’s running from a gang of street mimes
Hour 3: she’s running down the beach, white clingy t-shirt getting wet, chased by angry seagulls
See how easy it is to come up with them? Just put her in the split screen section with the sound off of her, and we’ll get the picture. And we don’t have to waste time away from the actual plot…
And we’ll see the running… bounce-y bounce-y bounce-y
Here’s what TV Guide’s Fall Preview has to say about the new season:
Well, firstly I’m rather peeved that they’re enhancing the myth about drugs & terrorism being interconnected (as opposed to giant oil companies colluding with the U.S. government to start a fake war with the Middle East, which as we all know is fairly close to the truth!) but what REALLY gets me is it totally renders pointless the ending of season two:
…in which President Palmer winds up the victim of an assassination attempt, and ends with a cliffhanger of him lying on the ground gasping for air…but that means nothing now, because suddenly it’s THREE YEARS LATER!!!
Which is basically how I figured they would handle it. :rolleyes:
At least I got my Tuesday nights back. Hope everyone else enjoys the new season, I won’t be watching.
I couldn’t agree more. What a complete waste of what would seemingly be a very interesting story line. I am dissapointed in the writers for dropping the ball on that one.
It’s not that we can’t find Osama bin Laden because he’s hiding or dead, it’s because he’s just really sleepy all the time.
BWAHAHAHA! Makes it tough for Al-Queda operatives receiving their orders, too.
Osama: Okay, men! Today I want Amal, Kamal, and Kamamal to do the planned suicide bombings of the… SNNNNXXXXXXKXKXKXKX…
KGS – I’m sure that the season 2 ending will fit in somehow. Were you expecting season 3’s 24 hour period to pick up at 8 AM at the end of season 2’s day? Jack would never get sleep, then. I think 2 consecutive days (making it “48”) would be much less believable from the action standpoint.
I’m sure there will be exposition and story line that relates to the season 2 ending.
I’m sorry, I know this is bad form, but that’s the funniest thing I’ve written all month. It reminds me of the line from Gun Shy, where the mafia guy keeps falling asleep and refers to his having “narcosleepy”.
And we wouldn’t 24 to be unbelievable in any way.
I didn’t say it was already all believable. Just that having season 3 NOT pick up the very second that season 2 ended does not mean that the season 2 ending becomes worthless. I don’t know the season 3 premise, but I’m pretty sure they will work the season 2 ending into it.