24 - Season 3, Episode 1, 1:00PM - 2:00PM (SPOILERS)

24, Season 3, Episode 1
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
(Boy, that’s gonna make for a bitch of a marathon.)


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This thread made possible by the good folks at the 24 Club. When you think 24, think 24 Club.

Official site

Woo hoo!!!

Start the clock!

::tick, tick, tick, tick::

By the way, USA Today has a nice article today regarding 24.

Careful though, there are some spoilers in the article.

w00t w00t! I can’t wait.

Anyone know the story thus far? How long has it been since the last 24 hours?

I guess it must have been at least a little while, because:

(minor spoiler if from the official website - I assume this is first-five-minutes type info)

Kim is now a Level One Analyst at CTU. I think just about everyone predicted that one. :wink:

I can’t wait! See ya back in here tonight. :smiley:

Unfortunately, I shall be watching the Joe Schmoe finale.

Next week, however. :slight_smile:

I was laughing my ass of this morning when Bob & Tom were talking about this season and Kim’s role in it. They said “It’s not that we don’t want her doing that, it’s that we want her dead.”


Three years, I believe.

Remember to take a leak before you start watching. The first hour is commercial free!

I like this bit about one of the characters:


Whoops, that was from the USA Today article that Algernon linked to. Sorry.

YAY! I love these threads!

Today (so far) has been the longest day of my life.

How much more badass can Jack get?

I can’t wait to find out.

I think we should start a pool, before the show starts, about when certain characters will make their reappearance. What hour will Sherry Palmer show up? How about Nina? And how long will it take Kim to get into peril?

I give Kim until episode 3 (3-4pm) before she gets in trouble of some sort.

Sherry? 9pm.


The following takes place between 12pm and 4pm:
I’ll be at work.

The following takes place between 5pm and 6pm:
I’ll find my pack of blank tapes, and set up the VCR.

The following takes place between 6pm and 7pm:
I’ll be installing 128 MB RAM, partially to avoid this thread to avoid East Coast spoilers.

The following takes place between 8pm and 8:30pm:
I’ll call my friend who moved back to San Francisco after college this weekend.

The following takes place between 8:30pm and 8:57pm:
Uncontrollable fidgeting and fretting about my early-VHS era VCR.

The following takes place between 9:00pm and 10:00pm:
What takes place between 1pm and 2pm.


Hmm, the NOVA on string theory is on here from 7-9.
Think i will watch that and tape 24 from 8-9, then watch it from 9-10. ~3 hours of TV bliss!



Funny, but I plan to do the opposite-- tape the NOVA show and watch 24 “live”. If 24 had comercials, I might consider your method, but the NOVA show is also something I might want to watch more than once.

And remember people, same as last year, whoever is driving the sponsor’s new vehicle (the Ford F150 this year) is automatically cleared of being a bad guy (see Raza and his 2003 Ford Thunderbird in last year’s season opener.)

Oh, and do you think we’re going to get a line as good as “Get me a hacksaw” in the first episode this season?

You know, sometimes during the season when things get a little preposterous, the excitement starts to drag a little and characters begin to act really stupidly, these threads are better than what’s on TV.

You know, sometimes during the season when things get a little preposterous, the excitement starts to drag a little and characters begin to act really stupidly, these threads are better than what’s on TV.

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! They gave her a job at CTU?? That’s it, the world is doomed.