30 Rock, 05/01: "Sandwich Day"

In this episode, it’s Teamster Sandwich Day, Floyd leaves The Cleve for a day, and Jack ponders life without GE.

The post-strike portion of this season could be titled “Exes and Ohs: The Many Loves of Liz Lemon.”

My favorite part: Frank channeling Tiny Tim in his description of Sandwich Day. Or maybe the Teamsters and the TGS drinking team singing “Danny Boy.” (Jenna: "No, I’ve had ten shots today.") Or maybe Jonathan serenading Jack with Sarah McLachlan before he descended to the 12th floor. Or maybe Liz wolfing down her sandwich instead of leaving it behind at security.

Also, what the heck is up with Liz’s pregnancy scare next week? How did that happen? Shenanigans!

This show continues to be the most amazing thing on television. I hope it continues long into the future.

Another strong episode. This show is really in the zone right now. They’ve taken the zaniness level up a notch and turned it into a real screwball comedy, and it works.

I didn’t care for the implied dis of Montreal, but Baldwin continues to impress.

I think I missed the dis of Montreal…but I definitely caught the dis of Detroit.

There is something about Kathy Geiss that I find absolutely hilarious. It may involve trying to push the bathroom door open.

She is funny.

I love it when Jack tells her, “you know, Mark Walberg hates unicorns.”

Best line of the night. . .“A drinking contest? What? Am I twelve and at my boyfriends frat party?”

I like it when they ask Jack to get the teamsters to get them sandwiches and Jack says, “you’ll have to beat them in a drinking contest. . .it’s in their contract.”

Also, 12th floor was funny. Did that sign say, “No Nut Food.”

“Oh, this is alcohol? We called this Hillbilly Hill Milk.”

(I know I screwed up some of those quotes)

“I’ve been drinking it since I was a baby.”
I loved Jack trying to wake up Geiss - “Hillary Clinton is President!”

It’s true - they keep promising us an Ikea here in Cleveland but they never deliver.

I love when they pull out the Cleveland jokes. Go 30 Rock!

Did this episode make anyone else really want a sandwich? I saw a lot of Subway commercials during the ep, too. drool

The best line of the show (for me) was when Liz was in the red dress looking all sexy and stuff, and Cleveland-boy asks her if she wants to go get out to dinner.

Cleveland Boy: Do you want to get dinner at that BBQ place where you puked?
Liz: You’ll have to be more specific.

That had me laughing through the entire commercial break that followed.

BTW, what was the dis of Detroit and Montreal?

My husband loved the dis of Detroit - he spent his teen years in Kitchener, and all they ever heard on the news was that Buffalo was on fire (Buffalo, Detroit, same difference :smiley: ).

What was that inspirational line Jack told Liz? You’re still somewhat young and you haven’t completely screwed it up yet?

Jonathan: “What about your friends in the Bush administration?”
Jack: “Has it gotten that bad? I’d rather work for an American car company than jump on that sinking ship.”

Kenneth: “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
Tracy: “Please ask my permission before you quote me Kenneth.”

Liz: “I wolfed my teamster sub for you.”
Floyd: “Is that a saying?”

Jack: “I even stopped to catch a snowflake with my tongue but evidently that’s some sort of signal in Chelsea.”
Plus Brian Dennehy, the Brady Bunch football & the band-aid in the hair, Frank tries to kiss Lutz, JetFun, and the Michael Clayton of Cleveland. Another great ep. :slight_smile:

Floyd: “Last week a tornado in Cleveland wiped out an entire city block: a bowling alley, two liquor stores, and the liquor store museum.”

I loved Liz flipping the writers’ room table over and screaming, “WHERE’S MY MAC AND CHEESE?” Her relationship with food is similar to mine. I also loved her eating a McDonald’s sundae while slowly walking the treadmill.

I really thought Brian Dennehy died a few years ago. Now I’m wondering who really died that I confused with him.

I heard “Three bowling alleys, a liquor store, and a liquor store museum.”

I’m not sure there was a dis of Montreal. Liz needed a plane ticket to get to Floyd’s gate, so she asked for the cheapest ticket anywhere, which happened to be Montreal. Then the woman at security said to her, “Crazy eyes, one-way ticket to Montreal – I should detain you.” That’s pretty scant evidence to assume they were taking a dig at Montreal.

For Detroit, there was a line on the news about a tornado in downtown Detroit that put out some fires that were already burning.

Brian Keith, I’m sure.

“You in the blazer: be the girl.”

I also found the talk about Lutz’s surgery to be pretty funny. How if he ate too fast, his insides would explode. After he wolfed down his Teamster sub, he said, “It feels like knives,” in this little voice. And later in Jenna’s dressing room, Frank twits him about the surgery being to fix an undescended testicle, and Lutz says, “Ha! Wrong! It was two undescended testicles!” You sure showed him, buddy.

I love Lutz. I hope he never becomes a major character, because he wouldn’t be nearly as interesting.

Me too and, speaking as a former resident of Dennis Kucinich’s congressional district, it’s funny because it’s true.

And I drive that street every day on my way to and from work.

My favorite line, when Liz meets Floyd on the street and unravels his lie: “You used Ghostbusters for evil!” Close second: Tracy calling the ankle bracelet “My Hollywood Sock”.

Head of Homeland Security - Crisis and Weather Management Division? Oh, please Jack, come back, come baaaaaaaack…

Thomas ‘Big Tom’ Callahan Jr?