A friend’s ‘ex’ is a Conservative. She has a Bush/Cheney sticker on the visor of her car. She lives in Irvine, which is stereotypically rich and conservative and right down there in ‘Reagan Country’. (Irvine gives me the willies.) She saw my BUCK FUSH bumper sticker on my Jeep, and laughed her head off. Although she self-identifies as a Conservative (she doesn’t vote, though, since she’s a Canadian citizen), she still saw the humour in the sticker. I’ve been flipped off, and I’ve had people gesticulating so wildly I thought they’d crash; but she can still laugh.
There’s nothing really Pit-worthy in the OP. Of course, if people start flipping you off or gesticulating wildly, it may end up back here, but for now let’s give MPSIMS a try.
gesticulates wildly at Johnny L.A.
Keep in mind that a Canadian Conservative is likely equal to about a middle-of-the-roader here. Though with the recent party merger, that’s not as true as it used to be.
Me too! It’s one of only two US cities I’ve been to that kind of scare me. Unfortunately, I’ve had to spend a fair amount of time down there on business. But when they asked if I wanted to transfer to that office, uh, no thanks. Can’t. Would have to sell my house and, uh, yeah.
I’ve noticed that my friends who are conservative (and there are quite a few) are very tolerant of my liberalisms, and let me get away with stuff that I’d be tarred and feathered for behind the Orange Curtain. I, of course, give them the same courtesy in return. Now, if we only treated strangers the way we do our friends . . .
Oh, never mind. That’s a crazy notion.
Love the bumper sticker!
Actually, quite a few conservative Republicans have a sense of humor…I am sure they are still laughing at the suckers who re-elected them last time around.
Regariding that part of California…I always thought it was brave there was a Gay Pride Festival in Orange County.
I understand that all Canadiens think cacography is funny
I have never heard that expression before, but I’m going to start using it now!
I freaking HATE Orange County!
Conservatives have a sense of humor. We just don’t find humor in the same things in which liberals find humor. But we do laugh.
I mean, what’s funnier than throwing elderly people out in the snow and forcing them to eat dog food?
And if they’re “colored”…
Oh, my sides. I gotta stop, I’m almost peeing my pants.
I don’t think that was very funny at all, DAVEW0071.
Now, if you were to change dog food to cat food, well then. That’d be frickin’ hilarious!
The most hilarious fucking part is that some people think that Conservatives don’t have a sense of humor :rolleyes:
Ben Stein did some sort of promo on Comedy Central, don’t remember what it was for, but he was saying the conservatives can rock too.
Funny, I usually mention Behind the Orange Curtain first when I talk about Orange County. I must be slipping.
OC used to have a pretty good punk scene back in the '80s. For some reason though, it seems the clubs all got closed down.
And they’re available for only $3.50 – a mere snip, for such a brilliant statement! Simply go to… (Well, I won’t post a link. Anyone who’s interested could probably find it on my homepage.)
This reminds me of a sketch I saw once. I think it was on SNL. They riffed on a commercial that was running at the time, and poked fun at the plight of old people who had to resort to pet food because their Social Security did not allow them enough to buy ‘people food’. The sketch had a Lorne Green look-alike giving some sort of homey pitch. IIRC, a narrator said ‘Lorne Green is 71 years old. That’s 497 in dog-years. He still looks great. How do we explain his longevity? Maybe Lorne’s been around so long because Alpo’s been around so long.’
Ben Stein did a porno??? :eek: Now that would be funny!
See, we conservatives have a sense of humor!