A Foolish April MMP

OK, so it’s a day early…

But let’s share April Fools Day pranks. Or not. After all, it is the MMP…

Happy Moanday!!

I’m going to be so busy all week I don’t want to think about it. Don’t remind me, I’ll whine about it as things come up. I’m not going to have a free minute until 7:00PM tonight.

Pity me.

Seemed a reasonable thing to do so here it is!

Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffienatin’. YAWN ‘Tis 47 Amurrkin out with a predicted high of 77 for the day. Looks like it’s finally gonna act like Spring. Highs into the low 80s durin’ the week even.

So, what’s everybody up to this week. Me, well, I’ll be at irk. End of month report stuff, quarterly report stuff and such. Irk shall be paper irksome, alas. Also, I start gettin’ ready for an audit happenin’ at the end of April. Oh double joy!

Ok, that’s all I got. I need more caffiene and rumbly tummy wants to be fed. Then, alas and alack, irk purtification must commence.

Happy Moanday Y’all!

Hijack Away!

See what I mean? Someone got in one minute before me.

Mods, please close this thread.

First! Also, dangit, I started an MMP as well. Guess I should notify ummm… somebody about that.

Gah! I detest knowing my day/week will be so busy, and knowing it as soon as I’m aware that I’m awake, does NOT make the day a good one! I do pity you!

I’ve been up, and moving, since around 4am. I’ve already cleaned the kitchen, and am working on getting laundry knocked out for the day. More cleaning will ensue. Ick.

Happy Moanday, folks.

Dang! Three MMPs now!

It stands for Multiple Monday Posts?

FCM beat both of us out by a minute, swampbear, I think her thread has precedence.:smack:

Have there ever been three dueling MMPs before?

It stands for Multiple Monday Posts?

I don’t think we’ve ever had a triple simulpost. I’m sure it’s a sign of… something. I notified the mods to “smoosh” the threads together, so we’ll see what comes of it.

We were hijacked before we even started!! :eek:

I think it means Multiple Moanday Posts.

My April Fools prank is to make every post have the same time-stamp.


To comment on my own OP - I never did real pranks because I can’t pull it off. I can’t keep a straight face. As a kid, the best I could manage was “You shoe’s untied” to someone wearing loafers. haha :rolleyes:

Altho once I did pull off a prank, non-April, that I thought was epic for me. At work, we used a Computervision mainframe in its own dedicated room for our CADD work. Since anyone could use any terminal, we had individualized logons, but no password protection - there were just a dozen of us who used the system.

I figured out how to set up a coworker’s account so that when he logged on, a .bat ran that put some graphics on his screen, then added some text, and finally logged itself off. Most computer types would not be impressed, but this was my first foray into such a thing, and I was pretty proud of myself. :smiley: … till he did the same to me. :smiley: But it ended there, so all was good.

I nearly started one an hour ago, but couldn’t think of a topic. I could have ruined the chaos!
Moanday is living up to its reputation so far- I was going to have a loong lie in, to make up for lost sleep over the weekend, but got woken up by a call from my allotment site rep saying they were in the process of giving my plot away to someone else :confused: :eek:
It turns out that despite my email saying I’d moved house back in September, for which I’d had a reply saying the records were updated, they actually hadn’t changed them, and they’ve been sending increasingly snotty letters to my old address, saying cough up or scram, and I was due to be evicted from the plot today.
Cue a squeaky incoherent phonecall from me to the council, 'cos I’ve still got basically no voice from this rotten cold. The lady on the phone ( though she sounded unconviced by my plea that 'd told them I’d moved, as in my blearly ill just woken state I thought I’d called not emailed) said she’d email me the invoice number and details so I could pay it online, and it’d all be OK if I pay today.

That was at 9.30. It is now nearly midday, and still no email with the invoice ( though I did find the email saying they’d changed my address). I’m going to call back and have another go at getting this sorted, but I am Not Impressed.

Hope everyone else’s moanday got off to a better start!

**Nut **- you don’t need a topic. Your OP could be as simple as “Here’s the MMP - have at it!” and off we’d go! :smiley:

I see non-gray skies outside my window - huzzah!! Today we’re promised a breezy spring-like day. Perfect for emptying a shed. Let the games begin!! Or, rather, let them begin after **FCD **gets up and we shower and dress for the day and all that.

'Bout time, after all, the snow you had yesterday was your fault. No snow fell down south…

Blurf. I got nuthin’.

My fault??? I’d love to know what twisted logic led you to that conclusion! :stuck_out_tongue:

Because it snowed on your yard, and not mine.

Morning all,

Piece of advice, don’t go see the new Ah-nold Schwarzen-what-his-name movie. It stunk. Not enough big-bada-boom-ness.

Never pulled an April Fool’s day prank on anyone. Although, I did have a rubber snake that I would sometimes wrap around the steering wheel of my mom’s car when I was growing up. That was always good for a little jolt in the morning on the way to school.