A Listful MMP

This week’s MMP will be all about lists, until such time as it’s all about something else. For example: What’s musical and helpful in a grocery store?

… a Chopin Liszt. :smiley: So your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to write at least one list this week. About anything. Funny, not funny. Five items, ten items, 3.14159 items. Whatever your list-writing heart desires. I will get the ball rolling with this one …
Top Ten Signs You’re Reading an MMP
10) You see people welcoming their feline overlords.
9) That’s not a tornado, it’s FCM in a whirlwind of activity.
8) Hangovers and birthdays mean large, brightly colored text.
7) Haze makes a drunken post confessing her love for everyone.
6) At least once a week, someone greets a mysterious missing Scout. What government this person is a scout for has yet to be determined.
5) Fortune cookie sayings are the dinner bell for snerksters.
4) Swampbear is doing something nekkid.
3) There are awful puns just spattering all over the place.
2) The drive-by rate is surpassed only by Los Angeles.

  1. Everyone is nice, dammit!

And of course, a pun.

Get listing, MMPers!

Things that make me smile:

  1. A beautiful sun shiney day like today
  2. The people on The Dope
  3. Hi Opal (You can throw this one out if it’s too old, but I’m a newb, so I get at least one chance at it)
  4. This MMP
  5. Being first on this MMP


Recently Discovered Music I Quite Like:

01 Alfie
02 Jenny Lewis
03 Great Big Sea
04 Andrew Bird
05 Niyaz
06 Ulrich Schnauss
07 The New Pornographers
08 DJ Cheb i Sabbah
09 Vas
10 Thievery Corporation

(Thanks Dopers!)

Cats Who Live With Me

1: Kazzpurr
2: Bo
3: Jack
4: Calalloo

Pomeranians Who Live With Me

1: Mischa
2: Tascha
3: Niki
4: Fawn
5: Tara
6: Gunther
7: Cash
8: Simon
9: Satine
10: Jewel
11: Toby

Things on my to-do list this week:

  1. Pop in on a MMP thread for the first time in FOREVER
  2. Be welcomed back exuberantly as though people actually noticed I was gone.
  3. Take father-in-law to VA for tests.
  4. Take dog to vet for follow-up.
  5. Find my bedroom floor under the laundry.
  6. Do something about that laundry.
  7. Make a lot of inventory.
  8. Go to class Tuesday & Thursday evening, unless the teachers go on strike.
  9. There’s a drop-in yoga class I just learned about, so drop in.
  10. Go see a lunchtime concert in Milwaukee on Friday.
  11. Go see a nighttime concert in Richmond on Saturday (same band. Irish music for St. Pat’s, YAY!)

Things I like about Switzerland:

  1. When the sun comes out it’s OUT, BAYBEEEEE!
  2. Chocolate.
  3. Bread. I’m not even a bread person but dammit they sell some yummy bread here (insert that Tirol one into CD drive for the bread people to try)
  4. You can go lots of places by train.
  5. It’s halfway between a French supermarket selling all those nice patés and saucissons and an Italian one selling lots of food that’s not “for export” (i.e., it’s chosen for taste and not looks).
  6. They sell Spanish olive oil. Greek and Italian and French too but hey, I can root for the home team for the same price, right?
  7. Chocolate.
  8. Good ice cream. Some of which is chocolatey.

Good Monday Morning! Been thinking about my list and this is about the best I could come up with, considering I’m not sufficiently caffienated yet:

Things to like about Monday

  1. Only 4 more days until the weekend!
  2. Wildfire will be on tonight! :slight_smile:
  3. It’s the Monday Morning Post!
  4. Back to work! whoops, that doesn’t belong on this list. :wink:
  5. Only 4 more days …

My daughter and I like to do the mini-jokes in the Mini-Page (kids insert in the Sunday comics section); warning, they’re quite corny! Here’s a sample:

Sarah: What occurs when a cow shivers?
Jill: Milkshakes!

Fran: What is a cow without a map?
Bryon: Udderly lost!

(from Mini-Page, 3/11/07)

Told you they were corny!

Things I learnt on the SDMB today:

  1. white sea cucumbers apparently bring good luck

  2. the difference between ale and port

  3. where we get our references from ancient roman history

And to the pun of the post: When neon lights were perfected the inventor was positively glowing

(sudden realisation: puns like these are more deadly than a fart in an elevator :eek: )

Just a very quick list of things Scareyfaerie should NOT do on a Sunday evening.

  1. Open a bottle of champagne
  2. Open the second bottle of champagne
  3. Fail to object when 'im indoors decides to go down to the shop for the third bottle of champagne
  4. Go to bed late after consumption of said champagne
  5. Get up far too early and come to work.

OK, so it was a celebration of sorts and very enjoyable last night but today I’m paying for it!

A random list of stuff:

  1. Hey LifeOnWry! LTNS! LOW is a doper I’ve met too!
  3. I am posting fully clothed much to the disappointment of all you pervs. :stuck_out_tongue:
  4. For some reason, coffee this mornin’ tastes exceptionally good.
  5. I hate it bein’ freakin’ dark til seven thirty a.m.!
  6. I wonder if MBG is still wonderin’ around Tucson nekkid.
  7. I turned my oven to self-clean last night and wiped up the icky stuff this mornin’ first thing. That was a tad gross for first thing in the morning.
  8. One of the first things I do everyday is check the MMP cause I’m an addict.

List of random unrelated things:

  1. Wow, LoW, you’re going to come back and say actual stuff, right?
  2. I’m tired, but I’m going in to work a little bit late, so maybe I’ll be a bit livelier by then.
  3. So does this mean we should keep our voices down, BooFae?
  4. Did someone say “chocolate”?
  5. That pun was awful, Spats.
  6. I need coffee.


  1. Thanks, Swampy, that was very colourful.
  2. No, GT, my head’s fine - it’s the rest of me that’s suffering.
  3. Actually, I’m feeling ok now which is good because…
  4. It’s nearly lunchtime!

[li]You, know, I think we could probably communicate in lists all week.[/li][li]Of course, they might be paragraphs disguised as lists, but…[/li][li]I have 1/2 a coffee in me and I think it’s working.[/li][li]I guess I should think about getting ready for work.[/li][/ol]


  1. Harumph (The obligatory gruff snort of contempt for Monday morning following DST)
    B. I lost my stud earring, so I gotta get a new one. I think I’ll get a ruby.
  2. I suck at itemizing stuff.
  3. There’s 2 very fat (meaning they’re pregnant) feral cats running around the VunderLair.
  4. It’s bill paying day. Bye-bye paycheck…
  5. All of the green in my yard comes from the weeds, except for the grass over my septic tank.
  6. I saw robins today for the first time this year. C’mon, Spring!
  7. DaNephew’s birthday is coming soon, so I need to get a card and a gift certificate.
  8. While I’m in a generous mood, I might buy QD some undies, and Swampy some clothes… :stuck_out_tongue: :wink:
  1. Thunderstorms on Monday morning are no fun.
  2. Thunderstorms that lift the patio umbrella and break the table are no fun.
  3. Dogs don’t like to go outside to pee when it’s thunderbooming.
  4. Driving to work in a thunderstorm is no fun.
  5. Being nice and dry and caffeinating at the office is a little better.

Mornin’, MMP!

Things that get me thru the morning

1- coffee*
2 - kitty nuzzles and purrs
3 - coffee*
4 - cold water on my face
5 - coffee*
6 - a cool song on the car radio on the way to work
7 - coffee*
8 - toasted buttered mini bagel
9 - coffee*

  • all coffee consumed at once, at work, but the thought of that coffee keeps me going til I actually have it.

Hmmm…lists. Okay, a list of Monday Morning Observations:

  1. My hatred for my job is reaffirmed, as it is every Monday morning.

  2. I didn’t get all my housework done over the weekend.

  3. I need to make a list for grocery shopping tonight.

  4. The art show I attended was anything but. More like an unimaginative factory-process Kraft Krap-o-rama. The high point was the 1/2 lb. of fudge I purchased.

  5. I need to get some quotes on a new driveway. The puddle on the way to the mailbox is wider than I can leap anymore.

  6. I am reminded by Achren that Alfie is, indeed, one of my favorite songs. I shall amble over to the stereo and queue it up some time today.

  7. A pork roast supreme is one of the only foods I care for in leftover form.

Mornin’ everyone!

  1. Rosie, did you get your coffee yet?
  2. Swampy, get a job. :stuck_out_tongue: :wink:
  3. I got nuttin’ else.

Seriously, Ursarino, any progress yet?

Those who should die:

  1. The she-hog behind me on the way to work today who gave me the finger because I refused to drive over the truck in front of me.

  2. The paper pusher in Honduras who developed the RFP that I must assemble, copy eight times, take to Kinkos for spiral binding, and then express mail for a 10 AM Thursday deadline. And it’s all in espanol. Me no habla espanol. :stuck_out_tongue:

  3. That fricking politician who decided extending DST was a good idea. Stoopit! It’s like cutting a foot off the bottom of a blanket and sewing it to the top. :smack:

  4. My cow-orker, just cause she’s pissing me off this morning.
    Fun things:

  5. Lil Lestat[sup]TM[/sup] got a Weimeraner puppy. She is very cute.

  6. I am wearing a new outfit today

  7. It is going to be in the 80s

  8. Spats thought of a goodun OP

Off to the RFP


Things I do every weekday morning:

  1. Get up.
  2. Get up. No, really this time.
  3. Seriously. Being woken up every 5 minutes by the alarm is really getting old. Just. Get. Up.
  4. Have a smoke while I groggily check the spam box, then the Dope.
  5. Tame my hair, because while I could probably pull off the Bed Head if I were an 6nime character, my more mundane, office-drone self would just draw attention. Not he good kind, either.
  6. Gather my geek tech (phone, PDA, iPod, etc.), lunch stuff, and then leave.
  7. Take bus to work.
  8. Get off at normal stop, go to supermarket that’s there.
  9. Buy some kind of fruit, maybe a treat, and definitely a coffee.
  10. Go to work.
  11. Surf the Dope. (And do work in between)

10 random words/phrases, in no particular order:

  1. Philanthropy
  2. Bagel
  3. Australopithecus
  4. Armistice
  5. Seethe
  6. Amarillo
  7. Astronomy
  8. Jammy bastard
  9. Carcinogen
  10. Karma