I don’t know if anyone posted this yet (I’m sure somebody will link it if they have), but I just found it here – thanks to Critical 1.
Mueller Invitational. It’s basically a which chick is hotter survey … in brackets.
My final four were … Anna Kournikova, Shannon Elizabeth, Jessica Alba and Jennifer Connelly. Jesica Alba won the whole thing in a squeaker over Shannon Elizabeth.
Horrible, horrible seedings in this one.
I mean, choosing between Salma Hayek and Shania Twain in round 2? Crap. That probably should have been my big final showdown.
As it stands, my final 4 were Tyra Banks, Liz Hurley, Salma Hayek and Catherine Zeta Jones.
No contest, Salma runs away with it.
Since I am don’t recognize about 60% of the names, I am going solely on the accompanying photo, trying to ignore what I know of them from other sources (except for Elle MacPherson who got a first-round bye for sentimental reasons).
What I want to know is: What do the owners of that web site have against Elizabeth Hurley and Heather Graham that they chose those pictures?
Final Four:
Demi Moore vs. Halle Berry
Salma Hayek vs. Sharon Stone
Demi Moore vs. Salma Hayek
Salma Hayek
Based solely on the accompanying photos, Moore and Hayek were at significant advantages as their pictures are among the classics of celebrity photography (particularly Moore’s).
Also, look at the photo for Jennifer Connoley and then find a picture of her at the Oscars. Did she have her breasts reduced? (I imagine that she just lost them when she sold out and went for the under-100 pounds weight.
Any reason to look at pictures of the ladies huh? Certainly I’ll bite. But I’ll resist the urge to channel ESPN for this.
Out of region I came Leah Remini. A little bundle of energy. (I mispelled energy enegry, hmmm)
Out of region II came Elizabeth Hurley. It went to overtime but Hurley’s accent kept her winning.
Out of region III came Kirsten Dunst. She just makes me feel happy.
Out of region IV came Katie Holmes. I thought Connelly would win it but she’s just way to skinny these days and wasn’t able to bring it home. Instead Holmes dark haired girl next door appeal rounded out the final 4.
In the end it was Dunst verses Remini and Dunst just makes me happy.
I post here not feeling too dirty knowing that there must be a men’s one out there, or coming soon. All’s fair after all.
Connelly, I believe lost a lot of weight, in fact if I was close to her I’d be concerned about it. I really loved the way she looked in “Labyrinth” and “Career Opportunities” So I agree, the lsot weight took em away.
Region I; angelina jolie
Region II; jolene blalock
Region III; Heidi Klum
Region IIII; Sharon Stone
the last two were Jolene versus Sharon, and Sharon Stone got the Championship.
Ward, Biele, Dunst, Holmes. Biele, Dunst. Dunst.
Dunst vs. Alba and Connelly vs. Holmes were the two toughest non-finals.
Great link, Jack!
I had Anna Kournikova, Carmen Electra, Ashley Judd, and Katie Holmes in the Final Four. Carmen took out Anna, Ashley triumphed over Katie, and then Ashley stood supreme. She’s got the face of a girl I lusted after for such a long time. It’s kismet.
That’s the worst picture of Hurley I’ve ever seen.
I didn’t even recognize her from the picture.
I wish there was some way to submit your results and see some stats. I mean all that tedious;) work for nothing. Kind of anti-climactic if you ask me.
Glad to see Britney only got an 8 seed, though.
I’d say Region III was by far the weakest…
- Anna Kournikova
- Jennifer Aniston
- Denise Richards
- Heather Graham
Looking at the pic of Salma Hayek I suddenly connected her with Zia from the “Mysterious Cities of Gold” all grown up and suddenly I think she’d do a whole lot better. Sadly she stil falls to Kirsten Dunst in the regional championship, but woof, what a pic. Which is a shame cause she could win the other regionals, oh well, thems the picks.
not fair pairing hayek vs alba. my final four: charisma carpenter, jessica alba, estella warren, elle macpherson, alba by a nose.
Final 4:
-Claudia Schiffer
-Jennifer Love Hewitt
-Jessica Alba
-Tia Carrere
Final 2:
-Jennifer Love Hewitt
-Tia Carrere
And the winner: Jennifer Love Hewitt!
(some WAY tough choices there! And given the fact that I have an Asian girl fetish, the fact that JLH wins says a lot about how much I like her!)
Runs to the bathroom to kill kittens!
Region 1: Anna Kournikova
Region 2: Elizabeth Hurley
Region 3: Shania Twain
Region 4: Britney Spears
J. Connely is just too skinny these days, or she would have won hands down.
From there,
Anna Kournikova -vs- Britney Spears
Anna Kournikova wins everything.
This is really odd, because stereotypically I prefer brunettes.
That was way more fun than it should have been. It came down to Halle Berry or Catherine Zeta-Jones. I just closed the browser at that point because making that decision would be heartbreaking.
Region 1: Angelina Jolie – even the thought of Billy Bob’s Blood around her neck wasn’t enough to disqualify her here.
Region 2: It came down to a Battle Of The Elizabeths – Liz Hurley vs. Shannon Elizabeth, but Elizabeth Hurley came out on top, horrible photo & all.
Region 3: Ashley Judd. No comment.
Region 4: Katie Holmes. I have to point out that Jennifer Connelly would’ve won in any other region. I’ll chalk that up to poor seeding.
Final Game:
Katie Holmes vs. Angelina Jolie
In a game like this, everyone wins. Except for Katie, that is – Angelina Jolie is the champion!
Great link, Jack Batty !
The local radio station has been doing this for at least the past 5 years or so. See this years bracket here. Some of the women are local media types so if you don’t recognize a name thats why.
NP: Misfits - American Psycho
Sexist? Looking at purty wimmin is sexist? Since when? 
Final four: Tyra Banks, Beyonce Knowles, Salma Hayek, Jennifer Connelly.
Final two: Tyra Banks, Salma Hayek.
Winner: Tyra Banks!
Of course, it’s a rather incomplete list. My personal fave wasn’t even on it. 
For me, it came down to:
Angelina Jolie
Beyonce Knowles
Salma Hayek
Tia Carrere
Difficult choice, but Tia was the winner for me.
Sandra Bullock
Estella Warren
Jessica Alba
Tia Carrere
Estella Warren squeaks past Tia Carrere for the championship.
I guess my taste is all over the map…
Some of the pairings were kinda unfortunate. Fer instance… Angie Harmon lost to Tia Carrere, but would’ve kicked Mariah Carey’s behind. But instead, Mariah advanced to the second round (where she got trounced by Katie Holmes), and Angie got left at the starting gate, never standing a chance against Tia.
I’d like to see a place where the stats could be compiled, too.