A message to you from my nitrous oxide

Yesterday I had to have a long and involved procedure done at the dentist. I was under the influence of nitrous oxide for a long time. So many things went through my mind in such detail that I could write a book about the experience.

One of the things that I thought about was SDMB. It came to me that I should post one certain word here to see what comes of it. This sounds fairly straight-forward and silly, but please keep in mind that I am following the directives of the nitrous oxide.:eek:

I hope that you will respond to this word as it relates to you. Your response may be one word or many. Have at! The word is: goal

My goal weight.


I just hear that soccer announcer in my head… you know the one!!

that’s all I got.

Kick the can; and that really tough street game, we pronounced the name ‘Releevio’ in my neighborhood.

The word has very aggressive, and even violent connotations for me …

6x6. 36 square feet. Orange, cold, unrelenting steel. The sound of a 4 ounce ball hitting nylon mesh at over 80 MPH. Two striped arms raised up.

Good god, I’ve got the chills.

Why? Ha ha ha! Why … do? Ha ha ha ha! Why … do … they? HA HA HA!



A 3.0 GPA so I can get that minor I want.

Damn my previous laziness! Damn it!



All my nitrous ever said was stuff like, “You go bye-bye sleepytime now,” and, “Oh, look at that comfy inviting floor waaaaaaaay down there. Go lay down on it, even if it does feel like it’ll take twenty years to get there at the speed* of gravity.”

*[sub]I know, gravity’s actually measured by the acceleration factor, 32ft/s/s or whatever it is, but my nitrous was never big on book larnin’.[/sub]

Get my flabby butt to the gym. Every day.

Sorry, not only does nothing pop into my head immediately – nothing comes crawling into my head five minutes later after ambling through all the posts.

This is my goal-post.

Also, a dyslexic might see it as gaol and think about incarceration unless that person had never been to the British Isles nor read anything about them. Nor worked crossword puzzles.

And is it

Go for the gold
Go for the goal
Gopher the Gold

There must be some football team somewhere named the Gold Gophers.

5000 + square feet, 100 + acres, nearby stream and a view of the peaks.

A job.

An apartment I can afford.

To built and fly a Murphy Moose

To get the kids to age 18 and out the door BEFORE killing them!

My goal is to get some nitrous oxide. :slight_smile: Okay, no, not really. I had enough of that stuff in high school. It never did actually make me laugh, though, despite its common name. It felt more like a strange tingling high. It was rather pleasant, but was a lot like the feeling I get from oxygen deprivation.

One time I got really, really stoned and discovered the answer to all the mysteries of the universe, so I scrambled around to find a pen and a scrap of paper and wrote myself a note so I wouldn’t forget it.

The note said “It’s about joy!” I wish I knew what that meant.

Anyway… goal. Palm trees. My goal is palm trees.

My plan to stop hunger in the world: Xerox donuts.

And all my nitrous ever said to me was stuff like, “bbbbddddnnnggnnggn” (you know, that ringy-reverb noise) and “wobwobwobwobwobwobwob” to which I generally replied with gales of laughter.