A Mountains, Furniture, and Dogs MMP

Last week we took our trip to Idaho to deliver snowbunny’s furniture to her and to enjoy a few days in the mountains in the process. It was a complicated maneuver – we had packed her stuff into a moving cube, which was then taken to Boise. We then had to go to Ketchum, pick up SIL’s truck, and return to Boise to get the stuff from the cube. Papa Tigs insisted that her truck would be ample for the move.

So we flew into Boise and went to pick up our rental car. We had reserved a compact car. They were entirely out, but for the same price gave us this, as we called it, compact minivan. :smiley: Needless to say, we weren’t too thrilled with the prospect of burning a bunch of gas, but hey, for $107 for a week, we decided we’d deal with it.

So after a beautiful drive up US 20 through the Camas Prairie, where the snow gets so deep the snow poles alongside the road are extra tall and the only restaurant the whole way has an interesting menu item, we got to Ketchum, where we discovered that SIL’s truck had a camper shell on it that meant it couldn’t hold anything like all the stuff. So we took the compact minivan as well as the truck and drove back to Boise, once again playing spot-the-antelope (I cannot tell you how many antelope we saw during our week in Idaho, but it numbered in the many dozens) as well as other wildlife – snowbunny and I saw a herd of elk, and we also saw lots of smaller wildlife plus birds galore. That drive, incidentally, followed the Goodale Cutoff, part of the Oregon Trail. I honestly don’t know how those pioneers did it!

As it turned out, Someone was keeping an eye on us. When we got to the moving company site, not only did we need all the available space in both vehicles, but the nice young people who were going to be filling the cube with their stuff as soon we got our stuff out of it were so extra-nice they unloaded all our stuff and packed the vehicles for us! So what we expected would take us at least a couple hours took a grand total of about 15 minutes. Which gave us time to visit the World Center for Birds of Prey and take a fascinating and informative tour, including seeing No. 9, a California condor – that’s the only place in the world where California condors are being bred. It’s quite a place; I highly recommend a visit if you have a chance.

After collecting snowbunny’s things and delivering them to her insanely cute little log cabin, we then had several days just to relax and sightsee. Ketchum/Sun Valley is located in the Wood River Valley, and to call it beautiful is truly an understatement. We drove north 60 miles to Stanley in the Salmon River valley on Friday with SIL, across the Galena Summit, with a spectacular view of the Sawtooth Range, not to mention lots of other mountains. We stopped off at Redfish Lake; the road to the lake had just opened that day, and 3/4 of the lake was still covered by ice. Since snowbunny had to work that day, we drove back up to Stanley again on Monday and stopped by Redfish Lake again, and what a difference three days makes – every speck of ice had melted off the lake! So snowbunny and I, feeling crazy, dipped our feet in the lake water – brrrrr! It was definitely the coldest water I’ve ever felt outside of a beverage glass!

Anyway, we also had lots of fun playing with SIL’s dogs, both the ones that are hers and the ones she boards (she runs a dog grooming shop plus does daycare, so almost never has fewer than half a dozen dogs underfoot). SIL has two champion Clumber spaniels, Ruthie and Blanche. Blanche is a typically mellow Clumber, but Ruthie is a very silly girl indeed! She also keeps a beautiful Samoyed, Kaya, for months at a time since her humans live in a very warm climate and she obviously can’t take the heat with that incredible coat. Then there’s some of the rest of the crew – Huckleberry the Vizsla, cute little Charlie the half poodle/half King Charles spaniel, Emily the very cute bulldog, and two sweet elderly Jack Russells, Lily and Rosie the mad licker. And since we were staying in a small house at the back of the yard behind her shop, we also got doggie roommates our first few nights, Rambo and Delia, two silly Basset hounds. Needless to say, we brought home a whole new and different batch of dog hair!

And, lest we forget, we also met the angry swan who hates snowbunny – but he is a beauty!

All in all, we had a very successful and very fun trip. Met lots of canine critters, saw lots of wild ones, and most of all, got to spend a week breathing fresh, clean mountain air. It was very hard to come home – we’ll be going back every chance we get, now that we have not just one but two good excuses to visit!

Sounds like a fun trip.

Woo Hoo! What a wonderful OP, MamaTigs! I really loved seeing all the great pics, too. Heh, looks like SnowBunny got a bit close to that swan–didn’t he chase her that time?! laughs I guess she can outrun him!

Happy Monday and Happy Memorial Day - there’s a Moment of Silence scheduled for 3 PM (EDT), to honor the memory of those who died in service to the country.

It’s just like I went on the trip with you!


Is that the swan with the cygnets?

Can’t see pics at work, will look tonight.

On Saturday we went to Pamplona, gave our uncles a call but they weren’t visible (as Mom and myself expected they wouldn’t be). Since we’d parked near their house, we took a walk around the area and had lunch nearby, which means SiL and The Nephew got to see parts of Pamplona they hadn’t seen before and Middlebro got to see some interesting stores he hadn’t seen before, as they’re more recent than his last visit. At the Games Workshop store, while his Pa drooled over the figurines, The Nephew declared that the ones on display were “bad guys!”

While the two grown-up (snicker) males got in and drooled over their toys (they’re not dolls if they have guns), the female contingent took The Nephew to see “the ducks,” which include ducks of several kinds, swans both black and white, hens, guinea hens, pheasants, goats which The Kidlet insisted in calling cows and deer. They’re all in what used to be the trench (probably not the right word) around the Citadel. The goats area has a concrete path; all the goats were either on the path or at the wall, they definitely like hard places. This led to several jokes about “la cabra tira al monte” (a goat will always find a mountain to climb). At least two of the does were pregnant (or had a lot of gas); there was a baby deer, which from the way he glowed and the way his mother was licking him I thought may have been born while we were walking up there; the males are at that stage where their horns are all covered in velvet.

No pics and the ones I have from previous trips are in my external HD, which is in my already-packed luggage; sorry.

Yesterday at the funeral St Michael was packed, as expected; the main priest was an old classmate of Iñaki’s, the friend who’d given to him the pocket Gospels he always carried to the mountains. The sacristan read a list of “close relatives who have asked us to pray with them for Iñaki;” the list included parents, brothers and sisters-in-law. When he got to the end, he did a double take and tacked in Iñaki’s (ex? afaik they never got divorced, although he’s had two gf’s since the split) wife.
I don’t cry easily, but the “prayer to Iñaki” that my uncle read at the end made me cry.

Amazingly enough with this family of mine, everybody except another cousin was in town or close enough to come. To give you an idea: I would have been in Glasgow except for these “training weeks;” another cousin was leaving today for Switzerland. We have the kind of family where rather than ask “how are your sons,” the first question is “whereabouts.”

I hope everybody who had a bad week gets a better one this time. And those of you who had a good week, keep it up!

Sounds like a truly respectful service, Nava. Once again, my thoughts are with you and your whole family. May he rest in peace.

Great OP, Tigs; I’m hoping I have time to actually look at all the pictures, later… :smack:

Everybody, have a great Monday – especially all of those for whom last week wasn’t that great… (Pie, Taters, anybody else I’m forgetting or outright missed with my very limited skimming last week)!

Registering, will read later.

Morning, all!

Good Mornin’ Y’all! I’m wide awake and caffienatin’. Guess I slept out the knockout meds.

Great OP BioTigs! It does look beautiful up there, though I’m much more likely to want to visit in the summer cause I’m allergic to snow. :smiley: So, when’s the next trip?

Nava that sounds like it was truly a wonderful service. I’m glad that so much of your family was there.

Ok, goin’ in search of more caffiene and some food. Tummy is rumbly which is a good sign I’m finally kickin’ this cold’s butt.

Later Y’all!

Thought I’d do a little attention ‘ho postin’. :smiley: Ain’t that what two posts in a row is?

Anywho, from the last MMP…

Thanks for all the get better wishes.

rigs your daughter is lurvely!

Taters glad y’all enjoyed the N.O.T. and onions thingy. Tell Mr. Taters I said thanks.

ETA: SmartiePants your niece is also quite lurvely.

Yanno, I’m not much of a mountain person, but MamaTigs, those pics are gorgeous! Now I wanna visit Idaho! In fact, the northwest is the one area of the continental US that I’ve never visited, even passing through. Maybe some day.

I managed to sleep in a bit, which was lovely. Even tho I woke at 4, I snoozed again till after 6, so yay!

At 10:30, daughter and I have an appointment to have our picture re-done - here’s hoping it doesn’t get lost this time! This evolution began last Feb when she came into town for the job fair. With luck, it’ll be over before June ends. A minor fiasco, but a fiasco nonetheless.

We had a dollars and cents conversation with the kids last night, just to make a few things clearer to them about what we would and wouldn’t do (like we’ll help them however we can, but we won’t volunteer - they have to ask. And we won’t support them… And we won’t give them $7000 :smiley: ) I also printed out part of our household budget, editing out some items that I wasn’t willing to share, so they (he) could see what we spend to maintain our lifestyle. I did point out that the apparently outrageously high car payment on the Scion is only because we financed it for 3 years rather than 5. And we talked about the options of buying new or used, about buying a house, about how looking for a job is a job in itself. Not sure how much sunk in - we shall see.

I did refrain from *reminding * them again that they need to get their thank-you notes written. I’m already embarrassed for them, tho they don’t seem to care. I think I’ll tell daughter today that they absolutely have to write to the relatives at the very least - TODAY. I only say that because I’m the one that the relatives will ask, and I don’t want to deal with that. They shouldn’t have to ask. The kid knows better. grrrrr

So, anyway, Happy Monday! To those of you who have to work, neener neener :stuck_out_tongue: And to the rest of us - Happy Memorial Day!


mmmm Now I wants me some of that “special” menu item…

Pretty pics there Tigs!

Off to airport to rescue my husbands car… and then the family descends for a picnic at my house…
Nava- sounds lovely and I am glad you could be surrounded by family.

A cabin in the mountain sounds great about now :slight_smile: ! Even with an angry swan!

Hello everyone and happy Memorial Day. I’m the only one up here; the entire family is comatose after staying up late watching movies.

Me, I’m in the throes of Ellen’s Allergy from Hell. Every spring, same thing … except I haven’t had it this bad in YEARS. I literally cannot go outside without feeling like an alien from another planet. Remember in Toy Story when Woody opens Buzz’s helmet and he says, “My EYEBALLS could have been sucked from their SOCKETS!!” Well, I’ve been saying that lately, when someone asks me to go outside. Never mind that I bought $100 worth of plants, both annuals and perennials, which need to be planted! Arrrg! And this will go on an entire month. Damn pollen!

MamaTigs I loved the photos! Ice on a lake! Incredible. I covet non-pollinated air.

I hope everyone in the MMP has been doing well! I’ve been around the Dope regularly – just too busy to keep up in here.

Have a perfect day, everyone! :slight_smile:

Why is there an arm in SIL’s cabinet? :eek:

Morning all.

Mama Tigs, I never pictured Idaho as a particularly picturesque place, but clearly I was wrong - is it ever a pretty piece of the planet! Little Sis spent a few weeks there last month visiting her fiance (who is from Boise), and I can’t wait to see her photos now - there will be less pups in them, I’m sure, but plenty o’ mountains.

I’m jealous of all the prom photo posting. I dropped my camera at the end of prom night and exposed all the film, so I lost all of my pictures of that night. Probably for the best… no one needs to see my mid-90s giant glasses Sally-Jesse-Raphael-style with poofy poodle bangs. :stuck_out_tongue:

They’re calling for thunderstorms later today. Bletch.

beebs was concerned that no one would read his last post in the MMP, so as a public service: lists, recipes, message for Pie. FTR, beebs, I’ve seen daylilies survive for quite a while even when they were dug up and placed on the ground almost bare-rooted, so I think they could have survived your Mom… :slight_smile:

Hi Ellen! I have allergies too. I’m taking industrial-strength antihistamines (generic Tavist), and still I’m itchy.

The funeral sounds like it went well (if you can say that about a funeral), Nava. I’m glad it worked out so that the whole family could be there.

I’m considering buying house paint today, since there are all kinds of sales. I have 2 $10 off coupons from Lowe’s. I can also get cents-off on gas if I buy Home Depot gift cards at the grocery. ::Mental calculation:: Lowe’s it is! Gotta go look at instructions for painting aluminum siding to make sure I get everything I need. I’m thinking sale paint today, remaining supplies tomorrow. Wonder how long it will take to clean and paint the house. (It’s teeny-tiny; otherwise I wouldn’t even think of attempting it myself; also, I’ll probably get little brother to help me.) Hmmmmm.

I’m sure I’ve forgotten something or someone, so here are some hugs for the whole MMP…

Happy Monday!


Howdy all. Great OP, Mama Tigs! Busy pretending to work right now, so I will contribute properly later!

Considering some of the horror funeral stories I’ve heard (no zombies, but witches galore, things like two brothers getting into a fistfight over who gets to be pallbearer), yes you can.

A coworker told me his cousin died recently, too. Suicide :frowning: Good MMP vibes for him and his family, please!

Mountains! Basset hounds! Lots of mountains! Two Basset hounds!

I am officially jealous of snowbunny.

I am also declaring FairyChat Peach French Toast the Best Breakfast Ever.

waves as she goes back for seconds on toast

The photos are beautiful- especially Angry Swan! :smiley:

FCM, good that you had that talk. Who knows how much they actually heard, but probably at least some sunk in a little.

Mahna, your prom dress was really cute. I’m sorry the photos were exposed. Wait. I remember what I wore to your prom. Maybe I’m not sorry.

I think I might still have some pieces of that dress.
I’m off with Driving Husband to the used kids’ stuff store (from genuine used kids) to try to sell them a whole bunch in exchange for some other stuff. Jolly jumper and highchair, mostly. When I get home I’m calling the doctor. I love my doctor, but the wait is never less than an hour and a half, which is doubly complicated with Nat. I’m not looking forward to this.

LiLi, your quartered cotehardie was cute, dammit! And the boys looked terribly dapper in their formal tuxes with tails. I still have my prom dress hanging in the closet… waiting for the next event that is worthy of a 1950s vintage silk taffeta with full circle skirt.

… OK, fine, it’s also waiting for the day when I can fit my fat ass into it again. :stuck_out_tongue: