A pox on my un-laws.


That’s great, matt. Tell him we’re rooting for him.

How well do you know his family, Matt? They might not care to see the dad.

My mom’s mom died last year and she was the only one to do anything whatsoever (all the correspondence with lawyers, cremation arrangements, multiple coast-to-coast flights and one coast-to-coast drive…etc.) She has three brothers:

Oldest brother: Didn’t have anything to say, didn’t even call (same thing he did when their dad died)

Middle brother: literally said “Ding dong the witch is dead” when informed (that even pissed off my dad, who hated my mom’s mom.)

Youngest brother: was upset but hasn’t done anything but bitch about the money.
Some people just don’t care. It’s hard to say whether or not my uncles’ or your unlaws’ positions are justified. We’re not them and we can’t always understand or relate to their relationships with their parents.

It does suck that their positions are causing your SO so much stress though :frowning: , I hope everything works out.