Aargh! Hoist the Jolly Roger Me Buckos

Aarrgh! Avast! Stand down ye scalliwags!

Enough with the lame Pilgrim names.

Enough with the Drag Names and Bond Girl Names.

It’s time for a bit of anarchy high-seas style…

Get yer stinkin’ pirate name here ya buckets of slime

Once we have our monikers, I spies me a new forum over yonder ripe for the plunderin. Set yer sites on them espresso drinkin beatniks.

I be Dirty Sam Kidd


i just got here…so i think i will give it a shot before i join a mutiny…lol…

YAR! I be Mad Jack Bonney they describe me as:

“Every pirate is a little bit crazy. You, though, are more than just a little bit. You can be a little bit unpredictable, but a pirate’s life is far from full of certainties, so that fits in pretty well. Arr!”

ARR! indeed, mateys! Now let’s go plunder us some latte sippin’ land lubbers!

“Iron Jack Bonney”. Hm. I sense a theme.

Ok, I went back and answered the questions a little more honestly this time and got Mad Jack Flint.

“Every pirate is a little bit crazy. You, though, are more than just a little bit. Like the rock flint, you’re hard and sharp. But, also like flint, you’re easily chipped, and sparky. Arr.”

Either way I turn out as Mad Jack. I’ll take this name though, since “Flint” was the name of the pirate in Treasure Island who put the treasure on the island in the first place.

Now then ::clears throat::

ARRGGH!! Let’s go buckle some swashes!

I be the Dread Pirate Bonney

And apparently I’m related to Crunchy.

You there! Swab the deck, ya son of a squid!

Where’s me cabin boy?

Apparentely my pirate name is Red Jack Kidd. My description says that passion is a big part of my life, which makes sense for a pirate. Even though I’m not always the traditional swaggering gallant, my steadiness and planning makes me a fine, reliable pirate. Arr!

When do we sail to kill, maim, plunder and mutilate ?

[sub]pcubed, are we related ? :D[/sub]

Well, I’m related to the lyin’ salty dog, Crunch and Max Torque . :slight_smile:


Backs straight, muzzles swabbed, and rusty sabres at the ready, ye bilious barancles!

Greasy hats off, and make way fer First Mate Perilous Peggy Pegtoe!

Oho! Is that a Ship of the Line I spy yonder through the glass? Shall we attempt to overtake 'er, Cap’n?

What say ye?

Could be lad. Ya knows hows it is, many strapping men, and precious few womenfolk who can be birthin scoundrels like us. Aargh! But sailors and rapscallions are we, and thus we are all related under the mighty skull & crossbones.

Captain Anne Kidd

Even though there’s no legal rank on a pirate ship, everyone recognizes you’re the one in charge. Even though you’re not always the traditional swaggering gallant, your steadiness and planning make you a fine, reliable pirate. Arr!

I must be on an “Anne” kick today, and no, Anne is not my real name, first I was “Annie Position” (in the Bond Girl thread) and now my pirate name is:**Captain Anne Kidd

[Miles Copperwaith] It was a lonely life being the Dread Pirate Bonney’s cabin boy. The nights could be frightening when there’s a storm, but thankfully the captain and crew came by to comfort me.[/Miles Copperwaith]

Aargh! Two Captain Anne Kidds. One must be an imposter. To the plank with both of them, let the sharks sort them out.

I’m Captain James Kidd Arg! Do not send me two Anne’s to the plank! Tis me women you are talking about!

We run a multi-captain boat around here. :slight_smile:

Now, we be off to plunder and pillage!

ARRGGH! Dirty Sam, Give me the red-headed Anne Kidd. I’ll take her back to me cabin and finger… I mean figure out what be going on here.

If you hear screaming, just assume I’m interrigatin’ her and leave us be. Even if it’s my screaming ye be hearin’.

Take her, take them both for all I care. All I ask is that if we plunder a sheep that I … Aarghh! That derned Scylla is just pollutin me brain. Aargh. I be takin one of them Anne’s back. Me name be Dirty, and they be not referrin to me hygiene. Arg!

ARrrgghhh!! I do be Iron Jack Flint, the scurviest, scummiest, peg legginess buccanear that ever sailed these 7 seas!


I was chrisened (sp?) with the name “black barton the theiving minkey” a long time ago. It just fits sooo well.

Aye, that may be, ye scallywag, but Captain Jack Kidd is in charge of this poxy crate as has been decreed:

“Even though there’s no legal rank on a pirate ship, everyone recognizes you’re the one in charge. Even though you’re not always the traditional swaggering gallant, your steadiness and planning make you a fine, reliable pirate. Arr!”

Arr, yourself, matey.

Yarr…I’m unnactractive…yarr…
The Dread Pirate Flint preparin to cast the yardarm and up the riggin yarrrr…when do we get to rape the horses and ride off on the women?
Pass me the rum ya worthless sons o’ whores!