Ack! It was in my kitchen!!!!

I just killed a baby Red-Bellied Watersnake…in my kitchen! What was it doing in my kitchen? A snake. In my kitchen. I just can’t get over this. How did it get in my apartment? Was it heading for my dog’s waterbowl?

Well it scared the shit out of me. I put on some shoes and smashed it’s head. Ordinarily, I would have let the bugger alone, but it invaded my sanctuary. I went to get my camera to take the obligitory picture to accompany the thread, only to discover my camera had been stolen out of my car. :frowning: I’m assuming responsibility for that because I leave my car unlocked most of the time. :smack:

Anyway, I can’t take a picture of it now because I sent it down the disposal. (Just hope I turned the blades on before it got to the pipes! EEK!)

blech! I hate snakes.
I was over at my parents house one time in the spring and her cat walks in the house and drops something on the floor. My mom and I realize it is a small snake. She literally jumped up and was standing in the chair.
The little bugger was starting to slither toward the couch so I reached down and grabbed it by the tail end and tossed it out the back door (it was open and was the door that cat dragged in in through).
It hit the patio, then coiled and stuck its little tail in the air and started shaking it. I felt instantly queasy as I realized that it was a baby rattle snake:eek: I am damn glad that I didn’t have hold of it long enough for it to bite me, I was also damn surprised that it didn’t bit the cat.

and this morning…

I found a freaking huge roach (over and inch in length) in the shower. It was dead [where is that barfy smiley when you need it] I guess it’s time to spray the outside of the doors and windows for bugs again…

on edit… sorry that your camera was stolen. That really sucks. :frowning:

I’ve got nothing against anything smaller than me, but I feel that if it doesn’t contribute to the rent, it’s got no business being in my apartment.

I have a salamander in my apartment at the moment. At least it looks like one. I have named him Squishy. I think he is more afraid of me than I am of him. I refuse to kill him. I don’t have an food left out so I figure he will go away on his own. And I am not finding droppings anywhere.

Come to Florida in the summer where a “freaking huge roach” can be 3 inches long, and they FLY (always, it seems, right toward your head).

Last year, we found a 3-foot rat snake in our kitchen. My roommate went to answer the phone one night, and as he picked up the receiver, the snake dropped off the kitchen counter onto the floor right beside him. Scared the hell out of him and his girlfriend. I was in another room and all I heard was my roommate yelling and cursing at the top of his lungs. When I ran into the kitchen, they were both standing on the table. I insisted on a catch-and-release effort, so we cornered the snake and used golf clubs to push him into a plastic bin. He was reluctant to do so, hissing and striking at our clubs. He was also shaking his tail just like a rattlesnake. After releasing it back into the wild, I had to call my mom and explain why when she called earlier all she heard was screaming and cursing and then a dead line.

Are they poisonous? Red-bellied watersnakes that is.

A few years ago I was in the full basment running a cable when a 2 and a half foot pine snake hissed and dropped down. I hate snakes and it was within a few inches of me. It took 10 years off my life, and then I chewed out the people that leave the ajoining basement’s door open sometimes. Somebody else had to finish pulling the cable through the 5 foot section that was full of pipes and bonus snakes.

I was walking on a trail in western NJ with my then gf/ now wife when I heard a distinct rattling sound. I froze and told my wife to do the same. She, never the out doors type anyway, stopped and asked why we were stopping. I shhh’d her and waited about 90 seconds (hoping that that was enough time for the snake to go on its way) before saying “Its just so beautiful here. I just wanted to take it all in.”

Didn’t work though. She never did go hiking with me again…

I like snakes. Especially pretty ones. I am throwing up a little in my mouth just thinking about it being ground up in a disposal. :o

Just this morning, after stumbling out of bed, down the hallway, and into the bathroom, I pulled open the shower curtain to find one of these scurrying around the tub. It’s hard to describe how repulsive I find these things. I’d say his body was an inch-and-a-half long, making him perhaps three inches from tip to tip.

I drowned him in the tub then used a big wad of paper towels to scoop him into the trash.

I didn’t tell my wife about it, because she would never take another shower.

Apparently not.

I’m with Kalhoun - snakes are cute. I can’t imagine smashing its head and putting him down the garbage disposal. Shame on you!

Spiders, on the other hand…

I’m sorry Kalhoun, I didn’t know what else to do with the body. I was pretty shaken. I don’t know how pretty it was, as it was trying to bite me even after I smooshed it.

Of course it was trying to bite you - you just stepped on its head!

I rather like snakes – at least, those that aren’t poisonous, don’t bite, and aren’t prone to giving you great big crushing bear hugs. I wouldn’t go so far as to say they’re cute, but they’re far from objectionable to me.

House centipedes, on the other hand, give me the screaming heebie-jeebies. I almost wish they didn’t 'cos they’re insectivores, so they eat the other creepy crawlies that might be roaming about your abode. It’s just that they themselves are the poster child for creepy crawly.


Poor baby snake. :frowning:

WHY do I click on links like this??? :::shudder:::

At least pimaspinner smashed its head first.

My brother didn’t take that preliminary step, when I spotted a small snake in our basement 35ish years ago. I saw what I thought was a coil of electrical wire on the floor, went to pick it up, and the “wire” moved. I’m not especially paranoid about snakes in general, but when one surprises me, I jump.

My brother was the closest thing to an Able-Bodied Human Male around (hint: pick 2 of those terms), so we called him to deal with the intruder. He later told us how he’d dealt with it :eek: Had I known what he planned, I’d have dealt with the damn thing myself. OK, maybe not… I was only 10 or so… but keee-rap!!! That was just cruel :mad: .

[John Lennon Voice]Instant Karma’s gonna get you![/JLV]