Afterlife Belief Poll

Afterlife Belief Poll (I repeated the poll questions below because some don’t fit in the poll question box.)

**1. I don’t believe in after life and I accept nothingness, ie, returning as elemental parts of Universe.

  1. I don’t believe in afterlife but I do wish there is something more.

  2. I don’t believe in afterlife but I fantasize: I think whatever you talk yourself into, though it may be a fantasy, until the moment you are no longer able to think, will be your afterlife… like a fairy tale.

  3. I’m not religious but I believe there’s afterlife whatever form it may be.

  4. I’m religious/I believe in God and I have faith in afterlife, heaven or hell.

  5. I’m not religious but I believe in reincarnation.

  6. I’m religious and I believe in reincarnation.

  7. I believe soul survives after body dies (don’t know where it goes or I have a theory).

  8. I’m still pondering about this and have no answer yet.

  9. I’m young and I’ll live forever. Only roses wilt and die.

  10. Other (Explain)**
    I’m actually #1 and #3. I don’t believe in afterlife but I secretly entertain, fantasize and construct a place in my mind.

What about you?


Pretty much #1. Although when a loved one passes, I’ll find myself wishing that they could get what they were expecting after death, even though I’m convinced to the core of my being that there is no life after death. So not quite #2, but close.

#2. But only if my consciousness can join a universal mind where I can know everything and have all mysteries solved. How did life arise on planet Earth? What happened to the Mary Celeste? When did consciousness arise in humans? Did Shakespeare write all his own stuff? How did language evolve? What killed the dinosaurs? Where did I leave my solid silver wizard pendant?

Wow, you want a lot. :stuck_out_tongue:

Though less than wanting a few more lives, actually… I think.

“I don’t believe in afterlife but I do wish there is something more” - provisionally. Some far future civilization using a variant of time travel to upload our minds before we die (Spider Robinson’s Lifehouse scenario); OK, that’s good. Our disembodied and insane minds end up floating in a sensory deprivation limbo until the end of time…not so good.

Longer than you think, Dad! Longer than you think!



I don’t know whether you read about my UFO encounter story. I actually saw this saucer come out of the cloud and back in, I swear. I often think it could be our descendants from the far future in those crafts… doing what I wouldn’t know… but perhaps they have plans for us. :slight_smile:

But then I sometimes think we are ungratefully greedy beings; think of all the lifeless stardust floating in Universe waiting in line for eons for some highly unlikely astronomical odds that they too may become a living thing, let alone a self-conscious intelligent living being. Here we are spoiled with our life span and “intelligence” yet obsessively wanting more than what we already miraculously have… urr… pardon me…just a mind-drift. :smiley:

#1 here. However, if you regard your loved ones’ memories of you and your genetic material being carried forward through your offspring as an “afterlife”, I may go for #4

<slight hijack>
It would, though, be interesting to see #1 vs. #2 broken down in age groups
</slight hijack>

I went with #1, but sometimes I waver a little towards #2 and #3. I accept being stardust and that this is a pretty cool thing in itself, but it’s fun to imagine what afterlives would be like if they existed. And sometimes I catch myself thinking I want an afterlife because I don’t want to leave here. I console myself with the knowledge that ultimately living forever would get to be really damn boring after a couple hundred years (cf. the Strulbrugs in Gulliver’s Travels). And that things are precious because they are rare and transitory.

I strongly believe there is no afterlife, but once in a while I like to amuse myself by imagining what kind of afterlife would be cool if there were such a thing, so I chose #3.

It’s a lot like thinking about what I’d do if I won the lottery; I know it’s impossible, but it is fun to plan out what I’d do with the money.


Be interesting to see how the general public results would compare to SD.

Where is it? I would like to read it.

Here we go, D: Your True Unexplainable/Ghost/UFO/Alien Stories thread. This is not my fault for bringing a zombie thread to the surface…

Number one.

#5 - all the way!!! :slight_smile:

I’m a 2.

There’s clearly no reason, other than just wanting it to be true, to believe in any religion, god, or afterlife.

But I wish there was a god who had our best interests at heart. Imagine a world where there were, at least a few, absolute truths to which everyone could glom on to.
Also, I find it depressing that in a group as, mostly, intelligent as this one that almost 10% give religion more than a passing nod.

I think death is like flipping off a light switch. “Click”, and we’re done. If I’m wrong about that, then I hope I make Valhalla. Think I have a shot–essentially one must be a warrior and die honorably.

Heaven is right out, as faith seems to be required for entry.

Hell is afraid I’ll take over, so that ain’t happening.

Reincarnation–meh. All of this has happened before, all of this will happen again seems more than a little pointless.

So yeah…worm food, or Valhalla.