Hi there, all. Carrie here…long time lurker. I’ve decided to register and post because this question has just been eating away at me, and I know you guys are a good source of honest, impartial, logical advice and opinions. Warning: this is probably going to get a lot longer than I intend for it to. Feel free to skip.
Okay…a little background. I dated this guy for about 5 months. Absolutely the worst relationship I’ve ever been in. Don’t want to go into a lot of long details, but here are a few highlights:
–He refused to even meet my family, even though he knew they are the most important thing in my life.
–He constantly sponged off me…somehow I ended up paying for EVERYTHING we did together.
–He lied, he lied, he lied. Constantly.
–He led me to believe he was divorced, when in fact he was only separated. When it finally came out in the fifth (and last!) month of our relationship, and I obviously got very upset, he said, “I thought you knew.” I mean, come on. You’d think that would be something he would remember telling me. “Oh, by the way…I’m married.” That’s not something you just “forget” to say.
–And here’s the kicker…the thing that FINALLY got my stupid ass to break up with him for good…he cheated on me. After I found out about the first girl, I found out that over the course of our relationship, there were actually FOUR other girls that he either had a fling with or at least tried to have a fling with. And those are just the ones I know about.
There was so much else wrong with this relationship, I couldn’t possibly put it all here. Suffice it to say, when I finally got out of it, I had lost 20 pounds, was put on anti-depressants, and went to see a psychiatrist for the first time in my life. That’s how bad this guy screwed me up.
We broke up about, oh, four months ago. It was very hard for me to break things off with him completely, because he was one of those guys who was very good with words…“I love you, I can’t live without you…can’t we at least be friends? I can’t live life without you in it, even if it’s just as friends.”
Like an idiot, I tried that “friends” thing. Didn’t work. It’s only been about two months that I’ve broken off contact with him completely, although he still sends me the occasional love poem via email, asking me to come back.
Okay, up to the present situation. (Still with me?) Last week, I was packing up my apartment. I discovered that I was missing a small stuffed lizard that my best friend had given to me. I loved that little lizard. And I remembered that I had loaned it to the asshole mentioned above to put on his computer at work, and had forgotten to get it back when everything went to hell.
Obviously, I want the lizard back, but I don’t want to confront this guy in any way. I don’t want any contact with him whatsoever.
So I come up with a plan…I’m friends with a guy who works at the same place the jerk does. He’s IS, he’s there at all kinds of weird hours, he has access to the entire office. So I ask him just to swipe the lizard off the jerk’s desk and bring it back to me. It’s not technically stealing, since after all the lizard does belong to me. The creep doesn’t know I had anything to do with it, I get my lizard back. Everybody’s happy.
For some reason, my IS friend decides just to ask him for the lizard. Auughh!! He refuses to give it over, tells my friend that he’ll get in contact with me and give it to me then. When I get home that day, I see from my caller ID that he’s tried to call me twice. He doesn’t try anymore, though, and I have yet to get the lizard back.
Next day, I come home to the following message on my answering machine from some girl: “You don’t know me, but I know you, and I just want you to know that I think you are an evil, mean-spirited, coldhearted bitch. I don’t know how you can look at yourself in the mirror and think you’re a good person. You’re such a f*ing bitch.”
It is definitely in reference to the lizard situation…I can’t think of anything else going on in my life that could possibly get some stranger to say things like that to me.
It upset me so badly…I was bawling for two hours after I listened to that. It just kills me that there is some strange girl out there who thinks these things about me, and I don’t even have the chance to defend myself. I have that horrible disease of wanting everybody to like me.
Okay, so my question is, do you think she’s right? I have to admit…part of the reason I wanted the lizard back had nothing to do with the fact that it was a present to me–I just didn’t want him to have it. And maybe I should have just asked him for it myself, or just let him keep it. He probably sees this as me trying to hurt him one last time.
Of course, I realize that you are only getting to hear my side of the story…but I’ve tried to be as honest about everything as possible…even my own motives.
Geez, this is long. Sorry about that. And reading back over this, I realize that I pretty much already know the answer to my question. But it’s helped me to write it out, and I’m curious to hear your comments, so I’m going to go ahead and post it anyway.